Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 241: good person card

   Chapter 241 Good Person Cards

The Zuoqiu family has lost all face this time. The dignified patriarch has his head shaved and his chest beaten. He hangs at the door of his house to show the public. The identity of the alchemist that Shangguan Mei has just created has not only failed to gain everyone's attention. Respect, but became the laughing stock of the whole city.

There were even storytellers in the teahouse who made this into a joke, which caused the business to explode in the teahouse, and the boss grinned happily, thinking that Zuoqiu’s family has really helped him make a lot of money recently, and his wife is already full of money. By Zuoqiu's house.

   Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen were also in the teahouse at this time, drinking tea, eating cakes, and listening to jokes, very comfortable.

   Mo Yi was already paralyzed with laughter. He covered his stomach and lay on Mo Qi's shoulders. His eyes were wet with physiological tears.

   Mo Qi's ears moved, and his whole body stiffened, but he still didn't move his body, and even supported Mo Yi's waist with one hand, for fear that he would fall down with a smile.

   Mo Yichen looked at Zuo Qiuran with a smile on his face, his eyes full of doting, "Why cut her hair?"

   Zuo Qiuran blinked and took a sip of tea, "It's too long and dirty. The dandruff was thrown on my shrimp yesterday, which affected my mood to eat shrimp."

   "Then...cough, where is it?" Mo Yichen asked again.

   "You're talking about boobs? It's too fake. I'm just helping her get back to her original state. I'm helping her." Zuo Qiuran looked at how good I was and didn't like to praise me.

   Mo Yi, who had just stopped smiling, laughed again, lying on top of Mo Qi, his shoulders shrugged, "Second Miss, why don't you flatten her on both sides? Still have one?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran shook his hand, "It's too tiring, she's so hard, my hand hurts."

   Mo Qi supported Mo Yi, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice, who could believe such an excuse?

   The next second, Mo Yichen's voice sounded.

   "Hands hurt? Show me."

  The big hand held the small hand, looked carefully, and moved gently, "Next time, let Mo Yimoqi and the others do this kind of physical work, you just need to tell me, don't tire yourself out."

   "Hmm." Zuo Qiuran nodded, "It's better to be uncle."

   Mo Yi couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed out loud again, this time, even Mo Qi was confused when he laughed, and asked with his eyes, what is so funny?

Mo Yi laughed for a while, and then said in Mo Qi's ear: "Didn't you realize that the second lady always sends a good card to our grandfather? I bet you, it is harder for grandpa to hold a beautiful woman than to go to heaven. ."

When he spoke, the heat sprayed into Mo Qi's ears, and the itchy Mo Qi wanted to reach out and scratch, but he couldn't move. This feeling spread quickly, making half of his body crispy, and the blush quickly covered the whole body. ear.


   At this time, at Zuoqiu's house, Shangguan Mei locked herself in the room and smashed everything that could be smashed into a smash.

   She thought of Sun Shuyi. In the past, her mother was by her side to advise her, but now...

   Dong Dong Dong!

   There was a knock on the door.

   "Get out!" Shangguan Mei roared.

   A chorus of voices from outside sounded, "Patriarch, it's me."

   The anger on Shangguan Mei's face subsided, and she called Ying Wan to come in.

  Ying pulls several wigs in his hands, in various lengths and colors, "Homeowner, do you see these?"

  Shangguan Mei tried one by one in front of the mirror, and the more she tried, the more irritable she became.

"get out!"

   She kicked Ying Bang out, then locked the door, walked to the bed, and opened a secret room.

   I'm so hot here, how about you

   (end of this chapter)

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