Yang Dali was horrified and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: “Fellow Taoist, spare your life, I am willing to recognize you as my master!”

When life and death were at stake, how could he care about anything else?

Li Yuan took the bronze bell and looked at the sheep Dali with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This is indeed a good tool sheep.

But he has no means of enslaving people.

The Glazed World Sutra no longer has much effect on monks who have transformed into gods or above.

Looking at Yang Dali, Li Yuan said quietly: “What a pity, I don’t have any means to enslave people.”

When Yang Dali heard this, he suddenly felt happy and said quickly: “I have it, I have it!”

As he spoke, he quickly sent a memory.

It was the secret method of slavery that he had prepared for Li Yuan before.

“There won’t be any problems with this secret method, right?”

“No, absolutely not!”

Yang Dali hurriedly spoke, how dare he have any other thoughts.

The strength of this human being is probably more terrifying than he imagined. Even if it is not a fusion, it is probably close to it.

Damn it, he just hid one great realm, and this person actually hid two.

Li Yuan didn’t fully believe it. He thought about it quietly for a moment. When he saw that there was no problem, he nodded.

He condensed a brand and planted it into the powerful soul of the sheep with a secret method.

From then on, Yang Dali’s life and death depended on his thoughts.

“Master, where are we going now?”

Yang Dali spoke with a flattering look on his face, as if he was truly surrendering.

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “Turn it into a prototype first, and then carry me to search deeper in the fantasy world!”

When Yang Dali heard this, he was immediately furious and bullied Yang too much.

But now that the sheep was under the eaves, he had to bow his head, and he didn’t dare to show it.

In an instant, the sheep Dali transformed into a majestic big blue sheep.

Li Yuan stepped forward and directly drove Yang Dali to go deeper into the Wuxu illusion.

Now that there is Yang Dali’s bronze bell, if you really encounter any inheritance place, you will naturally have to go in and take a look.

In just a few years, Li Yuan had acquired more than a dozen earth-level techniques.

Yang Dali was also very lucky, and he also understood a few levels of earth.

This cheered him up. This time he went out and he was really going to become prosperous.

Li Yuan wasn’t very excited. It wasn’t a heaven-level skill, so he didn’t really care.

On this day, as soon as a person came out of a blessed place, he was blocked by someone.

It was a black humanoid creature with silver stars surrounding its eyebrows.

Yang Dali was shocked when he saw this: “Soul Eater!”

“What is a Soul Eater?”

“As you can tell by the name, it’s a monster that specializes in devouring souls.”

Before he finished speaking, Yang Dali felt like he was far away, and he didn’t even care about the brand in his body.

Li Yuan didn’t know how strong this soul-eating monster was, but the aura alone made his scalp numb.

This is a combined-level monster, very terrifying.

In this Wuxu illusion, he is absolutely no match for this kind of monster.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Yuan rang the bronze bell, and an astonishing wave hit the soul-eating monster.

At the same time, a giant finger fell from the sky and crushed the Soul Eater.

Then, without even looking at it, he chased directly in the direction where the sheep fled vigorously.

The ancient holy light enveloped him, the mysterious runes were activated, and Li Yuan’s strength surged dozens of times.

His speed was astonishing, like a bolt of lightning, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant.

Yang Dali sensed Li Yuan approaching quickly from behind, and his scalp was numb with shock. Can’t you change the direction?

Seeing that Li Yuan was about to surpass him, Yang Dali quickly called for help.

“Master, help me, help me!”

“You’re just a big-headed guy. Who told you to leave me and run away just now?”

He thought that this old sheep could probably hold off for a few breaths.

However, there was an astonishing roar from behind, and the soul-eating monster was not seriously injured.

His speed was amazing. After catching up with Yang Dali, he ignored him and stared at Li Yuan, chasing him.

Li Yuan sensed this and was stunned. What did this mean?

Why are you chasing me?

He quickly thought that this soul-eating monster was probably targeting him and wanted to take away his bronze bell.

Yang Dali looked at the Soul Eater going away and was immediately stunned.

This… what does this mean?

Was he being ignored?

Could it be that this monster thought he was too weak and was too lazy to attack?

Without thinking, Yang Dali turned around and fled in another direction.

Seeing the Soul Eater getting closer and closer, a hoarse voice even came out: “You can’t run away!”

A cold light flashed in Li Yuan’s eyes, he must kill this monster after he goes out.

Just when the Soul Eater was still a thousand miles away from him, Li Yuan shook the bronze bell again, then raised it with one finger, then transformed into an incarnation and ran away separately.

However, this Soul Eater used some unknown method to seem to have locked onto his true body.Unable to get rid of it.

Behind him, the Soul Devourer’s creepy roar came, obviously it was completely enraged.

But Li Yuan’s strength was not weak. Although he was not as good as a real fusion cultivator, with the help of the bronze bell, he was not powerless to resist.

One man and one monster, one chasing and one fleeing.

Occasionally encountering other cultivators, they would avoid it from a distance.

What a joke, a Soul Devourer in the fusion realm, who dares to provoke it unless it is a powerful one?

This Soul Devourer has completely set its sights on Li Yuan, and has been chasing him. Half a month has passed, and it has not given up yet.

Li Yuan once again forced the Soul Devourer to retreat, and a sense of frustration rose in his heart.

This time, he was really unlucky.

If this goes on, he is afraid that he will not be able to hold on for long.

After all, he is not a real fusion, and the power of his soul is far less than that of the Soul Devourer.

A few days later.

Li Yuan fled on a sea and finally saw a piece of fairyland.

There was an amazing holy light spreading, which shocked his soul and he actually recovered a little.

Great fortune, there must be amazing great fortune here.

This is his only choice to get rid of this soul-eating monster.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuan shook the bronze bell and found an entrance, and directly sank into it.

Half a breath later, the soul-eating monster came, with red light surging in his eyes.

He carefully sensed and confirmed that the human had indeed entered this realm.


The soul-eating monster grinned, and he was determined to get the bronze bell.

Fortunately, his family was gifted and was like a fish in water in this spiritual illusion.

The soul-eating monster’s eyes flashed red, and it approached step by step. Soon, it seemed to have noticed something and found the entrance that Li Yuan entered.

Li Yuan opened the holy light without limit, and with the help of the bronze bell, he continued to explore the way deeper.

At the same time, his body changed, and he turned directly into a vicissitudes of life old man, with the aura of the peak of Mahayana on his body.

If the soul-eating monster really chased in, perhaps this move could scare the monster away.

Half an hour later, Li Yuan successfully entered this fairyland.

Passing through the misty purple bamboo forest, his eyes suddenly changed and he appeared in a bustling street market.

This seemed like a mortal kingdom, with all kinds of hawking sounds coming one after another, extremely real.

This place was completely different from the previous illusion, with peddlers hawking, scholars singing, and birds and dogs barking.

Li Yuan’s mental power spread out, and he instantly understood everything here.

This seemed to be a mortal street market.

But if it was just a mortal street market, where did the holy light come from before?

Moreover, the creatures here also had no awareness or intersection with Li Yuan’s arrival.

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