In the Wuhun Palace, Li Yuan kept thinking.

Could it be that the Tianluo God Realm still hides some amazing secrets?

Unfortunately, the Tianluo God Realm has dissipated, and he has no way of knowing what the secret is.

After initially refining the Eternal Fragrance Book, he also understood a little about the functions of this peerless treasure.

The Eternal Fragrance Book has two main functions.

The first function is to reflect the passing time and space.

As for the Tianluo God Realm, it is the ancient time and space reflected by the eternal fragrance spectrum.

He tried to reflect the time and space of Tianluo God Realm, but failed.

I don’t know if it’s because the Eternal Fragrance Book is incomplete, or because I haven’t completely refined it.

The second function is to reflect the heroes included in it.

The so-called heroes are those who have been killed and included in the Eternal Fragrance Book, thus reflecting it.

Moreover, by reflecting the heroes, the skills they master can also be understood by him.

These two functions are not unpowerful.

The everlasting fragrance in its heyday can reflect the Daluo Jinxian.

In other words, as long as he is in charge of the Eternal Fragrance Book, he is equivalent to a Daluo-level powerhouse.

However, during the war that year, the eternal family tree was destroyed, leaving only this last page.

This last page was originally reserved for the supreme powerhouse.

But it is a pity that even the master of Feihua Palace cannot kill a supreme being.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be supreme, as long as it doesn’t exceed the supreme, it can be reflected after being included.

Originally there were several names in it, but unfortunately, Li Yuan used the Fallen God Bell to fight against the Eternal Fragrance Book, and in the end even the names in it were wiped out.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

That is the peerless genius who was collected by Feihua Palace Master.

If he could reflect the immortal-level heroes, he might be able to walk sideways in the Middle Thousand Worlds.

But fortunately, there is also the Fallen God’s Bell, so as long as it doesn’t match the Golden Immortal, it won’t be a big problem.

In addition, he also has a treasure on his body, which is the fishing rod.

Although he can barely use this thing, it cannot be refined. It should be the imprint of the Immortal Lord.

Now that he has the Fallen Bell, he can finally erase its mark.

Otherwise, he would not dare to ascend with this object.

The fishing rod seemed to sense something, vibrated violently, and even wanted to fly away.

How could Li Yuan allow it to escape?

The Fallen God Bell and Eternal Liufangpu showed their power and directly suppressed it to death.

Soon after, Li Yuan successfully erased the mark in the fishing rod.

He then spent another three thousand years putting his mark on it.

What surprised him was that the fishing rod had no weapon spirit.

This is a bit strange. Could it be that this object is also a incomplete treasure?

At the same time, he also understood the purpose of this fishing rod.

This fishing rod, in addition to being able to steal other people’s souls, can also cross-border fishing.

Of course, the boundary between the human world and heaven is very strong, and it is difficult to cross the boundary unless you are in a place like Wuxu Illusion Realm.

With a wave of his hand, a low-level spiritual fruit was created by Li Yuan.

Hanging it in front of the fishhook, Li Yuan made preparations.

He swung the fishing rod, and the next moment, the fishhook disappeared with the spiritual fruit and left the world.

Soon after, the fishing line trembled, and Li Yuan understood that a fish had taken the bait.

He immediately swung the fishing rod and pulled up the fishing line.

Soon I saw a confused ordinary wild boar being pulled over.

The boar is just a soul, imprisoned on a fishhook.

Li Yuan looked surprised. It seemed that this fishing rod could only catch souls.

He took out a fairy medicine and threw it out.

This time, he had a clear goal.

God’s ruins.

Kui Long went there in person to look for opportunities.

After more than eight thousand years, the best treasure he has found is a semi-immortal artifact.

As for the inherited elixirs, etc., not even a shadow was seen.

Is his luck so bad?

At this moment, a fairy light suddenly shone in front of him.

When Kui Long saw this, he was immediately overjoyed. Could it be that his fortune was about to turn around?

He moved and went immediately.

I saw an elixir emitting a rich fairy light slowly rising and rising in the void.

“It’s really a miracle medicine!”

Kui Long looked overjoyed. He was sure that there was not a single monk around.

This is simply a great opportunity that comes to your doorstep.

After once again confirming that there was no danger around him, Kui Long immediately stepped forward and grabbed the elixir.

However, the moment he touched the elixir, a magical light directly enveloped him.

“what’s the situation?”

Kui Long was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he disappeared with the elixir.

In the Wuhun Hall, Li Yuan looked at Kui Long who was a little confused and said with a smile: “I called you here because I want to ask you about A Hua’s upcoming ascension. What are your plans?”

Of course, these are all excuses. He just wanted to confirm whether the fishing rod could catch soulless people.Musha.

Kui Long was stunned when he heard this. Doesn’t the palace master still have 1,800 years to ascend?

However, when faced with Li Yuan’s inquiry, he naturally did not dare to refute.

Kui Long muttered: “This disciple plans to ascend to heaven after the palace master ascends.”

In the human world, his cultivation has reached its limit and he cannot make any progress.

Li Yuan nodded and said: “In this case, there is no need for the Wuhun Palace to exist. You should be prepared to disband the Wuhun Palace when Ahua ascends!”

He founded Wuhun Palace to facilitate the spread of Guiyi Martial Arts.

Nowadays, Guiyi Martial Arts has spread all over the world. Although there are not many strong people in Wuhun Palace, they still need to consume immortal medicine.

These are not necessarily expenses and can be saved completely.

When Kui Long heard this, he was immediately shocked and asked quickly: “Your Majesty, why are you doing this?”

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a faint smile: “The meaning of the existence of Wuhun Palace is to spread Guiyi Martial Arts throughout the world. Now that this goal has been achieved, what is the meaning of its existence or not?”

Hearing this, Kui Long felt a little depressed.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Wuhun Palace has been his home.

Once disbanded, he didn’t know where to go!

He quickly asked: “Your Majesty, the Wuhun Palace has been disbanded, where are you going?”

“The world is so big, how can there be no place for me? Go and get busy! By the way, take this elixir too!”

After hearing this, Kui Long looked at the elixir in his hand with a complicated expression.

The elixir was extremely rare, but now he couldn’t even feel any excitement.

As the news spread that Wuhun Palace was about to be disbanded, countless powerful people were panicked for a while.

Wuhun Palace, this is the source of Guiyi Martial Arts, why should it be disbanded?

The Wuhun Palace has been disbanded. Where can they get the elixir that can resurrect their lives?

There are also strong men whose ambitions rise and fall. Will this powerful force that has stood in the sky for several epochs finally fall apart?

Although Wuhun Palace did not participate in the battles among the heavens in the past, it was still the largest force in the heavens, and the strong men in the Soul Palace would establish their own power.

These forces are intricate and complicated. Although they do not belong to Wuhun Palace, they are inextricably related to Wuhun Palace.

Led by Wuhun Palace, these power networks are spread almost all over the world.

If something goes wrong, can they stand by and watch?

There are also elders from Wuhun Palace who beg Li Yuan to take back his life, but Li Yuan has made up his mind, how can they change it?

He has lived for so many years and has long been used to seeing life and death, joys and sorrows.

Even Ahua can only respect and obey orders.

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