“Heaven level skills?”

When Li Junzhu heard this, he suddenly showed an incredible look.

In the Tianhuang Realm, let alone the heaven-level skills, even the earth-level skills only exist in legends.

Li Yuan nodded and said with a smile: “That’s right, otherwise why do you think I can live for so long? If the cultivator of the God Transformation cooperates with the Nirvana Zen Technique to stay in the state of Nirvana, it will not be a problem to live for tens of thousands of years!”

When Li Junzhu heard this, he was immediately speechless. If the Zen technique of Nirvana is in the state of Nirvana, what is the difference between it and the living dead?

However, even if you do not use the Nirvana Zen technique, you can live twice as long if you practice this technique.

If she had lived twice as long, she would be absolutely sure to become a soul.

Looking at the mysterious stone tablet, Li Junzhu’s eyes also shone.

Li Yuan naturally knew that her heart was moved, and said with a smile: “The Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique contains the ultimate principles of heaven and earth. Whether you can understand it or not depends entirely on your understanding.

In addition, after you have completed the cultivation, you can tell other Supreme Elders that those who have completed the Nascent Soul cultivation can come to Tianxiu Peak to comprehend this skill for a hundred years. ”

If you can’t comprehend it in a hundred years, there’s no need to keep it. It’s just a lack of understanding and a waste of time.

Li Junzhu heard this and quickly thanked him.

She was a little worried. Can she understand the heaven-level skills?

After thinking about it, Li Yuan took out five more rebirth fruits and gave them to Li Junzhu.

“This is the fruit of rebirth, eat it!”

“Uh, rebirth fruit?”

Li Junzhu was devoted to cultivation, but he had never heard of this thing.

Li Yuan nodded and said: “It can extend your life span, enough to extend your life span by two hundred years.”

Something to extend life?

Li Junzhu was shocked when he heard this.

Things that extend life have always been rare, but she has never seen them before.

Li Junzhu waved his hand quickly: “This is too precious, Yuanzu, you should keep it for yourself!”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “This thing is drug-resistant, I have eaten it a long time ago!”

When Li Junzhu heard this, he was immediately moved.

The ancestor was really good to me.

At the same time, Ao Dahai fled all the way, feeling aggrieved.

Fortunately, over the years, he has made connections everywhere and accumulated countless resources.

There are nearly 1.3 billion spirit stones alone.

With so many resources, he believed that he could surpass that Fa Yuan soon.

I will keep this grudge in mind for the time being. When he reaches the middle stage of becoming a god, he will definitely take revenge severely.

Ao Dahai felt happy and flew all the way to the West Sea Dragon Palace.

Then he got lost as he approached the Western Sea.

The general trend of the world around him was aroused, and he seemed to have fallen into a fog, unable to distinguish between east, west and north.

Ao Dahai’s expression changed. Did he break into a special formation?

who is it?

Who is ambushing me?

This kind of formation can only be arranged by the transformed gods.

He immediately thought of Fa Yuan.

But isn’t Fa Yuan in Ziyang Mountain? How could he run in front of him?

When he was confused, he saw figures in black dressed similarly to him walking out from all directions.

It’s the costume of Fa Yuan, but the question is, how come there are eight of them?

He could barely sense that these eight people were all magic elements. Could it be that they were just illusions?

Ao Dahai felt chilled in his heart, this guy was obviously well prepared.

Damn it, the dragon is so angry!

He had already figured out his identity and was waiting for him here in advance.

Li Yuan looked at the surprised Ao Dahai and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist Fa Yuan, are you going home?”

Ao Dahai bravely spoke and said with a smile: “Yes, fellow Taoist Fayuan is blocking my way. What does this mean?”

Li Yuan said with a smile: “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that fellow Taoists are doing random things in my name all over the Tianhuang Continent. Isn’t this not good?”

The corners of Ao Dahai’s mouth twitched. Didn’t I learn this from you?

