Ah Hua’s ascension seemed to have opened a new chapter.

Kuilong had only been in Xuyue Realm for less than a thousand years, but he also passed the tribulation and ascended.

Other powerful warriors of the Wuhun Hall at that time also ascended one after another.

In just tens of thousands of years, dozens of warriors ascended.

This efficiency is simply terrifying.

However, this also shows the power of Guiyi martial arts.

After all, if you cultivate Yangshen, you can be reborn with a drop of blood, and your thoughts will not die.

Although there is no escape under the heavenly tribulation, as long as you are not killed at once, there is hope.

As long as your strength is not too bad, it is too easy to pass the immortal tribulation.

The success rate of ascension once reached 30%.

It seems not much, but it is more than ten times greater than that of the previous immortal cultivators.

In this era, martial arts flourished and powerful people emerged.

But the struggles in the heavens and the worlds became more and more intense.

As more people practiced, more resources were needed.

But resources are limited, and only those with strong strength can grab better resources.

At first, everyone thought this was good. After all, the cultivation world should respect the strong and do whatever they want.

However, without the suppression of the Spirit Hall, some powerful warriors can be said to be unbridled.

Especially the warriors who have achieved unity, reborn with a drop of blood, and are difficult to kill.

Even ordinary resources can no longer satisfy them.

In some large worlds, unimaginable demons have been born, and they want to refine the entire world.

There are also those who have obtained the fragments of the immortal medicine and want to sacrifice the world to revive the immortal medicine.

Various terrible things have emerged one after another.

What blood demons, desire demons, ancestors of all demons, etc. are countless.

Some were sealed by the son of luck, while others were destroyed and killed.

There is even a terrible peerless demon who wants to refine many nine-level worlds into his body and become the master of all heavens and worlds.

This demon is a peerless Yang God, and he has obtained the fragments of the spiritual treasure, and his strength is unfathomable.

Under his demonic power, even the son of the era is not enough.

Soon, a son of the era came to the original site of the Spirit Hall, wanting to find traces of the Spirit Hall.

However, since the Spirit Hall has been disbanded, how could it easily appear again?

For Li Yuan, even if you are a peerless demon, you have been jumping around for several eras.

Some powerful people in the same industry could not sense the existence of the Spirit Hall, and since most of the high-level people in the Spirit Hall had ascended, they felt that the Spirit Hall had completely declined, and they had to find another way.

But this son of the era seemed to be reminded by the will of the dark, and he knelt down for a long time.

Lingbao fragments, that thing is something that no one can compete with.

Seeing that the son of the era was sincere, Li Yuan simply passed down a technique.

It was the reason for the fatal curse.

This is not only a mythical technique, but also can trace the source and eliminate future troubles.

Cultivating this method is enough to completely kill the Yang God.

The son of the era was naturally very grateful for this magical skill, and cursed the demon to death despite being seriously injured.

For a time, many powerful demons were also shocked and restrained.

The heavens and the worlds returned to peace for a while.

However, the reason was that the death curse was too terrible, even other warriors were extremely afraid.

After the son of this era ascended, he actually joined forces to destroy this technique.

Without this technique, some powerful demons had no worries and were unbridled again.

Li Yuan didn’t care about the various struggles in the heavens.

There are so many injustices in the world, how can he manage them?

Time flies, and the eras change.

No matter whether you are a peerless beauty or a giant of the ages, it is difficult to resist the passage of time.

Even the Yang God can hardly survive to the next era.

Another era has passed.

The era catastrophe swept the heavens again.

The spiritual energy dissipated, and the treasures decayed.

And this time, the era catastrophe seemed to be unprecedentedly fierce.

Even a hundred thousand year old elixir can’t last long.

There are even Yang Gods who starved to death because of insufficient divine power.

However, these catastrophes have little impact on Li Yuan.

Li Yuan hid in the Wuhun Hall for retreat, and vaguely, he actually sensed the situation of a main divine thought.

When Ah Hua was promoted to Tongtian, he had a thought that reached the sky and felt something.

In this world, in addition to Shenxu and Wuxu Fantasy, there are several special passages.

But no one knows where the passage leads to, and there is nothingness wherever it passes.

Even the real body can’t enter it at all.

At that time, Li Yuan let the main divine thought enter it to explore the source.

Now 80,000 years have passed, and he actually found the source.

In the unknown void.

There is a spiritual light emerging and turning into a human form.

This is Li Yuan’s main divine thought.

The speed of the main divine thought is amazing, and it has reached tens of millions of light years in an instant.

But it took him 80,000 years to find this source.

Such a long time, he didn’t knowHow much distance does the road span?

Even the connection with the main body has become a little blurry.

Feeling the different rules of this world, Li Yuan looked surprised.

This place is different from the heavens where he is, this world is full of huge stars.

The bright stars were swirling around, giving him the feeling of dreaming back to his past life.

Li Yuan guessed in his heart that although this was still the human world, it should belong to another world.

With a thought, he moved hundreds of light years away.

Soon, he came to a living planet.

This is a very ordinary planet, and there is no aura that can be sensed at all.

I don’t know if it’s because of the great catastrophe of the era, or if there is no spiritual energy here.

Li Yuan’s spiritual thoughts dispersed and soon revealed a strange look.

In the valley below, an upright boar was busy reinforcing the house.

He could confirm that this was indeed an ordinary wild boar with no cultivation.

But it seems to be very smart. While it is busy, it does not forget to greet the foot-long piglet below to help.

Li Yuan looked strange. Not only the wild boar, but also all the animals in this world seemed to have intelligence, giving him the feeling of being in a fairy tale world.

With divine power flowing, Li Yuan quietly checked the little wild boar’s body.

It is indeed an ordinary flesh and blood body, nothing unusual.

However, the intelligence of these animals does not seem to be very high, and is about the same as that of human children.

He is like a hidden observer observing the lives of these animals.

In the mountain forest, wild boars are busy building houses.

A bear was sitting by the river fishing.

There are lively birds chirping on the branches, talking about the new little tiger cub born in the tiger king’s family next door. It’s so cute.

This warm and harmonious scene actually made Li Yuan a little distracted.

These animals with simple intelligence are more harmonious than humans with higher intelligence.

It seems that the higher the intelligence, the easier it is to be affected by the seven emotions and six desires.

Li Yuan has been on this planet for hundreds of years.

He once passed down Gui Yi’s martial arts, and a squirrel cultivated his sword will and was able to defeat others without fighting.

This squirrel is definitely a person with astonishing understanding in the world of cultivation.

But unfortunately, it was born at the wrong time, and there is no aura here.

Hundreds of years later, Li Yuan left this planet and went to other places.

He visited various planets and saw various animals.

These animals have intelligence that is no weaker than that of human children.

Some of them can even build cities and build airplanes just like humans.

Until three thousand years later, Li Yuan came to the center of a star field, where there was a black hole that swallowed everything.

In previous lives, some people said that black holes lead to another universe.

Some people also say that a black hole is actually a wormhole.

Some people also believe that there may be parallel worlds inside black holes.

Even an immortal seems to be unable to resist the terrifying devouring power.

Li Yuan couldn’t resist, but he had no intention of resisting.

He also wanted to know what was hidden in this black hole?

The devouring power became more and more terrifying, and in the end, he was unable to maintain his body and could only transform into the mind of the Lord.

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