A few days later, Wang Li tore the space and left.

Li Yuan also returned to Tianxiu Peak and began to retreat to refine the evil god’s heart.

This is the heart of the god, which may give him a big surprise.

But before that, one incarnation after another walked out of his body and went to various places in Tianhuang.

After four thousand years of not coming out, many of the medicine gardens he opened up were robbed.

At the same time, he began to collect materials for refining magic weapons.

Magic weapons, unlike spiritual weapons, abandoned the various functions of spiritual weapons, and were mainly used for killing and powerful.

Although the Zhansheng Sword was nurtured by him for countless years, it was refined according to the method of spiritual weapons at that time, and it could not keep up with his pace.

More than ten years later, Li Yuan’s incarnation had collected almost all the materials.

Nine incarnations joined forces to attract the divine fire from outer space, and began to forge magic weapons based on the Zhansheng Sword.

The scene was once very terrifying, with a blazing sword light shining on the world.

Even the residual power was enough to kill the Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, Li Yuan had been prepared, and Tianxiu Peak was isolated from the world.

No accidents occurred. Five hundred years later, a black magic weapon was born.

When the magic weapon was born, thousands of swords bowed to it.

Even if it was separated by a formation, this mysterious power was transmitted.

On Ziyang Mountain, countless cultivators were surprised, but they didn’t know the reason.

Li Yuan looked at the Zhansheng Sword in front of him, cheering and jumping for joy, his eyes full of joy.

He could feel that the power of this magic weapon was far superior to the previous Zhansheng Sword.

According to the evil god, the previous Zhansheng Sword was already a mid-grade spiritual weapon.

And now the Zhansheng Sword can absorb external energy by itself.

Li Yuan held the Zhansheng Sword in his hand, and he could clearly sense a wave of joy coming from the Zhansheng Sword.

This is the rhythm of the birth of the weapon spirit.

After thinking for a while, Li Yuan said directly: “Go, go out and see the world, just don’t leave Tianhuang Continent!”

He planned to let the Zhansheng Sword go, which would help it to transform and give birth to a weapon spirit.

As for being refined by others, that’s impossible, he’s still alive!

The Zhansheng Sword rang softly, flew around Li Yuan a few times, and then flew out of Tianxiu Peak like a black light.

This incarnation watched the Zhansheng Sword leave, and then studied the three major martial arts inheritances.

Eight hundred years passed in a flash.

On Tianxiu Peak.

Li Yuan’s real body slowly opened his eyes.

After eight hundred years, he finally completely refined the evil god’s heart and made it the nutrient for him to condense the acupoints.

This evil god’s heart is worthy of being the heart of a god, with a very high level. In just eight hundred years, it helped him condense more than ten thousand acupoints.

This is simply incredible.

Although Li Yuan has not yet broken through at this time, he feels that there is a terrible power in his body.

Compared to eight hundred years ago, he is many times stronger.

He punched out, and the space in front of him began to twist.

This kind of power has far surpassed the transformation of the spirit.

According to the evil god, his power at this time is probably not weaker than that of the immortal cultivators in the cave void stage.

Li Yuan’s heart trembled slightly. If he condensed all the acupoints, could he tear the space and compare it to the fusion cultivator?

According to Wang Li, even if the fusion cultivator encountered a space storm, he would not be powerless to resist.

In the ancient underworld, the most powerful cultivator was only at the peak of the fusion stage.

And after being able to tear the space, one can travel through the heavens and the worlds to search for resources.

Li Yuan’s heart was somewhat looking forward to it.

He continued to practice in seclusion, striving to condense all the acupoints as soon as possible.

Nine thousand years passed in a flash.

In the wilderness, no more cultivators in the transformation of the spirit were born.

Now, even the Nascent Soul cultivators are far less than before.

The total number of Nascent Soul cultivators in the northern border is not even more than ten.

Ziyang Mountain became the only ancient power in Tianhuang Continent. If it weren’t for Li Yuan, it would have been destroyed long ago.

Li Yuan opened his eyes and looked at the empty storage bag, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

In nine thousand years, the countless resources he had accumulated before were all used up.

And the result was that he cultivated to the great perfection of the martial arts soul, and the number of acupoints increased by 3,000.

Nearly 1 billion spirit stones, plus resources worth several times, were used to condense 3,000 acupoints.

This made Li Yuan a little desperate. He had no shortage of time, but the consumption of resources was too terrifying.

He was a little skeptical. If this continued, would there be a god born in the next era of Tianhuang?

Li Yuan’s incarnation walked out of Ziyang Mountain, originally wanting to make some good connections, but after a long circle, he only made 30 million spirit stones.

In today’s Tianhuang Realm, resources are scarce. Even the Yuanying ancestors can only take out tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Li Yuan shook his head. This won’t work.

In a few thousand years, I’m afraid even Nascent Soul cultivators won’t be born.

Fortunately, he planted some spiritual herbs many years ago, and now it’s time to harvest them.Not long after, 7,000 thousand-year-old elixirs were delivered to Ziyang Mountain. Although they seemed a little malnourished, the impact was not great.

However, these 7,000 elixirs can only condense 7,000 acupoints, which is far from his goal.

Li Yuan thought for a long time and decided to send an avatar to the ancient underworld to find cultivation resources.

With his current strength, even if he is an incarnation, as long as he does not encounter a space storm, there is not much danger.

As soon as he said it, Li Yuan spent a hundred years preparing to go deep into the ancient underworld.

He took back all the incarnations he had created over the years, and then re-created a hundred incarnations, entering the space rift one after another.

As for more incarnations, it’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, it’s just that the aura of heaven doesn’t allow it.

Every incarnation leaves, which is a blow to the Tianhuang Realm.

The dark space crack seems to be able to swallow everything.

It was dead silent and empty, with only the strong aura of demons raging.

Not long after Incarnation One entered, he felt a huge black shadow approaching.

He quickly avoided it, only to realize that it was the corpse of a wolf demon that had been dead for many years and turned into a corpse demon.

The strength of this corpse demon is very strong, almost equivalent to the peak of god transformation.

However, Li Yuan’s strength has skyrocketed now. Even in his incarnation, he has the strength to surpass that of a god.

He didn’t get entangled, turned into three figures, and fled into the distance.

There is no need to get entangled with this wolf demon. The spiritual energy in this space crack is thin, so just save what you can.

However, half a month later, Incarnation No. 1 still could not escape the disaster.

He encountered a sudden space crack.

The space crack suddenly appeared without any warning, instantly dividing Incarnation One into countless pieces.

Incarnate as number one, die!

Half a month later, Incarnation No. 2 set off.

In the end, only three days later, Incarnation No. 2 encountered a crisis. He encountered a space storm, and there was no residue left.

In this regard, Li Yuan will not give up easily.

Every other month, an incarnation enters the space rift.

In just ten years, thirty incarnations of Li Yuan encountered various dangers and died.

It seems that it is less than one-third, but now there is no incarnation that has passed through the space rift and reached the ancient underworld.

It wasn’t until the fourteenth year that Incarnation No. 7 finally approached the exit.

A dim exit appeared, which made Li Yuan very happy, and he was finally going through it.

In fact, his incarnation also encountered many crises, but he managed to escape them all and persisted until now.

Quickly approaching the dim exit, Incarnation No. 7 stepped out without any hesitation.

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