“This…isn’t this Brother Niu?”

“What Brother Niu?”

“It’s Elder Niu Youde Niu!”

“Is it true that Elder Niu is the Fa Yuan mentioned by this senior?”

Not only Jian Yin, but other elders who knew Li Yuan were also dumbfounded, and some suspected that they had seen it wrong.

Jian Yin took the conch from the Supreme Elder and told Lao Gui: “Senior, please wait a moment, I will go and confirm it now!”

With that said, he hurriedly flew to the mountain peak where Li Yuan retreated – Shenxiu Peak.

Li Yuanzheng was concentrating on studying the heaven-level skills, and was suddenly alarmed by Jian Yin’s aura, and quickly put away all his treasures and incarnations.

He walked out of the retreat, looked at Jian Yin who looked anxious, and asked doubtfully: “Brother Jian, what’s going on?”

Jianyin didn’t waste any time and asked directly: “Are you Fa Yuan?”


When Li Yuan heard this, he was immediately shocked. Could it be that the Dongchuang Incident happened?

No, he has never used this name in the Cambrian world.

Li Yuan looked puzzled: “What’s going on? What happened?”

Jian Yin said in a deep voice: “A great master has come from the Cyanwood Mountain. He is outside the cave. He said that he has something to do and wants to see fellow Taoist Fayuan. I don’t know if he is an enemy or a friend yet.”

Hearing this, Li Yuan finally understood and felt slightly relieved.

Red runes were flowing in his eyes, and he counted with his fingers, and immediately recognized that the distinguished guest he had deduced before had arrived.

He didn’t know many powerful people, and the only one who would come to Qingmu Sect to look for him was Lao Gui.

Jianyin was stunned when he saw this. When did Niu Youde learn to deduce?

Li Yuan did not explain, but asked: “Is he a very young boy carrying a turtle shell behind his back?”

When Jian Yin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, as if it was true.

He looked surprised and asked with some surprise: “Are you really that Fa Yuan?”

Li Yuan nodded and said with a smile: “I have used this pseudonym before, and it just happened to do this great man a small favor. Let’s go out and have a look!”

Jian Yin nodded, reluctantly breathing a sigh of relief knowing that this person was a friend and not an enemy.

The arrival of a great master in Cyanwood Mountain really put them under great pressure.

Such a being can destroy them with one hand.

Soon, under Li Yuan’s explanation, the door to the cave opened.

Li Yuan walked out of the cave, looked at Old Turtle, cupped his hands, and said with a smile, “Friend Gui, you’ve been waiting for a long time!”

“Fellow Taoist Fayuan, you’re welcome!”

“Please come with me!”

Li Yuan invited Lao Gui to enter the cave and go directly to Shenxiu Peak.

When the other sect elders saw this, they were stunned and didn’t dare to take a breath.

Such an existence has exceeded the limits of the Cambrian Realm.

Even the Supreme Elders were vigilant and did not dare to neglect at all.

They couldn’t understand why Elder Niu, a Martial King, could be on equal terms with such a being?

On Shenxiu Peak, Li Yuan took out the best spiritual tea and brewed it for the old turtle.

He thanked him and said, “I would also like to thank fellow Taoist Gui for making the trip. Thank you for your hard work!”

The old turtle shook his head, with a kind face, and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I have a lot of time now.”

He already has a long lifespan. If he is promoted to the Tribulation Stage in the future, he will live for at least two more eras.

Two epochs of time will definitely increase his foundation significantly.

Of course, if you advance to the Tribulation Stage, you can’t run around. You need to concentrate on seclusion to understand the origin of the immortal way and deal with the heavenly calamity.

And this is also the reason why there are many Mahayana monks in the world, but they rarely see the period of transcending tribulation.

As he spoke, he took out thirteen secret treasures in various styles.

“Three of these are equivalent to Elder Bai’s full attack, and the other ten can kill the combined monks.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. This would take longer than he expected.

With these things, he finally has a certain ability to protect himself in the world.

