Wang Li walked in the void, and in just a few breaths, he had already arrived in the eastern world.

Although Ziyang Mountain has declined, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

Today, three Nascent Souls are in charge of Ziyang Mountain, and they are still one of the top forces in the Tianhuang Realm.

Wang Li quietly entered Ziyang Mountain and found that no god had been born in the wilderness for three thousand years.

After he left, only five gods were born in Tianhuang.

Fortunately, all three are in Ziyang Mountain.

He felt in his heart that every time the spirit transformed and left, it was a blow to Tianhuang and would take away Tianhuang’s heritage.

Some classics record that Li Yuan disappeared more than 4,000 years ago.

Wang Li felt that he should have left the Tianhuang Realm.

He just used his spiritual cultivation to travel through space cracks and narrowly escaped death.

Of the several Avatars who were with him back then, he and Bai Yunxuan were the only ones who survived by luck, and even got separated unexpectedly.

As for Bai Di and others who left earlier than him, none of them survived.

Thinking of this, Wang Li sighed again in his heart.

He did not disturb the disciples of Ziyang Mountain, wandered around for a while, and then left quietly.

Soon after, he came to the human king’s domain in Nanshan District.

This is where he first grew up.

It was also here that he picked up the first treasure in his life.

If it weren’t for the forbidden spirit ring, he would have died countless times.

There is also the Aquarius. If it weren’t for the Aquarius, he wouldn’t have been able to go this far.

It’s a pity that the Tang Dynasty back then has long since disappeared, replaced by a swamp.

As for the Qingxiu Mountains, it seems that the terrain has also changed drastically and been forcibly changed.

Wang Li’s gaze seemed to see directly through the general situation on the outside and into the Qingxiu Mountain.

He saw that inside the Qingxiu Mountain, there was actually a country of mortals.

There are also monks who have achieved alchemy and are aloof, but they seem to be unaware of the situation in the outside world and are isolated from the world.

This kind of craftsmanship can only be arranged by great monks in the transformation stage.

Qingxiu Mountain was originally the ancestral land of the Li family.

Apparently, this was arranged by Brother Li Yuan after he became a martial arts soul.

However, he scanned with his spiritual mind and found no trace of Li Yuan. He thought he had left long ago.

Moreover, the people here seem to have forgotten their identities. They don’t know the vastness of the world, they only know that they are the descendants of the Yuanzu.

Wang Li shook his head and didn’t pay too much attention.

He came back this time just to take a last look at the world before going through the tribulation and ascending.

Now that my wish has been fulfilled, I plan to leave.

But at this moment, a divine bow trembled slightly in his Dantian.

Wang Li was stunned when he saw this. Why did the God-Destroying Bow suddenly tremble?

“Any questions?”

Li Yuan asked.

A clear and sweet voice sounded from the God-Destroying Bow.

“Wang Li, I sensed the breath of the Immortal-Zhuan Arrow, which is within a million miles radius.”

When Wang Li heard this, he suddenly showed a strange expression.

The God-Destroying Bow and the Immortal-killing Arrow are both components of immortal weapons, coming from a major force in the Tianwu Continent.

However, the Killing Immortal Arrow had been lost as early as the previous era.

Could it be that the Killing Immortal Arrow was lost in the Tianhuang Continent?

He immediately took out the God-Destroying Bow, the weapon spirit of the God-Destroying Bow appeared, and he quickly sensed the direction.

Wang Li followed the induction of the God-Destroying Bow and soon arrived at the Black Cloud Forbidden Land.

However, the Black Cloud Forbidden Land back then has long since disappeared.


Wang Li nodded, his mind spread, and he also sensed it.

His figure continued to sink, sinking a full 700,000 miles, and finally saw a dim silver arrow left in a cave.

With a wave of his hand, the dim silver arrow fell into Wang Li’s hand.

It is the Zhuxian Arrow.

However, the divine light of the Killing Immortal Arrow is dim, and without the immortal energy to nourish it, it is almost degenerating.

Wang Li was slightly excited. He didn’t expect that he would have such a great opportunity when he came back this time.

From now on, the God-Destroying Bow will be completed and its power will be three points stronger.

There were still some mottled blood stains in this cave, which actually gave Wang Li a strange feeling.

Immortal blood!

He was well-informed and recognized it immediately.

Glancing at the dim immortal blood left around him, Wang Li’s heart moved slightly.

Although these blood stains have lost their immortal origin, he felt that the existence of these immortal blood did not exceed ten thousand years.

After thinking about it, he took a trace of immortal blood, used his magical power, and recalled the past scene.

Faintly, the scene four thousand years ago slowly emerged and was understood.

Wang Li vaguely saw a huge heart absorbing endless blood, forcing the Immortal Killing Arrow out, and finally broke through the air.

“Hey, the heart of an immortal?”

Wang Li’s eyes narrowed when he saw this, no wonder the Killing Immortal Arrow was here.

Perhaps the Forbidden Spirit Ring and the Life Extension Sutra are related to this heart.

With a movement of his body, he also tore open the space and chased in the direction of the huge heart.

Soon, Wang Li came to the sky above Demon Abyss.

heScanning with his spiritual mind, he felt a familiar aura.

“Brother Li Yuan?”

“Could that bloody heart belong to Brother Li Yuan?”


Wang Li’s figure flashed, and he soon reached the sky above Guimoyuan and sensed where Li Yuan’s true body was.

He saw at a glance that there were two wills clashing in Li Yuan’s body at this moment.

Of course, it can’t be said to be a confrontation. One of them is as powerful as the vast ocean, and the other is as powerful as a lonely boat in the vast ocean.

Obviously, what is as powerful as the ocean is the will of the immortal heart.

But Brother Li Yuan is also very powerful. Facing the will of an immortal, he has not been completely wiped out after so many years.

Wang Li sighed in his heart, but also felt a little lucky.

As soon as he moved, he immediately sank a million miles underground and came to Li Yuan’s side.

As soon as Wang Li’s figure appeared, the blood-colored heart’s will was already aware of it, and he immediately felt something bad.

A person who cultivates immortality in the Mahayana stage, and a very powerful one.

How could such a person come to this broken world?

A powerful will emerged, sharp and vast, powerful.

This is the will of the immortal gods, which is superior to all living beings.

He was warning, warning Wang Li to retreat.

But Wang Li’s soul is powerful and his willpower is also very terrifying, which is completely true at this time.

“The incomplete will of a fallen immortal also wants to frighten me?”

Wang Li was disdainful and attacked forcefully.

He even killed a real immortal, let alone one with a broken will?

Facing Wang Li’s powerful will, the evil god’s will instantly collapsed.

Under normal circumstances, his will is enough to resist Mahayana, but obviously Wang Li is not a normal Mahayana.

“Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, wait a minute, take action, I can give you a great opportunity to help you become an immortal!”

Seeing that his will was defeated, the evil god quickly sent a message.

“Ha! No need!”

Brother Li Yuan dares to seize his body, so of course there is no need to hold back.

Wang Li’s vast will crushed and constantly destroyed the evil god’s will.

The evil god was unwilling to give up. The road to resurrection was clearly right in front of him, but it was destroyed by this person.

His heart was shaken and he wanted to fight Wang Li desperately to escape from this place.

The terrifying power filled the air, causing Li Yuan to almost explode.

However, Wang Li had already expected it. When he raised his hand, there was a seal in his hand, which directly suppressed the evil god and Li Yuan to death.


When the evil god saw this, he was frightened, angry, and a little desperate.

In the end, he was completely wiped out by Wang Li’s will, and no scum was left.

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