Li Yuan regained control of his body and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, his heart couldn’t calm down for a long time.

He also sensed the will of the evil god and Wang Li before, and knew that Wang Li had already reached the Mahayana cultivation level at this time.

After fighting against evil gods for so many years, he naturally knows the hierarchy of immortal cultivators.

Qi training, foundation building, elixir formation, Yuanying, spirit transformation, Dongxu, body integration, Mahayana, and transcending tribulations.

The Tribulation-Transcending monk understands the origin of the immortal way and will not take action easily.

Mahayana is the pinnacle of all heavens and realms.

As a son of destiny, Wang Li is obviously not comparable to the ordinary Mahayana.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

Making friends with Wang Li back then seemed to be the best investment.

Otherwise, who knows if he can survive the will of the evil god.

Moreover, the will of the evil god may destroy himself at the last moment, destroying everything.

Li Yuan bowed his hands and thanked him: “Wang Li, thank you very much! If you hadn’t taken action, I might not be able to escape until I die!”

Wang Li quickly helped Li Yuan up and said with a smile: “Brother Li Yuan, you don’t have to be polite. I thought I would never see my old friend again when I returned to Tianhuang, but I didn’t expect that, brother Li Yuan, you are still alive here!”

Wang Li also looked a little happy when he met old friends.

Li Yuan shook his head and pretended to be helpless and said: “I was accidentally targeted by the evil god, and then I stayed here and struggled to support myself. If you hadn’t come back, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to survive for a few more years.”

“I’m being modest. The will of this evil god is comparable to the peak of Mahayana. Brother Li Yuan, the fact that you have persisted for so many years shows that the tenacity of your will has surpassed that of ordinary Mahayana. If it were me, I would have perished long ago.”

Wang Li smiled and took Li Yuan through the shuttle space and returned to Tianxiu Peak of Ziyang Mountain.

Li Yuan smiled bitterly. The reason why he persisted for so many years was entirely because of the immortality seed.

“It’s a pity that four thousand years have been wasted, and there has been no progress in cultivation!”

Li Yuan was a little regretful. If he hadn’t been entangled by the evil god’s heart, he would have opened more than a thousand acupoints in four thousand years.

After being promoted to the Martial Arts Yuan Shen, his speed in opening acupoints increased greatly, and he could open one in almost three to four years.

Wang Li consoled him: “Misfortune is what blessings rely on, and misfortune lies behind. Brother Li Yuan, you have been invaded by the origin of the evil heart. You can live for tens of thousands of years at least. If you are completely fused with the heart of the immortal, you may be able to live for several years.” era.”

His eyes are sharp and he can see through Li Yuan’s current situation at a glance, which can be said to be very outrageous.

Although it is not a real immortal heart, it is still extraordinary. Even if the old monster of crossing the tribulation sees it, he will fight for it.

Li Yuan nodded, he couldn’t tell Wang Li that he was not afraid of running out of life!

“By the way, do you want me to help you fuse the immortal heart?”

Wang Li asked, with his cultivation level, it would take at most a hundred years to perfectly integrate this heart with Li Yuan.

Li Yuan shook his head and said half-seriously: “No, this is not my own heart after all. I plan to refine it and condense the acupoints.”

Wang Li nodded and said with a smile: “That’s not bad. With the Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra, you can almost live for an era.”

It is simply outrageous that a powerful person at the level of a god can live for an era.

And with Li Yuan’s qualifications, he will definitely not stop at being a martial arts soul, and will be able to live longer in the future.

With a wave of his hand, he took out three jade charms and handed them to Li Yuan.

“This is?”

“These three are martial arts inheritances, including Qi and Blood Martial Arts, Soul Martial Arts, and Holy Spirit Martial Arts. They are all different paths. I think they will be helpful to you, Brother Li Yuan.”

Wang Li spoke. He had traveled through some great realms over the years and encountered various martial arts inheritances, which he collected on purpose.

When Li Yuan heard this, he was naturally very happy and thanked him quickly.

The evil god practiced Qi and Blood Martial Arts back then, and he became a god.

The Golden Body Martial Arts and Yuanshen Martial Arts were actually passed down from him.

However, according to him, the path Li Yuan is taking now is far more powerful than the three major martial arts in terms of potential and strength.

