Three days later, Ah Hua returned and was led by Li Yuan to the Spirit Hall.

On the platform, an old man had been waiting for a long time.

Shi Ganwei, who had been promoted to Yang God, laughed and said, “Welcome to the Spirit Hall, young lady. I am Shi Ganwei, the elder of the Spirit Hall.”

Ah Hua bowed her hands and said vigilantly, “Junior Hua Feihua, I pay my respects to the senior.”

She was shocked. It was worthy of the God Realm. Any elder was so powerful. Could this person be the legendary Yang God?

Shi Ganwei nodded and smiled, “So it’s Miss Hua. I wonder what her identity is?”

Ah Hua hesitated and said respectfully, “I just ascended. The creator god of our world said that I can be a guardian of the Spirit Hall.”

Spirit Hall guardian?

Shi Ganwei was stunned when he heard this, and immediately understood that this was what the Lord meant.

This woman was actually promoted to a guardian of the Spirit Hall by the Lord. I’m afraid she is not a simple person.

Some people came here earlier, but they were all assigned by him.

After a moment of hesitation, Shi Ganwei said, “There are vacancies for all thirty-six martial soul guardians. If Miss Hua wants to become a martial soul guardian, she must speak with strength and defeat one of them.”

Ahua’s face changed slightly when she heard this.

She was not afraid, but she was worried that if she acted like this right after arriving, she would offend other martial soul hall warriors.

She had rich experience in ascending, so she naturally knew that she needed to be cautious and make friends with others when she first arrived.

Shi Ganwei naturally saw Ah Hua’s worry, and said with a smile: “You don’t have to worry too much. The positions of the Spirit Guardians and Elders in the Spirit Hall are all for the capable and the weak.

However, among the thirty-six Spirit Guardians now, seven are the strongest and are said to be able to compete with the powerful.

And even among the other Spirit Guardians, the weakest is comparable to the general late stage of the Martial Lord. I wonder how strong you are, Miss Hua?”

“This… should be okay. The general Martial Lord is not my opponent.”

Hearing this, Ah Hua did not dare to say too much. After all, there are people who are better than you. She had just ascended, so she naturally did not dare to be arrogant.

“Oh, then you go all out and let me see your strength.”

Hearing this, Ah Hua did not act pretentiously.

In her opinion, this Elder Shi was one level higher than her.

The elders of the Spirit Hall would not be as weak as those venerables of Tianhuang, right?

She did not dare to hold back and directly burst out with the strongest attack.

In an instant, the space was shattered, the stone broke the sky, and this attack seemed to be able to create the world.

Shi Ganwei didn’t take it seriously at first, but when Ah Hua made a move, he was immediately shocked.

This is a martial master, a martial master in the early stage?

His body shook violently, and he quietly burst out with all his strength, while activating the secret method, and only then blocked the attack and was not directly knocked out.

No wonder he was designated as the martial soul protector by the Lord. This kind of strength is catching up with the Yang God.

Fortunately, he just cultivated to the middle stage of the Yang God a few days ago, otherwise he would not be able to withstand this woman’s attack.

The creatures in the Lord’s inner world are indeed incredibly powerful.

They also have an inner world, but even the creatures in his inner world rarely cultivate into a golden body.

To strengthen the inner world in the body, it requires countless resources.

As for directly refining the big world, it not only requires strong strength, but also takes a long time, and there is also the danger of backlash.

The strongest of the twelve worlds in his body is only level five.

But even so, with the will of the twelve worlds, his strength is extraordinary.

This is also the result of his continuous efforts over the years.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Shi Ganwei quickly said: “Yes, you are really powerful. With your strength, you can challenge anyone. But try to pick the weak ones.”

After thinking about it, Shi Ganwei took out a jade slip, imprinted some information about the martial soul guardians in it, and quietly gave it to Ah Hua.

This woman is only in the early stage of martial honor, but she can compete with ordinary Yang Gods. If she is promoted to Yang God, won’t she be able to compete with the tribulation?

