Li Yuan had no intention to sense the matter of Tianhuang, but was only determined to fight against the will of the evil god.

Over countless years, his will has become stronger.

But he still couldn’t defeat the evil god.

“Since you are the god of martial arts, why do you have to occupy my body? Can’t you change your body?”

Li Yuan opened his mouth, trying to negotiate.

“Although this god is the god of martial arts, I have long fallen and my soul has been scattered. Now I only have a wisp of unwilling will, and I can’t reshape my soul. And this god’s heart is too strong. You practice the golden body martial arts and the primordial spirit martial arts at the same time, which is the best carrier.”

“Then I can also help you find a carrier who can practice the golden body and the primordial spirit together. What do you think?”

“No need, this god thinks your body is the best!”

The evil god naturally wouldn’t agree. He felt that there was a big secret in this human body.

Whether it was his will that didn’t collapse or he was so young, there were secrets.

“Haha! To put it bluntly, you are still envious of my body. Since you are a god, how could you fall?”

Li Yuan mocked, trying to find out some information.

Hearing this, the evil god couldn’t help but think of sad things, and his will was a little crazy.

“I will go back!”

Li Yuan was even more curious about this, and kept exposing his wounds.

“Did you do so many evil things and be punished by God, or were you exorcised and defended?”

The evil god roared: “You did so many evil things? In this world, the strong are respected. Whoever has the bigger fist has the truth!”

“Oh! So your fist is not big enough, and you were given the truth?”

“Humph, ignorant ant, what do you know?”

As if thinking of sad things, the evil god’s unwilling and resentful voice sounded: “I think that I have passed the divine tribulation and ascended to heaven. But after passing the tribulation, I was also severely injured.

And it was precisely because of this that the traitor took advantage of it and attacked with a semi-divine weapon , almost killed me.

I survived by chance and was about to clean up the mess, but I didn’t expect that this beast would collude with outsiders and shoot me with a divine weapon.

I was already injured by the heavenly tribulation, and was shot by that person with a divine weapon. I died on the spot and my soul was scattered.

Hateful, really hateful!

Fortunately, I was lucky, my body was strong, my heart was indestructible, and I finally escaped with my remaining will and came to this world by accident. ”

“No, it stands to reason that you have already been scattered, why is there still a will left?”

Li Yuan asked, this doubt has been weighing on his mind for a long time.

“What do you know? I survived the divine tribulation and condensed my true spirit. Even if my soul is scattered, it may not be completely destroyed. This heart condenses the remaining will of this god. ”

For Li Yuan, the evil god did not intend to hide it, there was no need.

Li Yuan’s heart moved: “If your will is also wiped out, will it be completely destroyed?”

The evil god said disdainfully: “Humph! Just you? It’s not that this god looks down on you. Even if you are given another 100,000 years, you can’t shake this god’s will.”

Li Yuan heard this, his heart was deep, and he didn’t know whether what the evil god said was true or false.

He asked: “By the way, what is the artifact you are talking about? How much stronger is it compared to the spiritual weapon?”

He still remembered that in the inheritance of the corpse demon in the Fallen Demon Valley, there was a method of refining a magic weapon.

The evil god’s will fluctuated, and he snorted coldly: “The artifact, some people also call it immortal artifact, heavenly artifact, or magic artifact, etc., all kinds of names are available in the heavens and the worlds, but they are actually the same thing.

As for the spiritual weapon, is that thing worthy of being compared with the artifact?”

“Uh… Is the spiritual weapon very bad?”

Li Yuan humbly asked for advice, after all, the strongest thing in Tianhuang is the spiritual weapon.

The evil god said disdainfully: “It’s trash. It would take up too much space even if you gave it to me. The spiritual weapons on you, except for the black horizontal sword, are all low-grade. And above the spiritual weapons, there are treasures.”

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this. No wonder he felt that the life-slaying sword was full of spirituality and powerful.

He couldn’t help but think of the spiritual weapons that Ao Dahai had on him before.

Those spiritual weapons were also extremely powerful. Obviously, they were not comparable to ordinary spiritual weapons. They were probably mid-grade spiritual weapons.

At the end, he seemed to have thought of something and said, “I remember there was a silver arrow on your heart, why is it gone?”

The evil god sneered when he heard this, “Why, you still want to think about that arrow?”

“Could that arrow be the artifact that shot you?”

“Yes, although there is no bow, even an arrow is enough to kill a god! But even if you give it to you, you can’t activate it. The artifact must be activated by divine power.”

“Divine power? So the person who shot you was also a god?”


The evil god snorted coldly and ignored Li Yuan.

Li Yuan saw this and guessed that the man might not be a god.

Tianhuang Realm.

It has been three thousand years since Li Junzhu and the others left..

In such a long period of time, no one has succeeded in cultivating the spirit form, even if they have Tianlinggen, they can only end with regrets.

Occasionally, someone with great luck accidentally breaks into Li Yuan’s medicine garden and gets amazing blessings.

But if you want to become a god, you are still a little behind.

Many forces changed one after another and were submerged in the long river of time.

As one of the only remaining ancient powers, Ziyang Mountain is also in turmoil.

Many disciples have long forgotten the glory of that year.

The Sutra Pavilion was robbed more than once.

Xie Shen Xin and Li Yuan had some exchanges at first, and they fooled each other into giving up.

But as time went by, the two of them became numb, leaving only endless arguments and silence.

In the past four thousand years, they have said more than one side of everything they can say.

It was impossible for Li Yuan to give up the struggle. He held on to the last candle in his heart, trying to withstand the will of the evil god’s heart.

He didn’t believe that a will that had been shattered could persist for countless years.

One day, he will decay, decline, and die completely.

The evil heart is not willing to give up, and the years have not left a trace on this man.

Moreover, this person also practiced Golden Body Martial Arts and Yuanshen Martial Arts, and found a path different from Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

He could see that the future of this path was far more powerful and broader than the Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

This body is determined by him.

He won’t give up until the last moment.

As for Shouyuan, that’s really not a problem.

Not to mention that this person himself has a big secret, even if it has not been completely integrated with his heart, it is enough to live for tens of thousands more years.

Both of them are trying to outlast each other.

Deep in the dead ghost abyss, Li Yuan seems to be buried here.

On this day, in the sky above Northern Xinjiang, a space crack was forcibly torn open, and a young man in a green shirt walked out of it.

His expression was vicissitudes of life, and his eyes were full of nostalgia and sigh.

After nearly six thousand years, he returned to the land where he was born and raised.

It’s a pity that the old friends from back then have probably turned into dust long ago.

In his mind, past scenes such as the Tang Kingdom, the Human King’s Domain, and Ziyang Mountain could not help but appear.

At that time, he joined the Jianghu Gang, and was lucky enough to become the master of the old man Tianjian. He was also lucky enough to escape his seizure, and thus embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

Seven thousand years have passed, and now I have stood at the pinnacle of the world. Looking back, the scenes of the past are still vivid and sad.

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