He quickly put it away and said with a smile: “Thank you, thank you to Yun Xuan again for me!”

The old turtle nodded and said he would definitely bring it.

Next, Li Yuan asked Lao Gui for advice on several heaven-level exercises.

Lao Gui had practiced the Yin Fu Baojian and the Immortal Longevity Technique, coupled with his advanced realm, he could naturally answer Li Yuan’s questions, which immediately benefited Li Yuan a lot.

Three years later, Lao Gui left, and Li Yuan dismissed the curious people and began to major in ancient holy light.

The martial arts conference is approaching, and he needs to quickly improve his strength, and the ancient holy light is undoubtedly the most powerful way.

There are also three cups of the same cup from ancient to modern times, which are of great help in understanding the heaven-level skills.

Twenty years flew by.

On this day, the sect leader sent someone to inquire about the martial arts conference that was held every thousand years and asked him if he wanted to go and see it.

You have to go, not only to see it, but also to participate and get the top ten spots.

It just so happens that you can test your true strength.

Although it lasted less than a monthTime, but he has already mastered the immortal longevity method, and at the same time started practicing the ancient holy light.

Even though it is just a small achievement, it is equivalent to completing a top-level skill.

As for the Ancient Holy Light, Li Yuan gave it a try. Even if he was just starting out, it was enough to increase his strength by more than three times.

His own strength is very strong. If it increases three times more, it will be difficult for him to have an opponent in the Dongxu Realm.

With the addition of the stone scriptures, I am afraid it will be able to compete with the combination.

This time, Jian Yin led the team, which included everyone from martial arts masters to the Martial Emperor.

He shook his head and sighed: “Back then, when I was promoted to Grand Master of Martial Arts, I participated in the last Martial Arts Conference with my master. Unfortunately, I didn’t even get into the top 10,000 because I didn’t have enough cultivation at that time.”

Li Yuan knew that the great master of martial arts in the Cambrian realm was equivalent to the golden elixir realm of martial arts.

He smiled and said, “What about this time? With your current strength, what level do you think you can reach?”

Jian Yin muttered: “It’s hard to say! I’m only in the middle stage of the Martial Emperor. I can deal with ordinary Martial Emperors just fine, but I have little hope against those geniuses who have reached the Perfect Martial Emperor stage!”

It was a pity for him that although he was promoted to Martial Emperor, his training time was still too short.

The two martial arts events happened before he reached the peak of the same realm.

However, he is not too depressed. At the next martial arts event in a thousand years, if he does not break through to the Martial Lord, he should be at the Martial Emperor’s Great Consummation.

By that time, he will be standing at the pinnacle of the Martial Emperor Realm. He cannot say that he can compete with the Martial Emperor, but at least he will be able to dominate in the Martial Emperor Realm.

Jian Yin’s eyes were filled with a strong look, as if he had seen the scene a thousand years later.

Li Yuan asked: “Will there be any martial arts masters fighting against each other in this martial arts event?”

Jian Yin shook his head: “I don’t know. Although there may have been martial arts masters taking action in previous martial arts festivals, the number of times was very small!”

As he said that, he looked at Li Yuan and asked: “Old Niu, do you want to participate in the martial arts event? You were the King of Martial Arts Dzogchen five hundred years ago. Now that you have practiced Aoki Yida, you should be stronger, right?”

Although he had never seen Li Yuan attack with all his strength, he suspected that Li Yuan was very strong.

Five hundred years ago, he collided with Li Yuan’s artistic conception, but it was resolved invisibly, which shows that Li Yuan’s artistic conception is definitely not weak.

When Li Yuan heard this, he didn’t hide it and said with a smile: “Then let’s participate. I was very excited when I heard from the sect leader that the top ten Martial Kings can obtain the inheritance order of Wu Xu Illusion Realm!”

When everyone heard this, they basically didn’t take Li Yuan’s words to heart and just regarded him as bragging.

In their opinion, Li Yuan is just an alchemy elder and a weapon refining elder, so how can he have any fighting power?

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