This is definitely like his ancestors, practicing the complete version of the unified martial arts.

He has to hold on to such a thigh.

There are many people eyeing the position of the martial soul elder of the martial soul hall.

Seeing this, Ah Hua was naturally grateful.

The next thing is relatively simple. With her strength, there is no rival among the martial soul guardians.

Although she no longer has the blessing of the destiny of the heavens in Li Yuan’s body, Ah Hua has extraordinary talent and comprehension. Now that she has come to the real world of the heavens and has resources, her cultivation has also made great progress.

In addition, after she has achieved unity through cultivation, the destiny of the inner world will also bless her.

She practiced the 108 training methods and opened up 108 small worlds in her body.

Although the origin is thin, it is also extraordinary.

In just five thousand years, she has reversed yin and yang and achieved the Yang God.As a new member of the Yang God, she was strong enough to compete with the Lord Crossing Tribulation.

She has truly become the most powerful person in the Wuhun Palace. Even the invincible mighty ones cannot compete with her.

Li Yuan was very satisfied with this, and he was worthy of being the son of the era he cultivated.

But unfortunately, the Son of the Era cannot be cultivated casually.

With the emergence of Ahua, if you want to cultivate another son of the era, you may have to wait for several eras.

Moreover, his inner world can only be accessed but not entered, and sooner or later it will decline.

As soon as the thought came to mind, one after another incarnations came out and went to other big worlds to plan.

If you want to advance the heavens and worlds in your body, simply breathing in spiritual energy and refining heavenly materials and earthly treasures is no longer enough.

Time flies, and tens of thousands of years pass in the blink of an eye.

Across all the worlds, there are more and more powerful people practicing Guiyi Martial Arts.

More and more powerful people joined the Wuhun Palace, making the power of the entire Wuhun Palace grow to an astonishing level.

Some of these powerful men are the sons of destiny from many big worlds. They were originally created by the will of the world to overthrow the Wuhun Palace, but in the end they became the thugs of the Wuhun Palace.

The twelve martial soul elders in the Wuhun Hall are even more powerful in the heavens, and they are able to overcome gods and ghosts.

Those elders of Yangshen who take the simplified version of the path are okay, but those warriors who take the full version of the path, once they become Yangshen, their strength will be comparable to that of crossing the tribulation.

Such a person can almost walk sideways in the heavens.

What’s more, Yang Shen is more difficult to kill.

Among the twelve Wuhun elders in the Wuhun Hall, three are full versions of Yangshen.

These Yang Shen Cultivation Immortals Longevity Records and Xuanwu Life Extension Sutras, coupled with various life extension elixirs, can easily survive an era.

There is also a fairy medicine in Wuhun Palace. A complete fairy medicine is enough to make ten Yang gods return to their youth.

This also led to the strength of Wuhun Palace getting stronger and stronger.

But if you practice Guiyi Martial Arts, even if you become Yang Shen, you will not be able to ascend to the immortal world.

In the eyes of other monks, this is a wrong path.

Even though Gui Yi’s martial arts is extremely powerful, there are still countless strong people who resist.

It even includes some superpowers from ancient times who have joined forces to plot secretly.

The heavens and realms are so vast that even the Yang God cannot make many waves.

What’s more, even the will of all heavens and worlds began to resist Guiyi Martial Arts.

Because practicing Guiyi Martial Arts and nurturing the world within the body is to seize the origin of the world in the heavens.

Originally, when they died, they would transform into a new world, which could be regarded as returning to their origins.

But there happens to be an elixir, and the Yangshen can live for several epochs.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to weakening the power of other worlds in the heavens.

In this judgment of the will of the heavens, Wuhun Palace has undoubtedly become a cancer in the heavens and the world and must be eradicated.

If it weren’t for Du Jie who couldn’t take action easily, almost no one could suppress the three peerless Yang gods of Wuhun Palace, and Wuhun Palace would have been wiped out long ago.

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