Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 540: the meaning of the rest of life

   Chapter 540 The meaning of the rest of your life

   "What about her?"

  Mo Yichen suddenly looked at Zeng Qing who was still lying on the ground not far away. The killing intent in her eyes just now was so obvious, she really wanted to kill Ranbao, how could he let her go?

   Guan Ting looked embarrassed, "Master Chen, Junior Sister Zeng is an elder of the Medical Dao Sect. She has made a lot of contributions to the martial arts world, and she has been appreciated by the President for her meritorious deeds many years ago..."

   Guan Ting said so much, just to express a meaning.

   Zeng Qing is not one of those ordinary disciples. The Medical Dao Sect will not give up on her, and Ye Chen will not be able to deal with her, otherwise, he will not be able to explain to the Martial Dao community and the president.

The corner of Mo Yichen's mouth moved slightly, and a sneer full of irony overflowed, "The merits and demerits are not equal, according to the meaning of the sect master, it is impossible for anyone who has made contributions to the martial arts world to be lawless and act arbitrarily. , as long as she doesn't actually kill anyone, can she treat all her attempted murders as child's play and jokes, and downplay it?"

   Guan Ting was startled, of course he didn't mean that.


"Zeng Qing is the elder of your Medical Dao Sect, but how many elders are there in the Medical Dao Sect? But Ranbao is my only one and the whole meaning of the rest of my life. Now, you are taking one of your N shares to come and make peace with you. My only comparison? Do you think a mere elder in your medical path is more important than the rest of my life, Mo Yichen?"

  Mo Yichen looked at Zeng Qing, his eyes were like ants, after Zeng Qing collided with his gaze, his body froze, and he subconsciously crawled back twice.

   She has never been so frozen by a look like today, feeling so close to death.

   Soon, a gust of wind came over. Zeng Qing only felt that the whole person was enveloped by a strong force and could not break free. Then, a sharp pain occurred from the dantian and gradually spread to the whole body.

   Zeng Qing's pupils shrank, finally understanding Mo Yichen's purpose.

   He wants to abolish her cultivation!

   "No! Lord Chen, you can't do this!"

   Guan Ting and the others were also surprised, and quickly pleaded, "Master Chen, please be merciful. If Junior Sister Zeng's cultivation is abolished, it will be too cruel for her, and she will be worse off than death."

   Elder Xu turned to look at Zuo Qiu Ran who had been watching the play. He felt that instead of begging Lord Chen, it would be better to ask for Lord Chen's fiancee.

"This young lady, saving one's life is worse than building a seventh-level pagoda, and what Junior Sister Zeng did just now was just because she had a bit of true feelings for that little medicine boy and couldn't bear him to become what he is now, so she lost her mind, not to mention Zeng Zeng. Junior sister didn't really hurt you, but she herself was injured, why not..."

Before Elder Xu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zuo Qiuran. She smiled lightly, her eyes were clear, her head was tilted, she was a little ignorant and innocent, as if she was really a girl who didn't care about the world. I don't understand what Elder Xu said.

   However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he slapped Elder Xu several times in the face, making a slap in the face.

"You mean, as long as I'm fine, what she's done can't be counted? If that's the case, then I'll invite a few killers to go around your house every day and use knives to dangle your wife and children's necks. Twice, don't worry, if you don't kill them, just make a gesture and leave, you didn't hurt them anyway, so you shouldn't have seen them, okay?"

   Elder Xu was stunned for a moment, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes, he felt that Zuo Qiuran was a little unreasonable, but I didn't expect that Lord Chen would actually like such a woman, really...

   (end of this chapter)

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