Li Yuan understood that there must be secrets here that he had not discovered.

He kept deducing and wandering around this mortal market, and finally laid his eyes on the rows of lantern riddles.

Most of the 7749 rows of lantern riddles have been guessed, and the lanterns were lit.

Li Yuan looked at a lantern riddle. Although he didn’t know what the words were, he instantly understood its meaning.

Destiny does not change, life span is fixed, yin and yang and the five elements change.

Although it is only a short line of text, it actually has extraordinary significance.

This not only expresses the meaning, but also expresses some truths of heaven and earth.

Li Yuan has extraordinary understanding, has practiced more than one heaven-level technique, and has a very profound understanding of the principles of heaven and earth.

He looked at this line of text, and the principles of heaven and earth quickly emerged in his mind.

This kind of realization is like a heaven-level skill that cannot be described in words.

This is elaborating the ultimate principles between heaven and earth, and resonates with heaven and earth.

His gaze was like a deep pool. In just a moment, he felt something in his heart and carved a strange rune with his mental power.

Then, he saw that the lantern representing the riddle instantly lit up and shone brightly.

At the same time, a mysterious power came, and Li Yuan felt that the scene in front of him had changed. When he looked again, an endless sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of him, gorgeous and beautiful.

And he was standing on the outside of the sea of ​​flowers.

Not only that, there is more than one living being here.

One person and two monsters.

When Li Yuan looked at them, they also looked at Li Yuan.

When they felt the astonishing aura on Li Yuan’s body, one person and two monsters in the field looked wary at the same time.

Of all the people present, the strongest one was just a snake spirit in the late Mahayana period.

When Li Yuan saw one person and two monsters looking at him, he immediately showed a kind expression, cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Old Shi Hongbo, I have met three Taoist friends.”

Seeing this, the old human man nodded slightly, cupped his hands and said, “I’ve met my fellow Taoist at Demon Cliff.”

Magic cliff! Magic cliff?

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and looked at this person carefully, and immediately a panic rose in his heart.

No wonder I thought this old man was kind-hearted before.

What the hell kind of luck is this?

The Demon Cliff is exactly the other side of the Bright Cliff that he transformed into the Wilderness Realm back then.

I thought that he had perished like other transformed gods, but I didn’t expect that not only did he survive, but he also achieved Mahayana cultivation.

He suppressed the shock in his heart and nodded reluctantly, pretending not to recognize him.

Fortunately, he changed his face, otherwise he would have doubted whether he would be slapped to death by Mo Ya.

There is also Mingya, who doesn’t know what the situation is now.

He didn’t use the Liuli Shidu Sutra to sense it. After all, Dongxu might be able to break away from the transition, not to mention that the current Demon Cliff was a Mahayana.

Mo Ya looked at Li Yuan, and he didn’t know if it was because he was from the same human race, but he felt a little close to Shi Hongbo.

To be honest, as a monk in the early stage of Mahayana, facing two powerful aliens here, he was really under a lot of pressure.

Now that this member of the same race at the pinnacle of Mahayana has come in, together they can kill these two alien races.

Of course, maintaining the status quo is the best choice. After all, I am the weakest. If there is a fight, it will be very bad.

At that moment, Mo Ya immediately took the initiative to introduce the situation here.

He said: “Fellow Daoist Shi, according to our speculation, the center of this sea of ​​flowers is the key to breaking the situation.”

Li Yuan looked at the center of the sea of ​​flowers, frowned and said, “Why don’t those fellow Taoists go to the center of the sea of ​​flowers?”

Hearing this, Mo Ya suddenly looked solemn and said solemnly: “As long as you step into the sea of ​​flowers, you will be affected by the mysterious power. Every step you take, you will suffer the pain of mountains of swords and seas of fire.”

“It’s just some pain. This shouldn’t trouble you, right?”

Mo Ya nodded and said: “If it’s just some pain, it’s nothing, but with every step you take, you will grow older and one year of your life will go by.”

“Life is passing away?”

“Yes, when I first came here, I still had 30,000 years to live, but now I only have more than 10,000 years left.”

Speaking of this, Mo Ya also showed a trace of fear in his heart.

He can be sure that his longevity has indeed disappeared.

This kind of power is really shocking, even if they can’t resist it at all.

“In other words, this place is the same as the place where you died?”

“Place of death?”

“Yes, the same is true for the Death Land, but the closer you get to it, the faster the lifespan passes.”

“I see!”

Several people looked into the depths of the sea of ​​flowers and suddenly showed complicated expressions.

Knowing that this is the key to breaking the situation, who can face death and move forward bravely?

Li Yuan looked at the two monsters. Although the snake monster was charming, there were obvious traces of time on its face.

The other is an old birdman, but I don’t know what kind of monster he is.

birdThe old man said in a deep voice: “I feel that everything in front of me may be just an illusion. If it is really a test from the gods, it is impossible for me to wait here until my life span is exhausted, right?”

The snake demon sneered: “Since it is an illusion, why doesn’t fellow Taoist Peng go deep into the sea of ​​flowers?”

The birdman shook his head and sighed: “I don’t have much life left. Even if I have the will, I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk a few steps.”

Li Yuan looked around and said in a deep voice: “Have any fellow Taoists found out how to leave?”

“No, if we could leave, we would have left long ago.”

Mo Ya looked unwilling, they were trapped here.

I think he went through a lot of hardships and finally reached this state, but in the end he was trapped here and died.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

At this moment, another figure stepped into the room.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t the Soul Eater?

He was lucky and guessed a lantern riddle.

Soul Eater looked excited. He was sure that there was definitely a great opportunity here.

After all, I have never heard of any fantasy land having such a test.

However, the next moment, he was dumbfounded, his scalp was numb, and he was filled with infinite fear in his heart.

The eyes of the four powerful men in the Mahayana stage all fell on him.

The Soul Eater was frightened and hurriedly paid homage: “Junior Hun Meitian, pay homage to the four seniors!”

Li Yuan’s eyes were dark, and he pretended to see this soul-eating monster for the first time, and said with a smile: “You don’t need to be polite, you can pass the test when you enter the middle of the sea of ​​flowers. Whether you can pass or not depends on your fate.”

When the Soul Eater heard this, he suddenly looked blank, but there was a bad feeling in his heart.

These four Mahayana are guarded here. If you really can pass the test, it will be your turn.

At this time, Mo Ya also said sadly: “Little guy, go ahead, have you seen the golden flower deep in the sea of ​​flowers? Pick it over!”

“This this……”

The Soul Eater looked hesitant and did not dare to move rashly.

However, the next moment, a terrifying aura emerged from the old birdman’s body, shrouding him.

“Why, do you still want to refuse the kindness of fellow Taoist Demon Cliff?”

The Soul Eater was horrified. He believed that as long as he dared to say the word “no”, he would be immediately annihilated.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Soul Eater hurriedly said: “Don’t you dare, I will go now, junior.”

With that said, he hurriedly stepped into the sea of ​​flowers.

In an instant, he felt as if his soul was being burned by fire.

The Soul Eater felt a little relieved. Fortunately, it was still within his tolerance.

However, he soon became a little panicked.

Not only was the pain in his soul and body increasing, but he also felt that his life span was quietly passing away.

For every step forward, one year of his life will pass.

He couldn’t help but increase his pace, but he didn’t expect that the speed at which his life span would pass was even more terrifying. He walked a thousand meters in one step, and as a result, he lost most of his life span and became several times older.

At the same time, there was horrific pain, as if he had fallen into an endless hell, which kept him from recovering for a long time.

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