However, although she was curious, Qiu Xiaoya would not ask any more questions.

She looked at the ordinary handkerchief in front of her and said hesitantly: “May I ask if the origin of this handkerchief is normal?”

Those who possess high-grade treasures are at least Mahayana monks.

Although the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce generally does not ask about the origin of purchased items, it is different when it comes to high-grade treasures.

Li Yuan nodded and said: “The origin should be no problem. This thing was given to me by a Mahayana from the Taiyuan world.”

Taiyuan world?

Qiu Xiaoya didn’t know whether she believed it or not. She pondered: “Is your guest really planning to sell this thing?”

Li Yuan nodded. Since he took it out, he had no intention of taking it back.

Seeing this, Qiu Xiaoya said in a deep voice: “High-grade treasures have always been extremely valuable, and I won’t fool you. This top-grade treasure has both offense and defense and is worth at least tens of billions of low-grade spiritual stones.

However, the specific price will have to be confirmed after I contact the headquarters. ”

Li Yuan was shocked when he heard this, but he quickly realized that it was tens of billions of spiritual stones. It was not like he had never seen it before.

Tens of billions of spirit stones, even in a combined form, is an astronomical figure, but he spent more than ten billions on the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Li Yuan pretended to be calm, but he couldn’t calm down in his heart.

He had been busy in the ancient underworld for hundreds of years, and robbed the Bear Man couple. Most of the resources were sold for only 15 billion.

After a long while, he looked at Qiu Xiaoya, nodded and said, “Okay. By the way, do you have a mothership here?”

“Yes, we have three motherships in the Cambrian Realm, with prices ranging from hundreds of millions to billions. Of course, there are more powerful motherships in other places, which can be worth up to trillions of low-grade spiritual stones. If we can lock the target, we can Severely inflict a heavy blow on Lord Dujie.”

When Li Yuan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Lord Dujie was already at the pinnacle of all heavens and worlds, possessing the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

However, when the tribulation period is reached, one usually does not take action to avoid causing a thunder tribulation and being accidentally killed.

He quickly asked: “If the most superior mothership faces a Mahayana monk directly, can it kill it?”

Qiu Xiaoya understood what Li Yuan meant and patiently explained: “When a monk reaches the combined level, he possesses the unfathomable power of ghosts and gods. His spiritual sense is astonishing and he can travel millions of miles in an instant. Unless he is locked in advance and unable to evade, he can’t escape.” It’s hard to kill!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he almost understood.

Unless the other person is a fool, standing there waiting for you to hit him.

Otherwise, even the combined level might not be able to be killed.

Of course, if you really have such a warship, it can indeed threaten the calamity.

After all, who doesn’t have powerful relatives and friends?

Once you are locked, you will suddenly be attacked by the mountain gate, and you will be unable to withstand the disaster and become a lonely person.

However, he can’t afford the best mothership for the time being. Even if he has looted the entire Cambrian World, he may not be able to afford trillions of spiritual stones.

He asked: “Let’s first talk about the configurations of these three motherships in the Cambrian Realm!”

Qiu Xiaoya nodded and told Li Yuan: “These three motherships in the Cambrian Realm are equipped with basic functions such as space jumping, warp speed, and mothership invisibility. They are also equipped with dimensional boundary-breaking cannons, which are as powerful as a fusion-level monk.

In addition, here are the detailed configurations of the three motherships, you can take a look first! ”

With that said, Qiu Xiaoya took three jade slips and placed them on the desk.

Li Yuan nodded, swept his mental energy, and quickly understood the configuration of these three motherships.

Simply put, the higher the price, the better the configuration.

Especially the mothership worth 7 billion spiritual stones is equipped with two mechanical warriors who are comparable to fused monks.

With this thing, you can simply walk sideways in the Cambrian Realm.

It’s just that the price is a bit too high, and even the major forces in the Cambrian world may not be able to afford it.

Looking at Qiu Xiaoya, Li Yuan smiled and said: “Girl, let’s contact the headquarters first. Once the price is confirmed, we will go and take a look at the most expensive mothership.”

