Three days later, Li Yuan quietly left the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce through special channels.

Everything is ready, it’s time to return to the Tianhuang Realm.

Arriving at a rarely visited mountain range, Li Yuan directly took out the mothership and ordered it to break through the world barrier of the Cambrian Realm and leave this world.

It has to be said that the speed of the mothership is very amazing. When traveling at warp speed, it can travel up to 200 million miles in a day.

But compared to the vast void of the universe, this speed is too slow.

If you want to reach the ancient underworld, you may have to sail for 80,000 years.

And always in the void of the universe, there is a possibility of encountering pirates in the sky.

This kind of pirates basically have monks who are combined or above.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuan directly gave the order to start the highest level space jump.

A space jump can span a hundred light years.

Even with the added energy, it only took a month.

However, he did not enter the ancient underworld, but directly drove the mothership into the endless sea.

He successfully returned to Tianhuang, which finally made him feel relieved.

On Tianxiu Peak, a young figure slowly opened his eyes and rose from the ground.

It is Li Yuan’s true body. Over the years, without cultivation resources, his cultivation speed has dropped sharply.

I don’t know if it’s because of him, but no god has been born in Tianhuang over the years, not even Ziyang Mountain.

Soon after, the incarnation returned and merged with the real body. Li Yuan also instantly grasped all the experiences of these years.

He took out a few jade slips, which were exactly the heaven-level skills that Lao Gui had traded before.

The heaven-level skill “The Record of Immortal Longevity” is a low-grade heaven-level skill. However, the longer you practice this method, the stronger your strength will be. If you can practice three Yuanhui in a row, the power will be close to the top-level heaven-level skills.

However, ordinary tribulations can only survive one Yuanhui. Even with the addition of exercises such as Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra, it is difficult to survive three Yuanhui.

Lao Gui practiced this method, but he only lived less than one Yuanhui.

In addition, practicing the Immortal Longevity Record can quickly heal injuries and extend a certain amount of life.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as good as the Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra, which can extend up to one-third.

But even so, for ordinary monks, it is very shocking.

As for the martial arts of that day level, it is called “Qian Kun Tian Jing Tian Zhi”, which is the highest level of heaven level and is said to have been created by a peerless martial emperor.

Although Li Yuan is practicing sword skills, he has already condensed the heart of the sword. Everything in the world can be used as a sword. If he masters the Heaven-shaking Finger of Heaven and Earth, his strength will increase several times.

In addition, there are two secret techniques. One is “Ancient Holy Light”. By sacrificing life span, you can absorb the ancient holy light to bathe yourself, so that your strength will skyrocket. The more life span you sacrifice, the skyrocketing strength will be. The stronger.

This made Li Yuan full of surprises. He finally encountered this secret method tailor-made for him, and it was so terrifying.

His lifespan is infinite. If he uses this method, is there any chance that he can defeat the Tribulation?

Unfortunately, although this secret method is powerful, the sequelae are extremely serious. Li Yuan does not yet know to what level this secret method can be upgraded.

Another secret method is the “Yin Fu Treasure Mirror”, which can be used to deduce various heavenly secrets. It was through this Yin Fu Treasure Mirror that Lao Gui deduced the traces of the elixir.

However, with all deduction methods, the stronger the deduction is, the more likely it is to suffer backlash.

This kind of backlash includes but is not limited to luck, longevity, injuries, etc.

He is not afraid of Shouyuan’s backlash, but his luck and injuries are a bit difficult to deal with. If he is accidentally killed by the backlash, there will really be no place to cry.

Of course, as a method of deduction, this Yin Fu Baojian also mentions reverse deduction, which can condense the destiny talisman in the body to avoid being deduced by the opponent.

Li Yuan pondered, this Yin Fu Baojian must be learned, but if it is to be deduced, it must be cautious.

Looking at a few jade slips, Li Yuan decided to practice the Yin Talisman Treasure Mirror first, then practice the Ancient Holy Light and Immortal Longevity Technique, and finally practice the Heaven and Earth Shocking Finger.

If he can complete all of them, his strength will skyrocket.

As for the two treasures, there is no need to refine them for the time being.

He has Yuanci Mountain and Dulingzhou sent by Wang Li, which are enough.

There are various treasures in the storage ring, including eight thousand elixirs of ten thousand years alone.

Various cultivation resources should be enough even for cultivation to the next era.

However, he still remembered that the leader of the Qingmu Sect once said that the Cambrian World’s once-in-a-thousand-year martial arts conference was about to begin.

The top ten in the Martial King Group can obtain the inheritance order of the Martial Illusion Realm.

It’s best not to miss this opportunity.

With his current background, there are not many people in the Cambrian world who can threaten him.

A few days later, Li Yuan left an incarnation to sit in Tianhuang, while his real body quietly left in the mothership.

He bought ten cups of ancient and modern drinks at the sky bar in the ancient underworld.With the same cup, he went to the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce to buy other spiritual objects to assist in comprehending the skills.

In the ancient underworld, the situation became even more chaotic.

I heard that three years ago, several major forces were uprooted.

Although he was extremely careful, he was still spotted.

Not long after, a total of thirteen Dongxu-level humans and beasts surrounded him.

The light curtains intertwined and turned into a large net, blocking the void. This was to prevent him from using the Sky Breaking Talisman to escape.

These humans and beasts are experienced, and it is obviously not the first time they have done this.

One of the human-faced spiders, the aura exuding from his body has far surpassed that of Dongxu, and half of his feet have stepped into the realm of integration.

“Jie, Jie, Jie, kid, hand over the storage ring and spare your life!”

“It’s just a transformed god, why are you talking nonsense to him?”

“Thirteen, go up and kill this kid and see what good things you get!”

The leader of the human-faced spider spoke. Although he was facing a god-transformation monk, he didn’t make too much of a fuss.

According to the information they received, this person first went to the sky bar, made behind-the-scenes transactions with the bar staff, and then entered the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

This is probably a proper fat sheep, probably not worth tens of millions.

However, Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce has all kinds of terrifying treasures that can even be killed by strong members of the Alliance.

Although I don’t think this human being can afford that kind of thing, I can’t go too far wrong.

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes. Before he left the ancient underworld, he encountered robbers, thirteen of them.

If it were before, he really couldn’t do anything to these people, and it would not be easy to even escape.

But now, sorry, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

He looked expectantly and looked at the orcs, as if looking at thirteen small wallets.

When some orcs saw this, they were immediately surprised and suspicious. Is this kid so scared?

The thirteenth-ranked jackal with a human head smiled ferociously and approached Li Yuan step by step.

This is a human beast in the middle stage of Dongxu, and it is very powerful.

Although Li Yuan was confident that he could kill this beast, he had no intention of taking action.

He waved his hand, and a huge mothership appeared next to him.

Seeing this, the expressions of the thirteen cave-like human beasts suddenly changed.

Mothership, how come this guy even has this thing?

A mothership costs at least several hundred million.

And it looks like this is no ordinary void mothership.

“Come together and kill him directly.”

The human-faced spider reacted quickly, fearing that Li Yuan would use some killer weapon.

The human wolf also showed cold eyes, turned into nine phantoms, and slapped Li Yuan with one claw. If he was hit by this, he would definitely die.

However, at this moment, the hatch of the mothership opened and two robots came out.

The human wolf’s powerful blow was directly annihilated by the robot’s hand.

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