However, this path is too difficult, and it is not something ordinary warriors can accomplish just by practicing the two paths.

Li Yuan mentally scanned and found that this soul martial art was somewhat similar to his Yuan Shen martial arts.

Holy Spirit Martial Arts is the power of the Holy Spirit condensed like spiritual power.

Although he does not intend to follow these paths, these martial arts will greatly help him improve his own martial arts.

“By the way, brother Li Yuan, do you want to leave the Tianhuang Realm with me?”

Wang Li asked. He has now completely established himself in the outside world and can be said to be the number one person in the world.

Li Yuan shook his head and said: “Forget it, let’s wait until I refine the evil god’s heart before we see it!”

Although there are more resources in the outside world, there are more dangers. With his little cultivation, he really has no sense of security.

Following Wang Li, the destined son, he might be sacrificed that day.Oh my god.

When Wang Li heard this, he didn’t force himself. He thought about it and took out two treasures.

A miniature mountain peak and a golden boat.

“This is?”

Li Yuan looked at the mountain peak and felt vaguely familiar.

“This mountain peak is Yuanci Mountain, and the boat is a spirit boat. They are both high-grade treasures. Brother Li Yuan, you can refine them, and it will be easier to leave the wilderness in the future.”

Wang Li opened his mouth to explain, which shocked Li Yuan.

No wonder that Yuanci Mountain is gone.

High-grade treasures are rare even for Mahayana monks.

“This…this is too expensive!”

Li Yuan also felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

“Why are you so polite between you and me? I’m going to ascend to the fairy world soon, and I won’t be able to use these things. Keeping them is a waste!”

“If that’s the case, you’re welcome. Thank you!”

With that said, Li Yuan carefully put away the two treasures.

He sighed a little: “Actually, when I first saw Yuanci Mountain, I had the intention to refine it into a magic weapon. Unfortunately, before I took action, Yuanci Mountain disappeared.”

“Hahaha, I passed by this mountain back then, and with some help, I was able to collect it by luck, and later it was refined into a treasure. However, this thing is too precious. Brother Li Yuan, you’d better not let others know when you use it!”

Li Yuan nodded, naturally knowing this truth.

He asked: “By the way, when do you plan to ascend to the immortal world?”

Wang Li said in a deep voice: “The so-called immortal world is actually not in the same time and space as our world. We need to understand the origin of the immortal world. I am now at the peak of the Mahayana. I can advance to the tribulation stage in up to five thousand years, understand the origin of the immortal world, and ascend to the immortal world. ”

After leaving this time, he will break through in seclusion and prepare for his ascension to the immortal world. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the two of them to meet again in the future.

Li Yuan also sighed a little when he heard this. The speed of cultivation of the Son of Destiny was outrageous.

According to the evil god, it took him a full 180,000 years to become a god by luck.

He smiled and said: “Then I wish you all the best. When I ascend to the immortal world in the future, maybe you will already be a big boss and can protect me!”

Wang Li laughed: “I hope so, but it is said that the immortal world is vast and has countless planes. No one can say where it will ascend to.”

“Are there many planes in the fairy world?”

Li Yuan was confused, he really didn’t understand this.

He only knows that the so-called immortal world is actually the heaven mentioned by the evil god, which is vast and boundless.

Wang Li nodded and said: “There are many, many. There are countless planes in the immortal world, some are powerful and some are weak. It is said that during the process of ascension, you will be pulled by these planes, but which plane you can ascend to depends entirely on your own abilities. Ability and luck.”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “These planes should be connected like all the heavens and worlds, right?”

Wang Li shook his head and said: “That’s not clear. Anyway, when the time comes, it’s best to ascend to the most powerful plane. Otherwise, not only will it be difficult to practice, but you may not be able to go far.”

Li Yuan nodded, this is indeed the truth.

Just like the Tianhuang Realm, even if you practice to the limit, you will still have a narrow escape from death if you want to go to other worlds.

If you can’t cultivate to the realm of spiritual transformation, you will probably die without life.

Of course, the more powerful the plane, the greater the danger.

This doesn’t seem to be a good thing for him.

If you accidentally provoke the boss, you probably won’t be able to escape.

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