Qiu Xiaoya’s eyes sparkled when she heard this, and she said happily: “Okay, please wait a moment.”

After saying that, she hurriedly contacted the headquarters.

After all, this mothership has already existed since she came to this world to take office.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Qiu Xiaoya finally came back.

She told Li Yuan that after discussion with several bosses at the headquarters, they decided to give a price of 35 billion spiritual stones.

Li Yuan didn’t have much objection to this. After all, it was not earned through hard work, so he didn’t feel bad.

Someone once said that only the money you spend is your own.

After confirming the price, Qiu Xiaoya asked: “Hello, distinguished guest, I don’t know what my name is?”

“My surname is Niu, you can call me Niu Youde!”

“Hello, Mr. Niu, may I ask if this trading spirit stone will be given to you directly, or will it be stored in a black card?”

“Well, let’s wait until we see the mothership!”

“Okay, please comeI come! ”

As she spoke, Qiu Xiaoya twisted her sexy waist and led the way.

In front of Li Yuan, a distinguished guest with a black card, she did not have the majesty that a combined monk should have.

The two walked through secret passages and entered a cave world. They then passed through the teleportation array and entered another cave world.

Although there are living beings in the two cave worlds, they are obviously transit stations.

Soon, Li Yuan saw a mothership that was more than a thousand meters long.

Just looking at the appearance, this mothership is more powerful than Canghong Shenjun’s mothership.

Li Yuan followed Qiu Xiaoya into the mothership and saw that the space inside was spacious, with tall buildings reaching into the clouds, like a city.

Qiu Xiaoya explained: “This is its own space, almost a hundred miles in radius. Of course, you can continue to expand it, up to a million miles in radius.

However, the larger the space inside, the greater the load on the mothership. ”

Li Yuan nodded. He had stayed on the Canghong Divine Lord’s mothership for a hundred years and had some understanding of this.

“In addition, the mothership will be equipped with a thousand robots or bionics. If you buy it, you can choose which one to configure.”

Qiu Xiaoya kept talking, and while introducing the mothership to Li Yuan, she also handed him a few jade slips.

This jade slip contains some information about the mothership.

Li Yuan looked at the mothership in front of him and felt shocked in his heart.

Back when he was on Lord Canghong’s mothership, his movements were restricted and he had too little access to secrets.

A mothership is simply like a highly developed civilization.

Virtual reality games, super printing equipment, space compression cameras, etc. were all eye-opening for Li Yuan.

This is really the crystallization of technology and various civilizations. Who doesn’t want to own one?

Without much hesitation, Li Yuan decided to buy it directly.

This made Qiu Xiaoya excited. By selling this mothership, she would have money to buy the resources to break through to the Mahayana.

Soon, the handover between the two was completed, and Li Yuan’s body and soul were completely bound to the mothership.

He named the mothership – the Immortal.

Soon after, Qiu Xiaoya sent another group of androids, including men and women, humans, orcs, or other races. These androids would perform daily management and maintenance of the mothership.

There are also two mechanical warriors who are comparable to fused monks.

Of course, this is not a real mechanical creature, but an intelligent robot.

Such an astonishing net worth made Li Yuan feel a little unreal.

Then he put away the mothership, returned to Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce with Qiu Xiaoya, and purchased three more soul-killing nails, plus 5,000 cultivation-type ten-year-old elixirs, and other cultivation resources.

He spent nearly 40 billion spirit stones in a short time and only had less than 10 billion left.

Li Yuan has no plans to spend the remaining nearly 10 billion spiritual stones for the time being.

Not only did the androids and the mothership cost a lot of resources, but he also had to keep some to prepare for emergencies.

Especially the mothership, each space jump requires a lot of energy.

Calculated based on the distance from the Cambrian Realm to the Ancient Underworld, one round trip would cost at least several hundred million.

If it were an ordinary fusion cultivator, it really wouldn’t be able to afford this thing.

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