“A robot in the combined stage?”

All the orcs were shocked when they saw this.

They were terrified. How could a human in the divine transformation stage have such a background?

This time, I really hit the wall.

Without any hesitation, all the beasts fled into the distance.

Especially the human-faced spider, he actually took out a space-breaking talisman and directly broke through the space and flew away.

“Kill them all!”

Li Yuan ordered, and upon hearing the words, the first robot rushed directly towards the twelve human beasts, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

As for the other robot, it stayed by Li Yuan’s side to prevent any unexpected events.

In just a few breaths, all twelve humans and beasts fell, killed on the spot.

Li Yuan put away the storage rings of these human beasts with cold eyes.

“There’s another one, go hunt him down!”

He put away the mothership and was led by two robots, who broke through the space and chased him.

The sensing range of an intelligent robot is 100,000 miles away, and the worst void-breaking talisman can also travel 300,000 miles away.

But Li Yuan didn’t think that the human-faced spider could afford the mid-grade Sky Breaking Talisman.

And even if he could afford it, how many could he buy?

Intelligent robots tear apart space and can travel millions of miles in one go.

He used the coordinates just now as the starting point and kept searching. Finally, half a quarter of an hour later, he found the human-faced spider.

At this time, the human-faced spider had restrained its aura and was like a dead tree, hiding in a special coffin a hundred thousand miles underground.

If the robot didn’t have special bio-sensing capabilities, it might not be possible to detect it.

Sensing the terrifying aura coming from the outside world, the human-faced spider felt extremely cold.

He still had a bit of luck, hoping that the robot was just passing by and didn’t notice him.

After all, he had used this method to hide the induction of a powerful fusion man.

However, the robot took action directly, and a terrifying beam of light directly penetrated the coffin and penetrated the head of the human-faced spider.

His soul was directly defeated by the terrifying power, and he was shattered on the spot.

The intelligent robot waved, and the human-faced spider’s storage ring fell into his hand, and was handed to Li Yuan respectfully.

In place, only a bottomless abyss remained.

Li Yuan nodded, broke the mark of the storage ring, and penetrated it with his spiritual power.

The next moment, his eyes lit up. This human-faced spider had more storage rings than all the other human beasts combined. There were hundreds of millions of spiritual stones alone.

He was still a little distressed when the intelligent robot was dispatched.

Now it’s better, all the consumption has been doubled.

Taking out the mothership, Li Yuan and two intelligent robots boarded the mothership and directly broke through the world barrier and left the ancient underworld.

It was another month before he returned to the Cambrian Realm and his own mountain peak in the Aoki Sect.

Seeing that Li Yuan was back, some monks from the sect hurriedly came to pay a visit.

They all knew that Li Yuan was not very strong and had never left the sect, so they were afraid that something might happen to him.

In this regard, Li Yuan can only say that you really think too much.

Even if he is powerful, he may not be able to keep him.

After sending everyone away, Li Yuan took out the spiritual object of enlightenment that had been prepared and took a sip from the ancient and modern cup.

The spiritual wine worth hundreds of millions is indeed extraordinary, even a small sip has amazing effects.

All kinds of strange phenomena appeared throughout the secret room, which were very shocking.

Li Yuan only felt that Yuan Shen seemed to have traveled through the past, present and future, and everything he saw and felt seemed to be at an unimaginable height.

Without any hesitation, the three incarnations were differentiated by him.

The main body comprehends the Yin Talisman Treasure Mirror, and the three incarnations comprehend other heaven-level techniques.

The heaven-level skills contain the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, which ordinary people cannot comprehend at all. Although Li Yuan has extraordinary understanding, it will not take a short time to understand the heaven-level skills.

As for cultivating heaven-level skills, it is even more difficult.

The incarnation is no better than the real body, and the speed of comprehending the skills is far inferior to the real body.

His incarnation No. 1 has been passing away for five hundred years, but he still has not fully understood the Nine Tribulations Golden Body.

As for the method of simulation, I am the only one who has mastered it. Although I have already understood it, my cultivation is only just beginning.

However, taking a sip of the ancient and modern cup, his soul seemed to be in harmony with the great road of heaven and earth, as if he were standing in the bright time.

In his eyes, the extremely complex principles of heaven and earth became sober, simple and well-organized.

No wonder there are rumors that someone drank this wine and created a heaven-level technique.

Although Li Yuan has not reached that level, it is still no problem if he just comprehends the heaven-level skills.

Eighteen years later, he opened his eyes suddenly, with red runes flashing in his eyes.

This is exactly the fate talisman mentioned in the Yin Fu Baojian. It is not only the foundation for deducing all things, but also can resist other people’s deductions.

In eighteen years, he not only understood part of the Yin Fu Baojian, but also started practicing it.

This is a heaven-level secret method. Under normal circumstances, it takes hundreds of people to fully comprehend it.Year.

He stretched out his hand to deduce, the fortune talismans were flowing in his eyes, and a mysterious feeling emerged. Within three months, there would be distinguished guests coming to the door.

As for who it was and what it was, he did not continue to deduce it, because if he continued to deduce it, it might backfire and hurt himself.

Sure enough, more than two months later, when Li Yuan was still studying the technique, a young figure came to Cyanwood Mountain.

At first, no one noticed, but as the young figure opened his mouth, a bright sound passed through the space and passed directly into the Qingmu Cave.

“I, Gui Xuanlong, have something to meet with fellow Taoist Fayuan. I would also like to ask you fellow Taoists to open the door to the cave.”

The visitor was Lao Gui, and he did not directly tell Li Yuan his real name.

Several elders of the Qingmu Sect were shocked. This was at least the arrival of a strong man of the martial master level.

They are facing a formidable enemy. Who is this person?

The Qingmu Sect has always been kind to others and has no interaction with such beings.

Fa Yuan, does their Qingmu Sect have a monk named Fa Yuan?

There are billions of human races living in Qingmu Cave, among which there are no less than a million disciples.

However, among the elders, there is no disciple named Fa Yuan.

With sword light flowing in his eyes, Jian Yin arrived at the door of Qingmu Cave and was about to go out to inquire.

But he was quickly stopped by a Supreme Elder: “No, the person coming doesn’t know the enemy or friend, so don’t act rashly.”

Jian Yin frowned and said in a deep voice: “Are we just going to wait like this? If he is a warrior-level warrior, the cave sky defense may not be able to stop him.”

“No rush, ask first!”

As the Supreme Elder spoke, he took out a conch.

He has a special way of delivering his voice.

“Senior, I wonder who the Fa Yuan you are looking for is? What is his current level of cultivation?”

In the outside world, Lao Gui naturally understood everyone’s concerns and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist Fayuan, according to you, is King Wu Dzogchen. As for his real name, I can’t say clearly.”

Bai Yunxuan once told him that her eldest brother was relatively low-key and usually used false names.

He didn’t know whether Li Yuan used his real name or a pseudonym in Qingmu Sect.

But for the sake of safety, we still use the original name.

After thinking for a while, his spiritual thoughts fluctuated, slowly seeping into the Qingmu Cave, and condensed into a human figure.

This figure is almost eighty similar to Li Yuan.

When Jian Yin saw this, he was immediately shocked. He was able to penetrate his spiritual thoughts into the cave. Isn’t this a powerful person?

But soon he noticed the condensed figure of Old Turtle and was stunned.

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