Bang bang bang!

In the ruined temple, the sound of kowtows could be heard constantly.

There was already a dark red bloodstain on Ahua’s forehead.

In a daze, she seemed to see that she had obtained the Book of Heaven, wielded her sword to the ends of the earth, punished evil and promoted good, and was praised by countless people.

However, she persisted and did not dare to slack off at all.

In fact, she became more and more determined that what she heard before must be true.

After an hour, Ahua finally kowtowed a thousand times.

At this time, her eyes were already a little dark.

But even so, she did not stop and continued to kowtow through gritted teeth.

She has suffered too much and her mind is determined now, even more resolute than most adults.

No matter what, she must seize this opportunity to make a comeback.

Another illusion came out, there was an extremely handsome young man who admired her, there was a vicious demon who blocked her, there were delicacies from mountains and seas, there were gold and silver jewelry, but none of these could stop Ahua’s footsteps.

In her ears, voices kept ringing, telling her that no matter how much she kowtowed, it would still be a lie.

In a daze, she looked at the tall statue again.

She still remembers her goal, which is to kowtow ten thousand heads.

The pure nature of a child is nothing more than this.

Time passed by, and the snow outside the ruined temple had already stopped.

The late night is silent and cold, and seems endless.

Ahua kept kowtowing, and finally couldn’t bear it anymore and fainted in front of the statue.

Li Yuan watched silently and said to himself, his character is commendable.

A faint light poured into the little girl’s body, and she soon woke up.

Thinking that he had not completed ten thousand heads, he quickly continued kowtowing, completely forgetting his purpose.

Three thousand, five thousand, eight thousand…

Outside the ruined temple, the light of dawn once again appeared.

Ahua suddenly realized that she had kowtowed ten thousand times.

All previous experiences were like a dream.

Li Yuan nodded secretly, you deserve to be the first Son of the Era.

According to his setting, one hundred heads would be the only inheritance, one thousand heads would be the son of destiny, and ten thousand heads would be the son of the era.

As Li Yuan’s thoughts flashed, three golden lights entered Ahua’s eyebrows.

After a long time, Ahua finally realized that the voice last night was real and she was really not dreaming.

There are mysterious things emerging in my mind, which can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

If it were before, she would definitely not be able to comprehend it, but now she is already the son of the era of this era, blessed by the luck of all heavens and worlds.

In just a moment, the little girl understood the initial cultivation method.

I saw her sitting cross-legged and began to sense the power of the Holy Spirit.

However, half an hour passed and I didn’t feel anything. Instead, I felt dizzy and hungry.

Don’t you have any spiritual roots?

Ahua is a little frustrated. She heard that martial arts practitioners need to eat well every day, but she can’t even eat. What should she do?

As for the elixir, there is no shortage of wolves and beasts in the mountains, but I don’t know about the elixir.

Little did she know that it wasn’t that she didn’t have any spiritual roots, it was just that the spiritual energy in this place was too thin.

Once a person has a goal, he will no longer be confused.

Although the spiritual energy here is thin, Ahua began to become stronger through daily training, and quietly stepped into the acquired realm.

The wild beasts in the mountains and forests have suffered a lot and become Ahua’s food.

She was a young girl, chasing wild beasts all over the mountain.

She no longer has to worry about not having enough to eat.

But how can the son of the era be at ease in the mountains with wild beasts?

Soon, young men in brocade clothes from the town came to hunt and took a fancy to Ahua’s skills.

But this man’s father is the bully who killed Ahua’s father.

A conflict naturally ended with Ahua’s victory.

But the gears of fate have turned, and they will not stop.

The government wanted her, and the bully sought revenge, all of which forced her to continue to become stronger.

At just under sixteen years old, Ahua had already mastered martial arts and became one of the strongest people in this world.

Although the sixteen-year-old Ah Hua is not extremely beautiful, she has a heroic temperament and a talent in martial arts, so she is naturally pursued by countless young talents.

But her goal is not these, but Shattering the Void.

Among the inheritance she received, she was innate in martial arts, but she had just stepped into the threshold of martial arts.

The limit of this world is already innate, and if you want to become stronger, you must understand God’s will and break the void.

With her status, she would naturally not stop there.

At only eighteen years old, Ahua shattered the void and left, becoming a legend in this world.

Of course, the so-called Broken Void is actually being led by the other big world nearby.

In this new big world, she will continue to write legends.

Li Yuan was not too concerned about this.

within himIn the world, Ahua has the blessing of all kinds of luck, and will naturally grow to the top.

Although his inner world is not comparable to the real heavens and worlds, the growth rate of the Son of the Era is not slow at all.

In just a thousand years, she has returned to the unified realm of her three martial arts.

However, as she entered the realm of unity, Ahua’s cultivation also began to stagnate, making it difficult to make progress.

She sensed that returning to unity was already the limit of this wild world.

But this time, no matter how she sensed it, she couldn’t sense the higher world.

Therefore, there are old rumors that some people can become gods through cultivation and ascend to the divine realm.

But those were just rumors and no one had ever actually seen it.

Even Wu Zun will have a day when his life span is exhausted.

Ahua searched everywhere, and she believed that the rumor was definitely not groundless.

Until one day, when she entered a temple dedicated to Li Yuan, she suddenly felt something in her heart.

She grew up from a little girl selling charcoal to the present, and the three volumes of the Heavenly Book that she got by kowtowing back then were indispensable.

Looking at the majestic statue in front of her, Ahua kowtowed gently and prayed in a low voice.

She wanted to ask, is Wu Zun the end of martial arts?

But why does the inheritance she received include a way to break through Yang Shen?

Somehow, Li Yuan sensed something.

He knew that this son of the era had matured.

If you want to go further, you have to enter the real world.

The statue of the god was once again filled with golden light.

When Ahua saw this, she was immediately surprised, and the gods really responded.

I saw the statue opening its mouth, its voice loud and vast.

“If you want to escape from the Heavenly and Wild Realm, you need to join the Spirit Hall. From now on, you will not be able to return until your life span is exhausted!”

When Ahua heard this, she was immediately overjoyed and asked quickly: “What is Wuhun Palace?”

Li Yuan said calmly: “Martial Soul Hall was founded by me, with the purpose of spreading Guiyi Martial Arts. If you join Wuhun Hall, you can temporarily protect Wuhun.”

Ahua hesitated for a moment, then cautiously said: “Master Founding God, may I ask if you can explain your funeral arrangements?”

“But, come here in three days, and I will take you away!”

Li Yuan was not too indifferent. After all, once he left, he might not be able to come back.

Conquering the heavens and spreading martial arts, no one can guarantee safety.

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