The ten thousand year deadline is finally approaching.

On this day, at the top of Cambrian Mountain, Ahua looked calm.

She was not absolutely beautiful, but she had an indescribable aura at this moment, which was both majestic and ethereal, like a female emperor standing on top of the world.

All around, there were warriors who came after hearing the news.

The news that the master of Wuhun Palace has survived the tribulation and ascended to heaven has not been concealed.

As the pioneer of Guiyi Martial Arts, this time Ahua transcended the tribulation and ascended, which can be regarded as a complete completion of Guiyi Martial Arts cultivation path.

Some powerful people came from other places specially to observe this catastrophe of becoming an immortal.

This is the first time that a returning warrior has publicly transcended the tribulation and ascended.

On a mountain that was forcibly raised in the distance, there was a young warrior who was envious.

“The Tribulation of Immortality, this is the first time I’ve seen it!”

An old woman shook her head and sighed: “This is the first time I have seen this as a teacher. It is said that no one has been able to ascend for several epochs, and I don’t know if the Master of the Spirit Hall can successfully overcome the tribulation and ascend!” ”

“It should be no problem. After all, he is the leader of the largest force in the world. How can he hold on to that position without strength?”

“It is said that the master of Wuhun Palace has the power of a true immortal, but I don’t know if it is true or not?”

“That’s not clear. The master of the Wuhun Palace is promoted to the peerless Yang God, and his strength is naturally far beyond the ordinary Tongtian realm, but the gap between a true immortal and a transcending tribulation is more than a hundred times?”

“Indeed, I have heard that the peerless Yang God in our Taiyuan world has been promoted to Heaven, and she has made it clear that she can easily survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, but it is extremely difficult to compete with a true immortal.”

“It is said that a strong man has seen a true immortal take action in Shenxu, and smashed all matter within a radius of 100 million miles with one punch. Such strength is simply shocking, far beyond the comparison of ordinary people!”

“One hundred million miles? Ordinary tearing of space through the sky can travel 100 million miles, right?”

“It’s so scary. It’s said that there were immortals in the Shen Ruins. Even if they can’t destroy the heavens?”

“You will understand once you go to the Shentang ruins of Shenxu. There was a battle between the immortals there, which almost affected the entire Tianchi!”

“If you don’t go, that ghost place is full of dangers and is too vast. You can only go there by a mothership, but if you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die!”

“I heard that the mechanical race has opened up a safe route and can jump through wormholes, but the price may be a bit expensive!”

“If you don’t go, these iron lumps are all so hard-hearted that they can bankrupt me with just one jump!”


Li Yuan also came and listened to everyone’s discussion with interest.

If you have never really seen a true immortal take action, you will never know how powerful a true immortal is.

This kind of creature has transcended the limitations of the human world. Once it takes action with all its strength, it can easily destroy a large world.

It is also because of this that all true immortals who come to the world will be suppressed by the rules of heaven.

When human monks survive the tribulation of becoming immortals, they will be immediately taken to ascend.

As for becoming an immortal and still wanting to stay in the human world, that’s impossible!

A group of powerful men from Wuhun Palace also came, looking at Ahua from a distance and congratulating her.

Especially the old people, they have survived for several epochs.

Although the method of reaching heaven has been spread for only 20,000 years, they have all been promoted to the realm of heaven.

After the palace master successfully overcomes the tribulation this time, they will also overcome the tribulation one after another and fly to the heaven.

Finally, Ah Hua on the top of the mountain moved.

She stepped up into the air, and her voice instantly spread throughout the place with the blessing of divine power.

“Today, my flower is not a flower. I have caused an immortal calamity and soared to the heaven. I hope all fellow Taoists will witness it!”

As she spoke, she saw that the aura on her body completely exploded, powerfully!

When a strong man saw this, he was extremely shocked.

“What a powerful aura, is this the Master of Wuhun Palace?”

“This kind of aura is probably not weaker than those of true immortals!”

Tongtian corresponds to the period of transcending the tribulation. If you have not gone through the baptism of the immortal tribulation and have not condensed the true immortal body, you are no longer weaker than the true immortal. If you have passed through the heavenly tribulation and condensed the true immortal body, how can you still do it?

At the same time, tribulation clouds gathered together, almost covering the sky.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, everyone felt so depressed that they couldn’t breathe.

On the contrary, Ahua looked calm and not worried at all.

Just when the heavenly tribulation reached its limit and the first thunderbolt struck down, she raised her white white wrist.

A huge fist suddenly appeared and met the first thunderbolt.


The first thunderbolt was directly destroyed.

And that huge fist shot straight into the sky without any pause.


I saw that the majestic Immortal Tribulation Cloud started to collapse due to this punch.

The calamity clouds are rolling and seem to want to reunite again.

But the next moment, two huge fists shot up into the sky.

The second heavenly tribulation has not yet come out, and Ahua has even eliminated the immortality tribulation.

Seeing this situation, the onlookers were immediately shocked.

The immortal calamity was just wiped out.Is the Immortal Tribulation too weak, or is the Master of the Spirit Hall too strong?

Seeing this, some strong men who were originally worried about becoming immortals became somewhat high-spirited.

A mere catastrophe of becoming an immortal, nothing more than that.

Although they are not as good as the Master of Wuhun Hall, it shouldn’t be a big problem to resist, right?

Li Yuan nodded secretly, and nothing happened.

The Immortal Tribulation does not treat you differently just because you have amazing qualifications and strong strength.

Under the way of heaven, all living beings are equal. As long as you can survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, you can naturally ascend to heaven.

As the catastrophe of becoming an immortal was completely shattered, a light of guidance came from somewhere and shrouded A-Hua, trying to lead her away from the human world.

“Everyone, I’ll see you in heaven!”

Ahua smiled, looked at everyone, cupped her hands, and said goodbye.

But in fact, she understands that this farewell is forever.

The heaven is so vast that even she is not sure that she can ascend to the universe, let alone others?

She then looked in the direction of Wuhun Palace, bowed three more times, and then was led by the light of reception, and her figure completely disappeared.

Li Yuan shook his head secretly. No one can count whether this is a blessing or a curse.

If you are unlucky, you will be dragged into mining as soon as you go up.

If he was unlucky, he would die on the spot.

As Ahua ascended, Wuhun Palace also announced its official disbandment.

In less than three years, all the strong men were dismissed.

Kui Long dismissed everyone and came to Li Yuan. He said with some disappointment: “Your Majesty, everyone has left. I am going back to Xu Yue Realm. Please take care of yourself!”

Xu Yue Realm was the place where he was born. It was just a small world. With the help of Wuhun Palace, he luckily left this world and entered the worlds of the heavens, whereupon he achieved his current level of cultivation.

Over the years, he had almost forgotten his origins and that there was a Xuyue Realm.

That place has long lost the impression it once had, and is a bit strange.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “There is no banquet in the world that never ends, so go and wish you can ascend to heaven as soon as possible!”

Kui Long was reluctant to give up, but he could only respectfully bow out.

In the end, only Li Yuan was left in the huge Wuhun Hall.

He shook his head and sighed: “Time will smooth everything out!”

As soon as he thought, a majestic divine power emerged, directly sealing the void of Wuhun Palace.

Next, he will start to meditate on the causes of calamities and eliminate disasters.

This is a peerless magical power. Even if he still has the spiritual roots to realize the Tao, I am afraid it will take a long time.

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