Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 523: Discover Mo Guoxing

   Chapter 523 Discovering Mo Guoxing

   "What if it was artificially planted?"

   Mo Yichen looked at Mo Wu and asked, "Can ephedra fruit be grown in large quantities?"

  This question, Mo Wu did not think of it, "It can be, but the seeds of ephedra are even more rare, and it is not easy to feed..."

   "There are not a few people who can create miracles in this world." Mo Yichen looked at Mo Qi again, "Your informant said that they saw Mo Guoxing here a week ago?"

  Mo Qi nodded, "That's right, and he also said that Mo Guoxing has never been seen again."

   "Everyone forms two teams, search!"

  Mo Yichen's decision was also out of safety considerations. According to Ye Qi, the situation in which Mo Guoxing was rescued that day was very strange, and the other party's cultivation was unfathomable.

   Sure enough, Mo Yichen's choice was right, because just when Mo Yi and Mo Qi brought people to the second factory and found a basement, they were attacked when they were about to enter.

   "Mo Qi be careful!"

   Mo shouted, and Mo Qi also took precautions in time, so that he was not hurt by that strong qi. Just as he was about to fight back, he found that the man was torn with another.

   "Second Miss?!"

   Seeing Zuo Qiuran here, Mo Yi and Mo Qi were both shocked.

   However, what shocked them even more was that the face of the person who fought with Zuo Qiuran was actually Mo Guoxing!

   "When did his kung fu become so powerful?" Mo Yi was puzzled.

  Mo Guoxing is an outlier in the Mo family, with low talent, poor brains, and a cultivation base that is not as good as an ordinary guard in the Mo family, but just now, the powerful energy he wielded was able to shake Mo Qidu away.

   "Protect Second Miss!" Mo Qi ordered to Mo Wei who was behind him, and then looked at Mo Yi, "Send a signal to Master."

At this moment, Zuo Qiuran and Mo Guoxing had already moved from the first floor to the second floor. Neither of them had weapons, but they were still fighting very fiercely. Every time they collide, an invisible airflow can be formed in the void, and people with obvious perception can even detect the vibration of space.

  Mo Yichen sensed Zuo Qiuran's existence when he saw Mo Yi's signal and brought people over on the way.

   Ever since he was infused with Zuo Qiu Ran's soul power, every time he was close to her, he felt this way, as if he had a consonance in his heart, and at the same time, it seemed to be the traction of his soul.

With a flash of   , Mo Yichen left Mo Wu and the others behind, rushed into the factory building, found Zuo Qiuran with the fastest speed, and immediately joined the battle.

   "Don't use internal strength, there is something wrong with his martial arts." Zuo Qiuran reminded.

   At this time, Mo Yichen had already waved a palm wind towards Mo Guoxing, and it was too late to withdraw his internal strength.

In the next second, he found that the internal force in his palm hit Mo Guoxing's body, just like injecting chicken blood into him, making him more excited and more powerful, and even the speed was accelerated. many.

   This discovery made Mo Yichen's expression a lot more solemn. He knew the most about his unreliable father, and it was impossible for him to have such a strange and unpredictable ability.

   What's more, after he appeared, Mo Guoxing's expression did not change in the slightest, as if he was a completely irrelevant stranger, his eyes were indifferent and a little empty, obviously something was wrong.

   "Uncle, use your soul power to control him first." Zuo Qiuran reminded him.

  Mo Yichen nodded, and the two cooperated left and right, finally restraining Mo Guoxing and temporarily sealing his cultivation.

   (end of this chapter)

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