Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 522: Ephedra fruit

   Chapter 522 Ephedra Fruit

  When Mo Yichen received the encrypted email from Zuo Qiuran and saw the new DNA test report, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he could finally climb out of the Yellow River and clean himself up.

   "That's great sir, this subordinate will go to prepare the car, and go with you to pick up the second lady."

   Mo Yi also saw the email, and was immediately overjoyed. The second Miss was not here for the past two days, and the whole person was like a moving time bomb, or the one wrapped in ice, which could freeze people without blowing them up.

However, Mo Yichen was sitting still, with his eyelids slightly drooping, with a very aggrieved look and tone, "Ran Bao said that he would take the plan and find out who was behind the scenes, so he won't come back for the time being, nor will he Let me find her."

   Mo Yi: "..."

   Lord, what kind of trouble are you trying to make with your resentful husband?

   This doesn't fit your personality, have you forgotten how ruthless you were when you were training us?

"Master, what happened this time is obviously a game designed by someone against you and the second lady. Although we don't know the purpose yet, my subordinates will definitely find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible, so that you and the second lady can find out. Reunite early."

   Mo Yichen turned his head and glanced at him, "Why don't you go quickly?"


   Zuo Qiu Ran and Mo Yichen's forces investigated at the same time, and soon after, they locked the position of Mo Guoxing.

   An abandoned factory in the southern suburbs, Mo Yichen brought Mo Yi and others here early.

"Master, this used to be a pharmaceutical factory. It suddenly closed down for some unknown reason a few years ago. It used to belong to the Medical Daomen. However, according to the investigation of the subordinates, there are cars entering and leaving this factory every once in a while, all of which are closed. Very good boxed goods, the license plate is different every time, so it is still uncertain whether it is the same group of people." This is the result of Mo Qi's investigation.

   Mo Yichen waved his hand, Mo Yi, Mo San, and Mo Qi led three teams, surrounded the factory in three directions, and sneaked in.

   And Mo Yichen himself entered from the main entrance with Mo Wu and others.

  The factory is very large, and there are several abandoned cars parked in the yard that seem to have not been driven for many years. There is an office building and three workshops. The layout is very clear.

   "Master, this factory is not abandoned. It has been produced recently." Mo Wu stood in the yard and shrugged his nose. Although the smell of medicine in the air was very weak, he could still smell it.

   Since it is a factory that has been abandoned for many years, it is impossible to have the smell of medicine. There is a problem with this factory.

   "Go to the factory."

  Three workshops, each of which has found traces of recent use, not once or twice.

  Mo Wu found a little drug residue on the assembly line, put it under his nose and smelled it, "Ephedra fruit?"

   "What is that?" Mo Yi asked.

Mo Wu spit out the **** of the ephedra fruit he had tasted in his mouth, and then explained, "Ephedra fruit is a very rare fruit, and it can be extracted into an ingredient that is close to the medicinal effect of ephedrine. But once the measurement cannot be controlled, it can numb people's nerves and confuse people's minds. I heard the master say that the body of the medicine man discovered in the Beijia that year has the ingredients of this ephedra fruit."

   Medicine man?

  Mo Yichen frowned tightly, "If three factories use ephedra fruit to make medicinal materials at the same time, how many ephedra fruit will be needed?"

  Mo Wu didn't even think about it, he shook his head, "This is impossible, ephedra fruit is extremely rare and difficult to pick, how could it be possible to supply the production capacity of the three factories?"

   (end of this chapter)

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