“What…what is going on?”

The birdman and the snake demon looked at each other with doubts at the same time.

Only Li Yuan was shocked, this is Mingya.

He thought Mingya had been completely wiped out, but he didn’t expect it still existed.

Mingya proclaimed the Buddha’s name and sighed: “Amitabha, if I don’t go to hell, who will? For a few Taoist friends, perhaps running out of life is the only way to leave this illusion.”

As he spoke, he moved forward step by step without hesitation, with an expression neither happy nor sad.

In the end, Mingya advanced less than 10,000 meters before completely turning into soul light and dissipating like the soul-eating monster.

When the remaining three people saw this, they immediately looked at each other, somewhat silent.

Like the Soul Eater, Demon Cliff’s soul light dissipates when its life span is exhausted.

Were they really wiped out?

Or are we out of this illusion?

Li Yuan looked at the two monsters and said with a smile: “What do you two fellow Taoists think?”

When the old birdman heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. What did this old guy mean by this?

Now in the field, he is the only one with the lowest cultivation level. Are you trying to force him to end?

The snake demon also looked over, wanting to hear the opinion of the old birdman.

The old birdman smiled and said: “I don’t have much life left, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to advance as far as the soul-eating monster. Why don’t you wait a little longer?”

“Hmph! If I wait any longer, I’m afraid it will be in vain. If it really goes like what Mo Ya said, even if I escape from this situation in the future, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to have this place.”

The snake demon spoke and looked at the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, his expression suddenly hesitant.

It’s easy to say, but not easy to do.

Not only do you have to endure tremendous pain and suffering, but you may also run out of life.

The snake demon hesitated, but at this moment, Li Yuan moved and stepped into the sea of ​​flowers with a calm expression.

This move made the two monsters look surprised.

This old guy has a high level of cultivation. Did he believe Mo Ya’s words or discover something?

They looked at Li Yuan and walked away step by step, towards the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

Li Yuan moved forward step by step. Every step forward was like walking on a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire. Every step forward, the pain on his body would increase.

Of course, unlike others, his lifespan has not passed away.

Just to avoid the suspicion of the two monsters, he used Liu Sheng to transform, making his appearance even older.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters.

As Li Yuan’s figure got further and further away, the two monsters present were stunned.

One hundred thousand meters, how come this old guy hasn’t run out of life yet?

Even the secret method of suppressing the passage of longevity cannot last for so long, right?

Could it be that this old guy is a tribulation monk?

The snake demon and the birdman looked at each other, with strong horror flashing in their eyes.

This possibility is not impossible. After all, if it is a tribulation cultivator, they will definitely not be able to see through it even if it is hidden.

Li Yuan’s body was trembling. When he got here, he would suffer unimaginable pain every step he took, and his soul was almost distorted.

Even the eighteenth level of hell seems to be nothing more than that.

Fortunately, he has a strong will and can barely hold on.

And after walking so far, he was getting closer to the golden flower.

That golden flower has become the only one in his eyes.

Li Yuan had a feeling that if he picked that golden flower, it would definitely be an unimaginable opportunity.

It’s close, only the last few hundred meters remain.

Li Yuan was like a decayed old man, walking step by step, it took him a long time to move a step.

With every step he took, the pain inflicted on him increased.

Finally, he came to the center of the sea of ​​flowers.

It was a golden flower, the size of a palm, which seemed to be the value of the existence of this fantasyland. Its youthfulness overshadowed the sea of ​​flowers in the main film.

He suddenly had the idea that once he picked this golden flower, would this sea of ​​flowers still exist?

He is not that noble and does not want the other two Mahayana to leave this sea of ​​flowers.

But now that things have come to a point, it’s useless to think about it any more.

Li Yuan slowly touched the golden flowers.

For a moment, a gentle breath flowed into his soul.

The power of his soul recovered quickly, and in just an instant, he was completely restored.

At the same time, a mysterious force enveloped Li Yuan.

Next, the stars have moved, time and space have changed, and Li Yuan appears in the void.

He looked around and saw a floating square beneath his feet.

In the void around the square, there are nine steps leading to unknown areas.

In front of one of the steps, a figure was struggling to move forward.

Who else could it be but a Soul Eater?

When he saw someone coming, he looked shocked.

However, seeing that it was not Demon Cliff, I felt relieved.

Compared to Mo Ya, this Mahayana seems to be easier to get along with.

He quickly handed over his hands and said flatteringly: “PreviouslySir, this should be the third test, but I don’t know which step I should take. ”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “One person should only be able to choose one. It depends on who can choose the right one.”

“Yes, senior is absolutely right!”

Looking at the fawning Soul Eater, Li Yuan half-smiled and said, “Where’s the Demon Cliff? Why haven’t you seen me?”

The soul-eating monster was stunned when he heard this, and quickly said: “Senior Demon Ya did not show up.”

“He didn’t teleport here?”


“Then have you ever seen a great monk?”

“I’ve never seen this before!”

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard this, where did the magic cliff go?

Looking at the Soul Eater, Li Yuan said quietly: “In this case, there is no point in keeping you!”

Before he finished speaking, a bronze bell appeared in his hand, which vibrated instantly.

The Soul Eater was already seriously injured by the Demon Cliff and was dying. His soul was dim. Now facing the bronze bell, how could he have any chance to resist?

The moment he saw the bronze bell appear, he felt something bad.

But before he could escape, he was confused by the sound of the bell and his soul fell into a coma.

Thousands of meters away, for Li Yuan, it was an instant. He took one step forward and pointed directly at the Soul Eater’s eyebrows.


The terrifying power directly blew the Soul Eater into ashes.

After destroying the soul-eating monster with one finger, Li Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Ya did not appear here, which made him have some guesses.

Maybe it’s because the magic cliff is too high, maybe it’s because the third level is not the same place. Of course, the most likely reason is that when heading to the sea of ​​flowers, you can’t retreat, otherwise it will be considered a failure.

I just don’t know if Mo Ya has left this fairy land, or has his lifespan really run out and vanished into ashes?

Looking at the nine mysterious heavenly roads in the surrounding void, Li Yuan’s eyes flickered.

They lead to unknown places and cannot be peered into.

It is almost certain that only one of these nine roads is true. As for the others, who knows where they lead!

As soon as his heart moved, nine incarnations immediately came out of his body.

In that case, let’s try them one by one.

For others, it’s a test of luck.

But for him, sorry, even if there is only one true path, he can try it out.

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