The middle-aged demon king bowed to the mirror and said, “Magic mirror, magic mirror, can this boy join my demon sect?”

As soon as these words came out, the magic mirror shone brightly, and mysterious rules flowed. Some scenes of Li Yuan in the human world began to appear on the mirror.

Seeing this, Li Yuan immediately mobilized the Mi Tian Fu to filter out the more sensitive information.

Although the magic mirror is magical, it obviously cannot reflect the information covered by the Mi Tian Fu.

But think about it, if there is really a supreme being who has set his sights on the Six Desires Demon Sect, no one dares to stop him.

Soon, the picture flickered and arrived at the Origin Continent.

Then the two demon kings saw the scene where Li Yuan almost killed the half-step celestial beast with one move.

They were shocked. Is this the strength of the newly ascended?

It is worthy of being a genius who can ascend to the Origin Continent.

The mirror began to show the scene of Deng Yutang and others trying to accept Li Yuan as a disciple.

But at this point, the picture was already very blurry, and mosaics kept blocking the key information.

Li Yuan thought in his heart, it seems that the Golden Immortal’s own secret is already strong enough.

As Deng Yutang fell into the Fuhuan formation, the picture became even more blurred, almost black.

It was like a black and white TV with a signal cut off, and occasionally some mosaic pictures would flash.

However, it was vaguely recognizable that there were strong men fighting for life and death.

The middle-aged Demon Lord glanced at Honglian, his expression was a little inexplicable.

Obviously, this boy was actually an ascender, and had been taken away by an Immortal Lord.

But something went wrong halfway and was intercepted by Honglian.

Honglian probably used special means to block the secret.

The unlucky Immortal Lord has probably turned into ashes.

This kind of thing is also a common thing in the Demon Sect, and he was too lazy to pay attention to it.

He looked at the huge square mirror, and saw that a foot-sized Taoist text finally appeared on it.


This is exactly the meaning of the Taoist text.

At the same time, a talisman instantly entered Li Yuan’s body, which was the identity talisman.

However, unlike Honglian, it is in a semi-transparent state.

The Demon Lord nodded upon seeing this, and took Li Yuan to another hall.

He formed seals with his hands, and there was an amazing Dao essence on a mural hanging on the wall.

In an instant, the mural glowed, and it became a little different.

The figure in the painting seemed to come alive and had spirit.

He looked at Li Yuan with bright eyes.

The middle-aged Demon Lord explained: “This is the Wanxiang God and Demon Picture. Take a look and see if you can find the secret in it.”

Li Yuan nodded and looked at the mural with concentration.

At the same time, Honglian’s voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

“If you can see above the seventh level, if he asks you later, tell him that you can only see the seventh level.”

Li Yuan was puzzled, but his face remained calm and he continued to observe.

On the Wanxiang God and Demon Picture, it seemed that a figure came from the air, performing many means and performing magical powers.

In the end, he turned into a huge willow tree, which was very lifelike.

Li Yuan was surprised that the person who was performing the magic power was actually a form-changing magic power.

He was also quite intelligent and soon realized that this magic power was extraordinary. Once it was truly cultivated, it could change into a thousand forms, and even the essence of the aura would be completely changed.

However, the figure seemed to be only demonstrating the fur, and there was no real method of cultivation.

It could be seen faintly that although the appearance was willow, the spirit and soul were flawed.

Even he could see the flaws of this willow, let alone other strong men?

He wanted to see it clearly, staring at the figure who was performing the magic power.

However, soon, the picture changed, and he seemed to have entered another world.

At the same time, the figure reappeared, and the magic power he performed was even more exquisite.

Li Yuan saw this and immediately understood what Honglian meant.

He watched carefully, and as the figure performed the magic power, this time it turned into a golden and silver divine flower.

This time, it was more realistic, with both form and spirit, as if it were real.

But he could still see through that the golden and silver divine flowers were not real plants.

With the experience from last time, he focused his mind on the flaws and soon fell into the third world.

This time, the magical power displayed by the figure was even more mysterious. If Li Yuan didn’t pay attention, he would really be fooled.

He focused his mind and felt it carefully, and soon fell into another world.

Layer after layer, more and more mysterious.

Not long after, he successfully entered the seventh world.

At this time, the magical power displayed by the figure was so amazing that even Li Yuan couldn’t find the flaw for a while.

He clearly saw the figure use his magical power to turn into a demon, but he couldn’t find the flaw.

According to Honglian, this Wanxiang Shenmotu must have more than seven layers.

But he could only see the seventh layer.

Is this his limit?However, this body is just an ordinary thought, and the true god is still in the void space.

In this case, it’s not too much to temporarily hang up, right?

In the void space, Li Yuan’s true body interprets the law of time, envelopes itself, and constantly repeats the movements of the figure to interpret magical powers.

Time passes around you thousands of times in an instant.

The outside world is just a stick of incense, and nearly a hundred years have passed in the void space.

Although there is no way to cultivate supernatural powers, in the past hundred years, he still found the slightest flaw by corroborating the images in the map of gods and demons.

The body transformed by Li Yuan’s thoughts looked at the flaw, immediately saw through the illusion, and entered the eighth world.

This time, the magical power performed by the figure was extremely real. With his understanding, even if he saw it with his own eyes, it would be impossible to see through it.

However, he has always been careful about not having enough understanding and time to make up for it.

Now that he has mastered the law of time, he can completely accelerate time.

Around them, the middle-aged Demon Lord and Hong Lian saw that Li Yuan was still immersed in the picture of gods and demons, and did not disturb him.

As long as it does not exceed twelve hours, it is not considered a failure.

In the void space, the law of time was almost pushed to the extreme by Li Yuan.

Time was distorted, but it left no trace on him.

Three thousand years passed by in a blink of an eye, and Li Yuan finally caught a glimpse of this major flaw, and only more than an hour had passed since the outside world.

He looked at the flaw and finally successfully entered the ninth level.

This time, the figure suddenly transformed into Li Yuan.

Everything is lifelike, whether it is cultivation or aura, they are exactly the same, and they even have the same soul.

However, what changes is change after all. Li Yuan’s true body runs the law of time in the void space, trying to deduce the flaws of this magical power.

But this time, it was obviously more difficult. Even though it took 20,000 years, there was still no flaw found.

Even he has some doubts. Is there really no flaw in this magical power?

No, he quickly rejected this speculation in his mind.

No matter how mysterious the magical power is, it is impossible for one person to completely replace another person.

At least in his opinion, no real change can occur in fate or luck.

Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

He withdrew his mind from the diagram of all things gods and demons, and at the same time, a purple spiritual light penetrated directly into his body and merged with his identity sigil.

Li Yuan suppressed the doubts in his heart and looked at the middle-aged demon king.

The middle-aged Demon Lord’s eyes narrowed upon seeing this, and he immediately said: “What world have you seen?”

“The seventh level!”

Li Yuan quickly showed an anxious expression.

The middle-aged demon king suddenly felt a little regretful when he heard this.

Although Qizhong was good, he was only passable and not worthy of his friendship.

Sure enough, not all ascended ones can be as perverted as Wang Li.

But this is the person Guren likes, and it has nothing to do with him.

Honglian’s expression also showed a look of pity, but her heart was full of expectations.

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