The speed of the Golden Immortal is really astonishing, not to mention the fact that an incomparably powerful Golden Immortal like Hong Lian can forcefully tear open the space, and the speed is not at all faster than his seven steps to the sky.

But even so, it took more than an hour for the two of them to return to the Six Desire Demon Sect.

What caught Li Yuan’s eyes was just a prosperous mortal country.

Of course, the mortals here are only relative. Even ordinary mortals who have never practiced have great strength.

And some mortals who understand the rudimentary method can easily break mountains and rocks, and move mountains and seas.

As for some stronger ones, they can even compete with immortal cultivators.

I heard that an old man disliked the mountains blocking the road and moved the two mountains away.

Honglian took Li Yuan for a walk in this land and explained: “This land is the outskirts of our Quan Demon Heaven. You’d better restrain your energy and not use magical powers.”

Li Yuan nodded, his mind carefully explored the situation, and he couldn’t help but be amazed in his heart.

The mortals in the Origin Continent are not simple. This country, which is only a hundred thousand miles away, is actually a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

He heard some rumors that the previous generation of King Zhenwu actually killed powerful people in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Earth Immortals are monks who are in the tribulation period in the human world.

The reason why they are said to be mortals is because although they have great power, their souls have not transformed and they are not proficient in magic. Like mortals, they only live for more than a hundred years.

Li Yuan asked curiously: “With so many powerful mortals, don’t they want to become immortals?”

The heavenly world is different from the human world. The Golden Immortal can create something out of nothing, and there is no need to worry about resources being exhausted.

Honglian said lightly: “The origin of the heaven is too strong. Without immortal roots, without powerful cultivation methods, without a master to protect the law, it is impossible to withstand the energy of immortal spirits, let alone embarking on the road of cultivation?

Moreover, ordinary mortals are born with a strong physical body, but their souls are relatively weak and will be suppressed, making it difficult to enter the Tao.

Those wild beasts, because their bodies were too strong, directly swallowed their souls, causing them to lose their intelligence. Even though they were powerful, they were no more than wild beasts! ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly became thoughtful.

In this way, it makes sense.

He asked: “Are those powerful mortals also practicing martial arts?”

“That’s right, but it’s just martial arts training, not Taoism!”

There is no way to enter the Tao through martial arts, let alone to unite heaven and man and refine the spirit of immortality.

Li Yuan nodded and said thoughtfully: “Then if Guiyi Martial Arts is spread, will there be any problems?”

Honglian glanced at Li Yuan and said calmly: “I advise you not to mess around. Besides, if you can’t enter the Tao through martial arts, everything will be in vain.”

Although it is only a human cultivation method, this method is truly extraordinary and cannot be spread randomly.

Li Yuan’s eyes flickered when he heard this and he didn’t say much on this topic.

He naturally understood what the witch Guren was thinking.

Spreading the Guiyi Martial Arts will not only allow other strong men to get a glimpse of the secrets, but may also cause great changes in this mortal country.

Although they did not use magical powers, the speed of the two was still extraordinary.

Soon after, Honglian took Li Yuan to the foot of a black mountain.

This place where birds don’t poop is full of messy mines.

The two of them entered an abandoned mine, one behind the other.

In the mine, countless vampire bats sprang up.

Li Yuan was speechless: “The Demon Sect has six Immortal Emperors sitting in charge, so there is no need to be so cautious, right?”

He had also been to Fenmotian’s dojo, where he had opened up a vast world that was open and upright.

Honglian didn’t explain much and said calmly: “You will understand later!”

Li Yuan suddenly felt something bad in his heart. Wouldn’t everyone in the Demon Sect scream for beating?

Entering the deepest part of the mine, Hong Lian stretched out her hand to seal the secret, affecting the rules in the world and attracting a starlight that engulfed the two of them.

Soon, the stars moved, time and space changed, and Li Yuan felt as if he had been swallowed by a black hole.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt that the world and environment around him had changed drastically.

There is a magnificent Tao Yun flowing, and a terrifying aura traverses the world.

In the distance, there are dark red palaces rising and falling, like demon caves that swallow people’s hearts.

At this time, he was standing on a huge bloody platform.

In the center of the platform, an old man with gray hair slowly opened his eyes and looked at the two people.

Wisps of golden substance rose in his eyes, piercing through all the secrets.

“Red Lotus Demon Lord, who is he?”

The old man spoke calmly, but his breath had already locked onto the two of them.

Li Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, but he was also wary. This turned out to be a Golden Immortal Demon Lord.

Honglian said calmly: “This is my new disciple – Chonglou!”

As she spoke, a dark golden talisman rose up on her body.

This is her identity seal and cannot be forged.

Seeing this, the old man looked at Li Yuan secretly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his heart..

He found that this person had no soul at all and was no different from a wild beast, but he was obviously very intelligent.

Nodding, the old man’s expression softened slightly and he said: “I see, Red Lotus Demon Lord please go to Dark Sky first and take this son to obtain the sect’s talisman.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand and opened a dark passage. His breath was terrifying, as if it could swallow everything.

Honglian nodded and without any nonsense, grabbed Li Yuan and stepped into it.

The world was turned upside down again, and the scene in front of Li Yuan changed again, and he came to a vast world again.

However, this vast world is obviously special, with completely different rules and so much gloom that even his spiritual thoughts cannot detect it thousands of miles away.

There are terrible magic flowers everywhere, manifesting strange phenomena. Once ordinary monks fall into them, they will probably be doomed.

Honglian warned: “This is a place to suppress criminals, and it is also a place where beginner disciples plant talismans. There are ten demon kings sitting here. Don’t run around and don’t think randomly!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he nodded quickly, but at the same time he felt a little wary.

Demon King, that is equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

If I accidentally provoke him, I’m afraid even Honglian won’t be able to stop him.

He exerted his Taoist spirit to the extreme and followed Honglian closely without looking sideways all the way.

Soon after, Honglian took him to a huge city.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the clan mansion.

This is the place where disciples are recruited and talismans are planted.

Li Yuan was a little worried and said through a message: “Master, are there any hidden dangers in that talisman?”

Honglian said calmly: “Don’t worry, this is just an identity mark and will not have any impact on you.”

Li Yuan nodded, but he didn’t believe everything. He secretly called Mr. Jing to help him keep an eye on it.

Soon, he saw a middle-aged demon king again.

Hong Lian explained the purpose of his visit, and the middle-aged Demon Lord was also unambiguous and took Li Yuan directly to the main hall. In the deepest part of the main hall, there was a huge square mirror hanging!

In the empty space, the black lens’s eyes lit up when he saw this, and he sighed: “What a peerless treasure!”

Li Yuan was also shocked when he heard this. This mirror is also a unique treasure?

Jing Lao’s voice rang in Li Yuan’s mind: “Li Yuan, you have to find a way to get this mirror away!”

Li Yuan couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, are you old and confused?

Do you think I have that ability or do you think you have that ability?

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