The nine incarnations each chose a heavenly path and headed towards the endless void to find the true heavenly path.

However, one day later, the avatar sent back a message, which made him frown slightly.

At the end of these nine roads, nine heavenly roads appeared, spreading into the endless void.

This made Li Yuan’s face darken, which meant that he had to prepare eighty-one incarnations.

Under normal circumstances, this illusion would not be able to transform into ninety-nine or eighty-one incarnations.

Fortunately, he had collected golden flowers before, so he had a chance to do it.

Taking out the golden flower, Li Yuan’s power of soul quickly recovered, and soon another incarnation came out.

However, on the third day, the previous incarnation of the Nine Paths sent back the message again.

At the end of each heavenly road, nine new heavenly roads appeared again, spreading into the distance.

Li Yuan even had some doubts, could this heavenly road be divided infinitely?

But there was no other way to go except this road to heaven, so he had no choice.

If it were anyone else who came here, they would have to risk their lives.

Taking out the golden petals again, another six hundred and forty-eight incarnations walked towards the endless void.

As he expected, another message came back soon that Tianlu was split again.

Li Yuan almost split open, and could only take out the golden flower, and separated into incarnations again and again to explore the way.

Time passes day by day, and no one can come to this space again.

The golden petals in Li Yuan’s hand showed a hint of withering. Of course, if you don’t look carefully, you can barely notice it.

Finally, after he divided 380 million incarnations to explore the road, he finally found the end of these heavenly roads.

It seems that at the end of every heavenly road, there is a blazing white door.

An incarnation pushed open the door, and immediately felt the scene in front of him change, and he appeared in a temple.

The atmosphere was solemn as hundreds of officials offered sacrifices. When Li Yuan looked up, his whole soul was shaken, and a pair of indescribable eyes looked at him.

It is a sculpture with a dragon’s head and human body. It is at the highest point of the temple and is worshiped by all living beings.

Although he is a sculpture, he exudes an indescribable power at this time.

Those cold eyes were filled with aloof majesty, like a god looking down on all living beings.

Li Yuan’s incarnation was shocked. This was a powerful demon saint, not weaker than the thousand-armed saint he had seen before.

There is an inexplicable aura flowing around this demon saint’s body, which seems to resonate with the world.

He seems to be the master of this world and the origin of all things.

Li Yuan looked at it and seemed to see all the sentient beings bowing to him. He followed his words and opened the sky with one hand, and the endless stars could only hover in his eyes.

His heart moved again. If he could think of this sacred visualization as his own dharma, it would be extremely powerful.

What kind of true phoenix and Kunpeng Dharma are so weak compared to the demon saint in front of me.

At the same time, he felt that as long as he communicated with this sculpture, he could escape from this world and leave this fairy land.

However, in another portal, an incarnation opened the portal, but it was like falling into an endless hell, surrounded by countless evil ghosts.

There is a powerful evil spirit, roaring, spraying hell flames from its mouth, even if it is an illusion, it is still terrifying.

Li Yuan’s incarnation only lasted for half a breath before suddenly collapsing.

Behind each portal corresponds to a special space.

There are demons whispering, there are sacred preaching, and there are mysterious beings standing in the world. All living things are vividly displayed here.

What frightened Li Yuan the most was that inside, behind every door, there were these terrifying creatures.

Three hundred and eighty million terrifying creatures are simply astonishing.

Each terrifying creature has a vast aura, far beyond the heart of the evil god, picking up the stars and the moon, and opening up the world.

Is this just a projection of the upper world?

Li Yuan is unknown.

Finally, a portal was opened.

An incarnation entered it.

The moment he entered, Li Yuan was horrified.

Fire falls from the sky, destroying the world, shattering the world, and causing divine bloodshed.

A terrifying catastrophe has come, and the endless and vast world has been shattered into pieces.

He saw a big hand falling from the sky, tearing the sky apart, shattering the world, and the unimaginable holiness was turned into ashes with a slap.

I also saw that there was a mighty long river crushing it, covering countless worlds, running through endless years, and no matter how powerful the sacred was, it could not stir up a single wave in front of this long river.

This scene was so amazing that it exceeded Li Yuan’s imagination.

He couldn’t imagine what kind of big hand it was that could have such power.

The world is devastated, countless saints are bleeding, and countless worlds have been turned into endless fragments and ruins.

As time goes by, all living beings perish, and only one figure stands above the long river, existing forever.

Li Yuan was shocked, what kind of existence was that?

hisWho is the opponent, and why did he turn the entire world into endless ruins?

Although I had long known that the Wu Xu illusion in front of me was not a product of the human world, the scene I saw now was still too unbelievable.

After a long time, Li Yuan finally came back to his senses and looked at the world that had been reduced to ruins.

As time passes and the years change, the ruins of the past begin to glow with life, and creatures are born one after another.

But they will never reach the heights they once were, and they will never be able to last as long as those saints.

Even as time goes by, even the extraordinary power cannot be reproduced.

I don’t know how many years and epochs have passed, but finally a white jade hand reached into the long river, picked up the ruins, and put it into a piece of fertile soil.

I don’t know how many years have passed, and this fertile soil has grown one gorgeous flower after another, especially the golden flower in the center, which looks like the figure that once stood over the long river.

But the shining white jade hands never appeared again.

Li Yuan finally understood the origin of the golden flower in his hand.

At the same time, he was also a little scared. What kind of existence was the white jade hand behind him? Was it paying attention to him?

He was a little uneasy, but he soon calmed down.

If there really is such an existence, I’m afraid all my secrets will be exposed.

At this moment, a scroll exuding a mysterious aura quietly appeared and floated towards Li Yuan.

The scriptures slowly unfolded, and mysterious words appeared one after another, containing the principles of heaven and earth.

Li Yuan’s eyes widened and he quickly understood the message of this scripture.

This is a magical power called wind and rain. Once it is mastered, it can summon all kinds of magical winds and strange rains, which are extremely terrifying and can destroy true immortals.

There are only two magical powers he currently possesses, one that can transform into tens of thousands of people, and the other that has a nine-kalpa golden body.

However, after so many years of meditating on the Nine Tribulations Golden Body, I still have no clue.

Compared with heaven-level skills, magical powers are more difficult to understand and cultivate.

Is this the final pass reward?

Li Yuan was excited and grabbed the scroll, fearing that he would miss it.

However, the next moment, a mysterious force enveloped him, and together with the scroll, it headed towards the nine heavens.

To be precise, I want to leave this long river and go to an unknown place.

Li Yuan was shocked, this was obviously a trap.

He tried his best, but couldn’t break free at all.

I was careless, I didn’t expect that this final reward would actually have a trap.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuan directly destroyed his incarnation.


Even though he self-destructed his incarnation, he still did not shake the shroud of mysterious power.

But fortunately, everything disappeared and ceased to exist.

In the suspended square, Li Yuan’s real body sensed the information sent back by the avatar, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

Suddenly, he thought of some legends about Wuxu’s illusion.

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