Deep in the sea of ​​chaos.

One after another figures quietly gathered.

This is a special area that exists in the endless void, stretching for tens of thousands of light years.

Here, there are terrifying ferocious beasts lurking, endless space cracks permeating the air, and dangers lurking everywhere. Even a powerful person must be careful.

But few people know that deep in this chaotic sea, there is a beautiful and powerful holy land.

Projections came from the void one after another, crossing the endless space and landing directly here.

They include humans, monsters, and all kinds of weird races.

The auras on their bodies are also different. Some are cultivators of immortality, some are practicing martial arts, and some are incense and fire gods.

The most important thing is that their aura, even if it is just a shadow, has unimaginable majesty and terror.

The worst person who can come here is a powerful person.

And many of them are children of luck in one world.

Many powerful men gathered here and looked at the mysterious young man on the throne of the palace with solemn expressions.

This young man has fluttering purple hair and a deep gaze, which seems to contain all the worlds in the world.

Even if he is the son of luck in the ninth-level world, he is far inferior.

Although he seemed ordinary, no one in the room dared to look down upon this young man.

“Brother Ji, if you call us here, are you sure you can deal with the Spirit Hall?”

A strong man from the demon tribe spoke. He was also the son of luck in the big world.

However, the Wuhun Palace was so powerful that even he could only hide around.

When the young man heard this, he immediately showed a confident smile and chuckled: “Yes, I have been promoted to the tribulation stage, and I have refined the tribulation-breaking pill, which allows you to temporarily block the tribulation and attack with all your strength.”

“So fast? And that robbery pill? What is that?”

“This is the true supreme elixir. It is refined with elixirs and supplemented by God’s will. It can temporarily shield you from the catastrophe.”

“It can actually block the induction of heavenly tribulation. This kind of elixir is truly heaven-defying.”

“I dare to ask my friend, how long can I block it?”

Ji San smiled lightly and said: “Nine days and nights, this is the ultimate number. I have made nine pills. With your methods, I believe that nine days will be enough to completely destroy Wuhun Palace.”

“What about nine days later? Will the calamity happen again?”

Some people are worried that the catastrophe will settle the accounts afterwards.

Ji San was full of confidence: “Don’t worry, after nine days, as long as you don’t take action at will, you won’t be sensed by the Heavenly Tribulation.”

As soon as these words came out, the strong men present were completely relieved.

A powerful Demon Clan Martial Emperor laughed and said: “Since I can attack with all my strength, what do I have to fear from a mere Martial Spirit Hall? I can kill them all by myself, such as the peerless Yang God!”

“Don’t be careless. The Yang gods are extremely powerful, especially the peerless Yang gods. None of them are weaker than the peerless gods, and they all have divine weapons.”

Speaking of this, an old three-eyed monster became angry and itched his teeth.

One of the artifacts belonged to their Three-Eyed Clan, but it was snatched away by that bitch from Wuhun Palace.

“It doesn’t matter. If I attack with all my strength, I can certainly deal with one of them.”

Soon, a powerful figure spoke. He was the Holy Master of the Yuanyang Holy Realm, and he also had immortal weapons.

“Then I will deal with the other one.”

“With the help of the poor monk, the poor monk can also deal with one!”

The strong men of the Shengshengsect and the Liuli Zen Sect also spoke one after another, full of confidence.

They are all super powerful forces that have been inherited for countless years. They have strong foundations and naturally possess immortal weapons.

“That’s the best thing!”

“Good! In this way, the three peerless Yang gods in Wuhun Palace will not have anything to worry about.”

“As for the other Yang gods, they are not much stronger than ordinary powers.”

“After I return, I will first destroy those mysterious people in Evil Tianyuan and clear the obstacles in advance.”

“Yes, although there is no evidence, most of these guys have a close relationship with Wuhun Palace, so we have to guard against them!”

All the powerful men agreed, feeling that this time it was safe and the Wuhun Palace would be destroyed.

Most of the powerful men from all over the world are gathered here, including dozens of children of destiny.

At this time, someone else spoke: “Although there is no master of the Wuhun Palace, there is still a mysterious lord. It is said that he is the one who founded the Wuhun Palace. His strength is unfathomable and may even be related to the heaven!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of many powerful men suddenly changed slightly. This is the key.

It is rumored that before the rise of Wuhun Palace, the strong men of Wuhun Palace would summon the avatar when they were defeated.

Even an extremely powerful person holding an immortal weapon would still be killed by its force.

When Ji San heard this, he said confidently: “Don’t worry, I will take action when the time comes!”

When he reached the stage of transcending the tribulation, he had practiced various immortal arts, coupled with the immortal weapons, he was confident that even if he faced the tribulation of becoming an immortal, he would be able to survive it.

Even though the person standing behind the Wuhun Hall is aA true immortal, he is fearless.

True immortals are also suppressed by the rules of the heavens. It is said that millions of years ago, Mahayana killed the true immortals.

He is no less confident than that person, and he has even reached the stage of transcending tribulation. How can he still be unable to defeat a true immortal from the lower realm?

In fact, there is no true immortal behind the Wuhun Palace.

Otherwise, how could there be no news at all for so many years?

The strong men from the Shengshengsect, Liuli Zen Sect, and Yuanyang Bible were immediately relieved when they heard this.

Their backgrounds are also related to the upper world, so they naturally know more information.

Even in the lower realm of true immortals, dying is equivalent to the ultimate tribulation.

As for breaking the seal and unleashing all its strength, the rules of the heavens will naturally destroy it.

Many powerful people were talking about it, thinking that this time the Wuhun Palace could be completely destroyed, and they suddenly laughed wildly.

Because they did not want their disciples to practice the Guiyi martial arts, they were forced to flee in all directions, far away from their homeland.

After so many years, it’s finally time for them to settle accounts, how can they not be excited?

However, at the next moment, a terrifying murderous intent suddenly burst out, and a ray of golden light suddenly struck Ji San at the top.

Ji San obviously didn’t expect enemies to sneak in here.

After all, these people holding tokens came following his summons.

And it’s all a projection, not much strength at all.

The golden light arrived instantly, and the surrounding space exploded, unable to withstand this terrifying blow.

But the next moment, a fairy light circulated on Ji San’s body.

His clothes turned out to be an immortal weapon.

This terrifying blow was directly blocked by this magical weapon, making it impossible for him to advance even an inch.

Ji San was frightened and quickly took action, grabbing the figure that attacked him with one hand.

It was an unruly young man with a ferocious look on his face.

Ji San lowered his hand and grabbed the young man directly, making him unable to escape.

“Qui Long!”

This person’s information instantly appeared in Ji San’s mind.

This person is one of the peerless Yang gods of Wuhun Palace.

Others obviously recognized Kui Long’s identity and were immediately shocked and angry.

How did this guy get in?

Could there be a traitor among them?

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