The middle-aged Demon Lord smiled lightly and said: “It’s not bad. At least he has the qualifications of a Demon Lord. Just follow me!”

He didn’t take it too seriously. There were many people who had the qualifications of a Demon Lord, but there were very few who eventually became a Demon Lord.

This time, Li Yuan was brought to a huge heavenly palace.

There is a huge sculpture on the spacious Temple of Heaven.

It was a strong man with the head of a dragon and the body of a man.

Although it is a sculpture, it still gives people a feeling that they are afraid to look directly at it.

The middle-aged Demon Lord looked respectful and bowed to the sculpture three times before saying to Li Yuan: “This is my Lord of Desire, Quan Demon Heaven. If you burn incense and swear an oath to Lord Desire, you will truly join our Quan Demon Lord.” “Motian.”

Li Yuan nodded, stepped forward respectfully, and lit three sticks of sacred incense.

The divine fragrance curls up, surrounded by the mysterious Tao Yun, and sinks into the eyebrows of the dragon sculpture.

For a moment, the world seemed darker.

There are terrifying eyes cast from the void, as if they want to see through time and space and defeat fate.

Li Yuan saw that a terrifying existence seemed to have awakened, sitting in the ninth heaven, overlooking countless immortals and demons, controlling the fate of all lives, just like a godless king.

At this moment, Li Yuan felt that everything about him had been seen through, and there was nothing left to hide.

He is like the master of fate, and nothing can be hidden.

Li Yuan even had a terrible impulse in his heart to tell all the secrets.

Fortunately, the black lenses moved slightly, quietly bringing him back to reality.

Li Yuan was shocked, is this the power of the Demon Emperor?

Just the gaze of a sculpture actually gave him an unspeakable fear.

At this moment, this shadow is like the master of the world and cannot be looked directly at.

If it weren’t for Di Jiu’s Heavenly Talisman, all his secrets might not be hidden and would be directly exposed.

If it weren’t for the black lenses, he would even take the initiative to leak the secret.

Li Yuan kept his mind and began to take the oath according to the instructions of the middle-aged demon king.

Fortunately, no accident happened in the end. A little spiritual light condensed in the void and sank into the center of his eyebrows.

His talisman changed again and turned red as blood, which was very magical.

Seeing this, the middle-aged Demon Lord nodded and said: “Okay, now you have truly joined me, Quan Motian, and I will not interfere with the rest. Your master will naturally tell you!”

Li Yuan nodded and thanked the Demon Lord.

It wasn’t until the demon had left that Honglian sent a message to ask: “How many worlds did you see through just now?”

Li Yuan thought for a moment and then responded: “I was lucky enough to see the ninth world.”

Regarding Honglian, he had no intention of hiding his clumsiness. If he was not qualified enough, wouldn’t it be difficult to attract Honglian’s attention?

When Hong Lian heard this, the red light in her eyes flashed, revealing a look of shock.

Are all ascendants so defiant?

She immediately asked: “Did you really see the ninth level?”

Li Yuan was very satisfied with Honglian’s expression and said with some anxiety: “Of course it is true. The figure in the ninth world turned into a disciple. It’s a pity that he can no longer see through it!”

Hearing this, Honglian couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Although I thought this kid might be a bit different, I unexpectedly underestimated him.

No wonder this boy was able to comprehend the original power while still in the human world.

Li Yuan looked confused and asked humbly: “Master, is the ninth level good or bad?”

Hong Lian was a little silent, staring at Li Yuan, and said quietly: “The All-Seeing Gods and Demons Map only has nine levels of heaven and earth in total, and there are only a few people in the entire Quan Yu Tian who can see through the ninth level of heaven and earth in one day.”

She looked incomprehensible, originally she only planned to train a subordinate.

At this time, Li Yuan actually saw through the ninth world, and she immediately planned to change her mind.

Being able to directly see through the ninth level of heaven and earth shows that you have the talent of Da Luo.

Although having the talent of Da Luo does not mean that one will definitely be able to cultivate Da Luo, but at least there is a chance.

She began to plan to train this Chonglou as a true direct disciple.

However, everyone in the Demon Sect is cruel and ruthless, especially the Six Desire Demon Sect, who is the best among them.

I dare not say 100%, but at least 99% of the Six Desire Demon Sect are unscrupulous people.

And if you want to be in a high position, if you want to cultivate the supreme scriptures, you must be kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and friendship with the same disciples is even more important.

After glancing at Li Yuan, Honglian grabbed Li Yuan and disappeared directly.

Soon, she took Li Yuan away from Youmingtian and returned to Quanmotian.

She told Li Yuan: “The Dark Heaven is mainly a world where criminals are imprisoned, and the environment is the worst; while the Quanyu Heaven is the residence of ordinary disciples; as for Demon Lords and above, they generally live in the Desire Heaven.”

Li Yuan nodded, and along the way, he felt that the Six Desire Demon Sect was not only strict in rules, but also hierarchical.

He asked: “Where should this disciple go to practice now?”

Although he has joined the Six Desires Demon Sect, one side of DaqianThe world is vast.

And there are three thousand worlds here. If an ordinary true immortal wants to leave here, he may not be able to fly out for the rest of his life.

Guren asked back: “What color is your talisman?”

Li Yuan replied: “Red!”

Honglian nodded and said: “It is exactly as I expected. The red color means that you are already a core disciple of our Six Desire Demon Sect. In this world of power and desire, you can find any land to open a dojo.”

Li Yuan asked curiously: “Do the core disciples have a high status?”

Honglian chuckled and said: “Here, the Desire Master is the highest status, followed by many Demon Kings, and below that is the Demon Lord, who belongs to the real high-level of the Power Desire system.

Under the Demon Lord, the highest status is the core disciples, followed by the inner disciples, and the last is the outer disciples.

For those of us who desire power, like the Demon King, identity is the most important, and strength is secondary.

With your status, as long as you provoke an outer disciple, life or death is entirely up to you. As for the inner disciples, as long as they are not beaten to death, that will be fine. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly thought deeply. It seems that identity is more important than strength here.

Even if he is an immortal, as long as he is not a core disciple, he is still inferior to him.

Of course, if you accidentally offend someone with a higher status, the situation may be very bad.

He asked carefully: “Then if I offend the Demon King, wouldn’t it mean that my death was in vain if I was beaten to death?”

Honglian glared at him and snorted: “Why are you provoking the Demon King when you have nothing to do? Remember that in the Demon Sect, you must learn to bully the weak and be afraid of the strong, make plans before taking action, be low-key, and stay out of other people’s business.”

The corner of Li Yuan’s mouth twitched, and he nodded quickly to show that he kept it in mind.

Honglian continued: “As a core disciple, after joining the sect, you are eligible to choose a suitable peerless technique for free.”

“Peerless Kung Fu?”

Li Yuan was shocked when he heard this.

“Yes, but although the peerless skills are powerful, they are also extremely obscure and difficult to cultivate. I suggest that you consider practicing the peerless skills after you are promoted to a heavenly immortal.”

Li Yuan didn’t take Hong Lian’s words to heart at all, and it would take who knows how many years to reach immortality.

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