Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 240: That head is so round

   Chapter 240 This head is really round

   So ugly!

   Even Shangguan Mei thought so.

   However, the nightmare did not end there, the ghost picked her up and dodged outside.

   Speeding forward in midair, Shangguan Mei could even feel the chill on her head, and she felt very insecure.

   Soon, she finally knew what the ghost was going to do.

   She was hung at the gate of Zuoqiu's house, and the two guards at the door stared at her in disbelief, motionless.

   Shangguan was so charming that she wanted to scold people and call someone to save her, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make any sound or break through the sealed acupoint.

   "Haha." Suddenly, Ghost Ying laughed, very strangely, a little creepy, causing Shangguan Mei and the two guards to get goosebumps.

   "Don't worry, I won't kill you. This time I'm just giving you a small lesson. Remember not to hook up with people who don't belong to you in the future."

   The ghost figure was about to float away, but suddenly his eyes fell on Shangguan Mei's chest, his head tilted slightly, as if he was curious, and seemed to have found a new toy.

   "Your boobs... have you spent a lot of money?"

   Shangguan Mei's eyes were full of fear, she didn't know what the ghost was going to do to her, she only knew that it wouldn't be a good thing, she wanted to shake her head, and even wanted to beg for mercy, but she couldn't do anything.


   She clearly ate the green silk fruit and refined the alchemy furnace, so why should she be controlled by others!


  bang bang bang bang!

   The ghost figure punched and kicked Shangguan Mei's chest for a while, each time hitting the same spot. Because Shangguan Mei was hanging there, from a distance, it looked like a sandbag, swaying back and forth.

"You're not good, don't move, otherwise it will hurt even more." Ghost Ying spoke again, still in a very strange tone, Shangguan Mei felt that the voice was a bit familiar, but in this case, her mind was not at her command, thinking about it. Can't get up who.


  In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into Wuqing City, there were many morning exercisers on the street.

  This is a town with ancient martial arts civilization. Nine out of ten people practice martial arts. Many people choose to practice and exercise in the early morning, but today, when they passed by Zuoqiu's house, they all stopped.

   "My God, who is this big bald head? I saw it from far away, this head is really round on a horse."

   "Tsk tsk, what new tricks are the Zuoqiu family playing? Hanging people here, are they implementing new family laws?"

   "What family method is so inhuman... No, look at this person's face, why do I look so familiar?"

   "It's the head of the Zuoqiu family!" Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

   One sentence reminded everyone, yes, isn't this face the head of the Zuoqiu family who just announced to be an alchemist?

   "Huh? What's the matter with her breasts? Why is one high and the other low, one big and the other small?"

   "Pfft, wouldn't it be Long?"

   "Cut, I complimented her on her good figure before, but her feelings are all fake."

   "Shh, keep your voice down, don't you see their guards standing at the door? You can't trouble us even if you hear them?"

   "Are you stupid? You can tell by the look of the guard that he was tapped for acupuncture points. Otherwise, why would they let their master hang there to make a fool of himself and do nothing?"

   Xu is too lively here, the sound reached Zuoqiu's house, and soon, the door of Zuoqiu's house opened, Ying Wan led the people to let Shangguan Mei down at the fastest speed, and closed the door again.

   (end of this chapter)

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