He shook his head and said: “Fellow Taoist Fayuan, what you said is wrong. This is the fate of my Dharma. I dress up like this just for the convenience of doing things. It is not to use the name of Taoist friend. Is it possible that similar clothes can only Fellow Taoist, are you wearing it alone?”

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: “But people in the world don’t think so. As long as I show up, I’m afraid I will be stigmatized!”

Ao Dahai looked gloomy and said in a deep voice: “What do you want, fellow Taoist?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “It’s not a big deal, I just want to form a good relationship with fellow Taoist Fa Yuan.”

When Ao Dahai heard this, his face suddenly turned dark.

This guy is still so shameless.

What kind of relationship is it? Isn’t it just robbery?

He didn’t do it himself, but waited until he had been busy for so many years before picking the fruit directly.

Knowing that he was no match, Ao Dahai decided to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

He pretended to feel distressed and said with some reluctance: “Okay, this is 30% of my harvest, and I will form a good relationship with my fellow Taoist.”

As he spoke, he spit out three storage bags directly from his belly.

Li Yuan’s mental energy swept away, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Thirty percent?

What a liar!There are only 30 million spirit stones in these three storage bags, and the others are various resources.

I think all the relationships he made with a clearly stated price tag amounted to 120 million.

Ao Dahai has been unscrupulous in these years, plundering everywhere, even if it is doubled, it is not excessive.

Li Yuan did not accept the storage bag, shook his head and sighed: “It seems that fellow Taoist no longer wants to form a good relationship with me!”

When Ao Dahai heard this, he pretended to be angry, but he seemed to be afraid of Li Yuan’s strength. He threw out two more storage bags and gritted his teeth and said: “Fifty percent, no more!”

But Li Yuan still shook his head, as if you were sending a beggar away.

This made Ao Dahai feel anxious. What did this guy want?

Fifty million spiritual stones was something he couldn’t even imagine before, let alone more resources.

Ao Dahai gritted his teeth and spoke, his aura bursting out, and he said in a deep voice: “Fellow Taoist, be careful as a human being, 50% is not low, otherwise I will be defeated even if I am defeated.”

However, Li Yuan was not afraid at all and said with a smile: “If the fish dies, the net will not break. If you don’t believe me, try it!”

Ao Dahai’s body was trembling. Who do you look down on?

If you really want to explode with all your strength, do you think I will be afraid of you?

Thinking of his plan to save money and avoid disaster, he said helplessly: “Qi%, I’ll give you 70%, you can’t let me work in vain, right?”

He pretended to be helpless and threw out two more storage bags.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Of course I can’t let you work in vain, but I have seven clones, and this 70% is only enough for seven clones. My true self has not been found yet!”


Ao Dahai felt a little disbelieving.

It is already a great opportunity for ordinary people to refine a clone. Where do so many clones come from?

But it’s just an extra ten million, which is nothing.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, then I’ll give you 80%.”

However, Li Yuan shook his head: “No, no, no, I mean, why should I get 20%?”

Ao Dahai’s face was ashen, this guy was so greedy, he wanted 90%.

Do you really think of Ao Dahai as a wage earner?

But fortunately, he had no intention of actually giving it before. Even if he gave 100%, it would still be 100 million at most, which was not even one-tenth of what he had.

Ao Dahai pretended to be angry and dare not speak out, and said coldly: “If you are cruel, I will give you 90%!”

Hearing this, Li Yuan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: “Very good, let’s get the goods. Since we are destined, I will tell you some good news by the way. There is a space crack in Guimoyuan to go to the ancient underworld!”

Ao Dahai cursed, what a good news, the Dragon Clan had known about it for a long time.

At the same time, he threw out two storage bags and handed them to Li Yuan.

“Fellow Taoist, 90% of the resources have been given to you. Can you send me away now?”

Ao Dahai looked ugly, but he was happy in his heart.

Although he was robbed of 100 million yuan by this law, it was not even a tenth.

Little Fa Yuan is so ridiculous, how do you know his true net worth?

However, the next moment, Li Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist is joking, how can this not be enough? I think it would be better for Taoist friend to take out all the storage bags and count them!”

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