Dark sky, strange fog, desolate black land.

Li Yuan’s incarnation stepped out of the crack in space, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

He could feel that the connection with the main body had become weaker.

Fortunately, the impact is not too great, and I can still sense it with concentration.

At this moment, a zombie demon rushed towards him, and Li Yuan immediately prepared to take action, but was cut into countless pieces by an invisible force.

There are actually tiny spatial cracks permeating that area. If you don’t pay attention, you can’t find it at all.

This made Li Yuan scared for a while, and he almost failed.

The aura that permeated the surroundings was similar to the aura of demons, but seemed to be different.

This should be the Yinming Qi mentioned by Wang Li.

Li Yuan secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that everything would go well and that he could successfully leave this place.

According to Wang Li, after passing through the space passage, you will be in a desolate desert – the Yinming Realm.

This place is similar to the Demon Abyss. It is an ancient battlefield left behind countless years ago, but in addition to the corpse demon, there is another existence, the ghost.

The corpse demon has no soul, only a body, and its strength is terrifying.

But the underworld ghost, on the other hand, has no body, only a soul, which is very strange.

Both of these things have no intelligence, and when they encounter a living person, they will rush to devour them.

Especially ghosts, they are very strange and difficult to guard against.

Once it swallows the soul of the living, it can parasitize in the body and become an even more terrifying corpse.

Back then, Bai Di and others encountered ghosts and were devoured and parasitized by ghosts.

Li Yuan even wondered whether the legendary corpse demon was resurrected because it was parasitized by a ghost.

However, the Demon Abyss of Tianhuang has never heard of ghosts haunting it.

He was vigilant in his heart, running the Zen technique of Nirvana, and restrained his vitality, like a living dead.

The Yinming Realm is huge, stretching for thousands of miles, and is filled with the energy of Yinming everywhere.

Li Yuan absorbed some Yin Ming Qi, neither fast nor slow, as if the corpse demon was wandering.

Several times, he almost ran into space cracks.

Occasionally, corpse demons or ghosts would stare at him and come towards him.

Li Yuan ran as fast as he could and tried to avoid fighting.

There’s nothing greasy about these things.

Until he met a corpse demon with a human head and a snake body. After his mental power was swept away, his eyes suddenly became focused and his heart moved slightly.

This corpse demon is very powerful and has surpassed the Transformation God, but he feels that it should not be as good as the Dongxu monk.

The most important thing is that there is a shining silver bracelet on the belly of this corpse demon.

This thing is very much like the legendary storage bracelet.

According to the evil god, after cultivating to the state of integration, you can create storage spaces inside some special materials.

This thing is much more advanced than the storage bag, and the space is wider.

Li Yuan felt slightly excited. If it was a storage bracelet, there might be treasures left behind.

Together with greed, it is naturally difficult to suppress it.

If he encounters a real cave corpse demon, he will just leave without saying a word.

However, this corpse demon should only have half a foot in the cave, which is about the same strength as him.

Gritting his teeth, Li Yuan turned into a stream of light and quickly approached, with thunderous sword power bursting out of his eyes.

It was as if a ray of heaven descended from the sky, killing all enemies in front of him.

This move is very terrifying, and its power far exceeds that of the Transformation God.

If a normal creature faced this knife, he would definitely avoid it without hesitation.

But the corpse demon was different. It was alarmed, and immediately roared, with the demonic power surging from its body, it killed Li Yuan directly.


Its small body was directly hacked away by the heavenly sword, leaving numerous scars.

However, the zombie demon is not only powerful, but also has amazing defensive capabilities.

Li Yuan is now just an incarnation, without a spiritual weapon, and his pure martial arts power is limited.

The human-snake-corpse demon roared angrily, wrapped in the rich demonic aura, and dropped lightning attacks one after another as fast as lightning.

The mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, and for a moment it felt like the end of the world was coming.

Every time one person and one demon erupted, hundreds of miles around were turned into a hollow, and the power was horrifying.

Li Yuan kept bleeding, not daring to be careless, and tried not to confront the corpse demon head-on.

He fights and retreats at the same time, like a slippery loach. Every time he strikes, he will leave large scars on the body of the human-snake corpse demon.

Finally, its abdomen was cut open, and the silver bracelet fell out of it.

The corpse demon was completely unaware of this and was still as crazy as a demon.

Li Yuan looked overjoyed and immediately cast a spell, using a sky-covering hand to force the charging corpse demon deep into the ground.

Then he flashed, picked up the bracelet he had dropped before, turned into three figures, and rushed into the distance.


The zombie demon roared, instantly rising from the ground and rushing towards the nearest figure.

But unfortunately, that is not Li Yuan’s true body.

Li Yuan fled all the way and escaped a hundred thousand miles before he breathed a sigh of relief.He quickly looked at the bracelet.

His mental power erased the remaining marks on the bracelet, and soon he realized that this was not a storage bracelet, but a broken treasure.

This treasure weapon has no spirit, and there are a few cracks on it, but it is still powerful, and its power far exceeds that of ordinary spiritual weapons.

He did not continue to act, but found a safe place and began to refine the treasure.

Soon after, he put his spiritual stamp on it.

Li Yuan activated the silver bracelet, which turned into a huge silver wheel. The terrifying power seemed to distort space, and instantly crushed a huge mountain to pieces.

So strong!

This kind of power is already comparable to that of ordinary Dongxu monks.

However, the consumption of the treasure weapon is also very terrible. Li Yuan feels that if he activates this thing with all his strength, he will be drained dry at most three times.

“I’ll call you the Sky Breaking Bracelet!”

Li Yuan said to himself, put away the silver bracelet with satisfaction, and kept it in his dantian.

Perhaps after a thousand years, the weapon spirit will be born from this treasure, and its power will be even more powerful.

Putting away the Sky Breaking Bracelet, Li Yuan planned to leave.

But soon, he sensed a monk flying from a distance.

Li Yuan was overjoyed to finally meet a living creature.

After thinking about it, he suppressed his cultivation level in the early stage of becoming a god and kept a secret.

This move can make the other party look down upon, and secondly, it can take him by surprise.

Just like him, under the right circumstances, he wouldn’t care about a Nascent Soul Stage monk at all.

Soon, a handsome middle-aged man arrived. When he saw Li Yuan, his eyes suddenly froze.

“Who are you? Why are you here?”

The middle-aged man spoke warily and looked at Li Yuan secretly.

He could see that the young man in front of him was not weak in cultivation, and he was also a god.

Li Yuan was also sizing up this middle-aged man. With his cultivation in the late stage of divine transformation, the robe on his body could actively absorb external spiritual energy. This was at least a top-grade spiritual weapon.

The monks in the ancient underworld are indeed wealthy. Now that they have just arrived, every god they meet has a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Li Yuan showed a kind expression, cupped his hands and said: “Ao Dahai, I was chased by a corpse demon that transformed into a god. I fled here in a panic and lost my way. How can I leave this underworld?”

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yuan and found that he was indeed a little embarrassed. He must have experienced a big battle before.

In fact, the monk who transforms into gods still uses a storage bag. Isn’t this too poor?

He also showed a kind smile, cupped his hands and said: “It turns out to be fellow Daoist Ao. I’m Qiu Mingzi, who happens to be leaving here. Why don’t we come together and take care of him?”

Li Yuan nodded, alert in his heart, and smiled calmly: “That’s the best!”

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