Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 239: weak weak woman

   Chapter 239 Weak and Weak Woman

  Mo Yichen put the freshly peeled shrimp into Zuo Qiuran's bowl again, then wiped his hands, and then raised his head, his eyes were full of coldness and deep impatience.

   "Zuo Qiuhan, you were not so blind in the past, remember that you are the head of an aristocratic family, don't always be like a shrew in the market, too cheap."

   Mo Yichen's words made her more uncomfortable than slapped Shangguan Mei a few times.

   She tried so hard to get close to Lord Chen, but Lord Chen said she was a shrew in the market?

"Master Chen, I, I'm an alchemist now. Look, this is the medicinal pill that I made. It is very helpful for your legs." With that, Shangguan Mei put a bottle with medicinal pills on it. In front of Mo Yichen.

"When I enter the Medical Dao Sect, I can learn more, I will definitely find a way to completely cure your leg, and my identity as an alchemist can also bring the Mo family to a higher level, then... …”

   Shangguan Mei's imaginary grand blueprint ended in Mo Yichen's frosty eyes.

"When did my Mo family need external force to raise my status?" In Mo Yichen's eyes, in addition to the frightening frost, there was also full of disdain, "If you want to marry into the Mo family, you must protect my Mo family. House rules, just keep yourselves safe."

  Shangguan Mei looked embarrassed, "I said the wrong thing. With the power of the Mo family, I don't need it. What about this pill?"

   Mo Yichen just wanted to tell her to take it away, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his mind, "Leave it."

Shangguan Mei's dangling heart finally fell back to its original position. Lord Chen's willingness to use her medicine pill shows that he trusts her. The reason why he is so indifferent to her now should be due to his personality, and yes, he has been in the army for so many years. , All the tough guys he comes into contact with, how does he know how to get along with women? It would be good for her to teach him after they got married.

  Shangguan Mei left with a smile on her face, obviously she forgot that she had witnessed how Mo Yichen treated Zuo Qiuran tenderly and considerately, and she also forgot why she just broke into the private room angrily.

   Zuo Qiuran stopped eating shrimp, wiped his mouth, picked up Garfield, glanced at the medicine bottle on the table, and said in a tone that was almost sarcastic, "Lord Chen's peach blossoms are very prosperous."

   Mo Yichen caught the smile in Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes, and knew that she was not angry and a little helpless, "Just this one, it's not mine, even if it is, I'll be waiting for you to cut it."

   Zuo Qiu Ran raised his hand and looked left and right, "How can a weak and weak woman like me be able to chop?"

Ji Min, who was at the door, heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. He had followed the master for so many years, and he had never seen the master like this. Looking back on what had happened these days, it seemed that only when he was with Master Chen, the master would be better. popular.

   That night, at Zuoqiu's house, Shangguan Mei's room.


  The strong wind blew her doors and windows open, and then, a dazed shadow floated in.

   Shangguan Mei, who was about to fall asleep, was startled and sat up abruptly, seeing a ghostly figure floating in the air.

   "Ghost!" Shangguan Mei shouted, but found that after only one shout, she could no longer make a sound.

   Not only that, but she couldn't move her whole body, as if she had been tapped on acupuncture points.

   Then, she squinted her eyes and watched the ghost approaching her.


   Ghost Shadow took a large pair of scissors and cut off all her long, deliberately maintained hair, and then shaves and shaves against her scalp.

   In front of her was a mirror, and she could clearly see that she had turned into a bald head.

   (end of this chapter)

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