Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 521: was exploited

   Chapter 521 was taken advantage of


   "My lord, are you all right?"

   Ji Min and the others couldn't care about anything else and broke into the laboratory directly.

Inside   , all kinds of glassware were shattered and an unknown liquid was flowing.

  Only Xie Lang knows that those are all potions that the Lord has studied for a long time, and they are only successful in the last step. Once they are made public, they will cause a sensation in the medical world, and even the entire martial arts world.

   But now, it was destroyed by the Lord himself.

   How angry do you have to be to ignore it like this?

   "Lord, what's the matter with you?" Ying Wan walked over to Zuo Qiuran and asked softly.

   Zuo Qiuran threw a piece of paper directly on the desk.

   It was a newly released DNA map report. No pair of chromosomes matched, which meant that the child had absolutely no blood relationship with Mo Yichen.

The    report was passed on in the hands of several people, and everyone's faces turned solemn.

   "How is this possible? Because the Lord is involved in this matter, so I did the DNA test myself, and there can be no mistakes." Xie Lang looked incredulous.

   With his ability, it is impossible to get even a small DNA test wrong.

   is so wrong.

   "Then what if there is a problem with the blood sent?"

   Wen Wenqian said suddenly.

  Xie Lang looked at Ying Wan at this time, "Xiao Wan, you brought the blood sample back at that time, think about it, did anything happen on the way, is it possible that someone has given it away?"

  Should be held under the gaze of a few pairs of eyes, trying hard to recall, suddenly, the eyes lit up and remembered something.

   "I remembered, not far after I drove out of Mo's house, an old woman suddenly fell in the middle of the road. I almost hit her, so I got out of the car and helped her up and asked if she was okay."

   Finally found a breakthrough. Zuo Qiuran was more eager than anyone else and asked quickly, "What about the blood sample? Where was the blood sample at that time?"

   "In the car..." Ying rolled his eyes and stared, "Could it be that at that time, someone dropped the bag?"

   Thinking that because of his negligence, there was a misunderstanding between the Lord and Chen Ye, and maybe they would break up, Ying Wan's heart was filled with guilt.

   "My lord, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I was careful enough, I wouldn't be taken advantage of."

Zuo Qiu Ran shook his head, "This is something someone else has designed a long time ago. You defended it the first time, but not the second time. Xie Lang, did you have any blood samples left from the last DNA test? "


   Xie Lang hurriedly went to get it.

   Zuo Qiuran immediately conducted another experiment, and various data proved that one of the blood samples was indeed Mo Yichen's.

"This DNA belongs to Lord Chen, what about the other one? The atlas will not be faked. The DNA of that blood sample is indeed a father-son relationship with Lord Chen. Could it be that he has other children outside?" Ying smiled puzzled.

  Wen Wenqian thought of a problem that had been ignored by them.

   "Master, your subordinates remember that you once said that Chen Ye's father was rescued in the special dispatch department, and his whereabouts are still unknown?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, "You suspect that the blood sample sent for the first time was from Mo Guoxing?"

   In this way, it explains why the DNA test results show a father-son relationship.

   "Check! Even if you rummage through the entire imperial capital and dig three feet into the ground, you will also find Mo Guoxing for me!" Zuo Qiuran ordered sharply.

   (end of this chapter)

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