It took a long time for the Soul Eater to barely adapt to this horrific pain.

He was horrified, what the hell is this place?

Looking at the center of the sea of ​​flowers, the golden flowers are still out of reach.

Looking back at the four Mahayana who were staring at him closely, Soul Eater said with a sad face: “Seniors and juniors, their lifespan is almost exhausted!”

Mo Ya looked indifferent: “Keep going!”

“Junior, even if you continue to move forward, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get close to that golden flower!”

“Continue to move forward, or be refined into a puppet by me, you choose one!”


The Soul Eater was frightened and angry, these old immortals were determined to force themselves to death.

He was unwilling to accept it. If he continued like this, he would not only have to endure endless pain, but also use up all his life span.

He simply stopped where he was, wanting to consume it.

When Mo Ya saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he pointed directly.

A ray of red light shot out directly, intending to cripple the Soul Eater and teach him a lesson.

However, after the red light disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers, it quickly dimmed. After only advancing for more than a hundred meters, it disappeared without a trace.

When Mo Ya saw this, he was stunned and took action again without believing in evil.

But still, even if he tried his best, he couldn’t radiate the power further.

When the Soul Eater saw this, he was immediately overjoyed.

As long as he doesn’t go out, these old guys can’t touch him.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that he had to endure astonishing pain all the time, as if his soul was being torn apart by pieces of sword light.

The other two demon clan Mahayana frowned slightly when they saw this.

A chess piece actually wants to escape control.

Mo Ya looked at Li Yuan: “Fellow Daoist Shi, why don’t you give it a try?”

When Li Yuan heard this, he shook his head slightly, how dare he take action.

Once he takes action, his secret will definitely be revealed.

He shook his head and said: “It’s useless. This sea of ​​flowers is suppressed by mysterious power. Even if the tribulation comes, we may not be able to encounter this soul-eating monster.”

When several people heard this, their faces suddenly became a little ugly.

Mo Ya looked around and saw that no one had any intention of taking action. He finally sneered: “Forget it, let me take action!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a step forward and came to where the Soul Eater was.

When the Soul Eater saw this, he was immediately shocked.

But before he could escape, Demon Ya had already grabbed his head, and a terrifying soul force filled the air and rushed into his soul.

Since you are disobedient, there is no need to keep it.

The Soul Eater used to be at home in this world, but now facing the Demon Cliff in this early stage of Mahayana, it has no power to resist.

The terrifying soul power invaded his soul, and even though the Soul-Eating Monster’s innate soul was special, it was still difficult to resist.

In just a few breaths, the Soul Eater’s eyes became blank.

“Go, keep going!”

This time, Soul Eater didn’t hesitate.

He followed Mo Ya’s instructions and headed step by step to the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

His appearance was rapidly aging, and his soul began to smell of decay.

After advancing more than a thousand meters, the aura of decay on the Soul Eater’s body was extremely strong, and his lifespan was almost completely exhausted.

He was shaking and clearly experiencing unimaginable pain.


Suddenly, he broke free from Mo Ya’s control and regained his consciousness.

After reacting, Soul Eater’s eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

He was actually controlled by this damn Mahayana and went deep into this strange sea of ​​flowers. He didn’t realize it until now.

If he had known this, there would be no way he would have been so determined to pursue and kill that human being.

“Keep moving forward. This is just an illusion, an illusion set by the gods. You have no way out now. Only by moving forward can you have a chance of survival.”

The old birdman spoke densely, staring at the Soul Eater with some evil intentions.

However, Soul Eater was already doubting life at this time, and his life was about to come to an end.

He was sure that within three steps at most, he would completely run out of life.

“You devils!”

The Soul Eater roared angrily, a trace of resentment flashing in its eyes.

Mo Ya’s expression remained unchanged, and he sneered: “This is Mo Ya, why do you think it is called Mo Ya?”

Before he finished speaking, he moved, came to Soul Eater, and smashed half of his body with a slap.

“If you take a step back, you will die, but if you move forward, there is still a glimmer of hope.”

Mo Ya spoke calmly, but his expression was a bit unnatural. He suddenly advanced a thousand meters, and the pain he suffered instantly increased by countless amounts. Although he had endured it before, he still almost couldn’t bear it anymore.


The Soul Eater was frightened, but faced with the pressure from Demon Cliff, how could he dare to retreat?

As this person said, if he retreated, he would definitely die, but if he moved forward, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Since it is a test, why would the tester be allowed toLife is exhausted here?

With fear, the Soul Eater took another step forward.

His body was trembling, but the pain in his soul was secondary. Another year of his life was lost.

He hesitated, hesitated, hesitated, wondering whether to give up.

However, Mo Ya didn’t give him time to think about it. With a slap, most of the Soul Eater’s soul was wiped out.

Now, his soul and body are so illusory and terrifying that he is almost about to collapse.

Taking advantage of the demonic cliff’s lustful power, the Soul Eater had no choice but to move forward again.

He was trembling, looking at the golden flowers that were out of reach, and then looking back at the magic cliff, wanting to cry without tears.

“Senior, if I take one more step forward, my life span will really be exhausted!”

Mo Ya did not press again, but looked at the Soul Eater indifferently.

Outside the sea of ​​flowers, other people looked at Soul Eater with solemn expressions, wanting to know his ending.

Although Mo Ya did not continue to take action, Soul Eater finally gritted his teeth and took the final step.

As the old birdman said, this is his only chance of survival.

By now, he had no way out.

The soul-eating monster’s soul light dimmed, its lifespan was exhausted, and it could no longer move forward. Finally, it turned into a little soul light and completely dissipated in this sea of ​​flowers.

Several Mahayana looked solemnly, staring at the place where the Soul Eater disappeared.

Did the Soul Eater escape from the illusion, or was he really dead?

If he really died, his soul should not dissipate directly.

Everyone looked puzzled and couldn’t help but look at Mo Ya.

Mo Ya looked solemn because he felt that the Soul Eater had not completely fallen.

Although the Soul Eater escaped from his control, his previous attack had quietly left a mark.

Does this mean that if you use up all your life span, you can escape from this place?

Should we enter the next level or escape this illusion?

Will the lost longevity be restored?

Mo Ya was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should move on or not.

After all, once you guess wrong, you may be in doom.

Looking at everyone, Mo Ya muttered: “I can no longer feel any breath of the soul-eating monster. Maybe it has really died.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

The snake demon was unwilling to accept it: “Is our guess false?”

“It’s impossible. Apart from this sea of ​​flowers, there are no other clues here!”

Several people discussed, but at this moment, they saw Mo Ya’s body’s aura changing and suddenly becoming extremely peaceful.

His soul changed and turned into an old monk with a clear aura.

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