Ao Dahai was indignant. In order to avoid being discovered by the guy, he decided to go directly to Shannan.

Shannan is the territory of the demon clan, and there were also demonic beasts that transformed into gods, and there may still be many treasures left.

Soon, he forgot the frustration of being defeated by Li Yuan.

A few years later, he turned to the east and swept across the human race.

Regardless of the many forces or individual cultivators, they will not be spared.

Especially the Moya Temple was almost looted.

Some Li Yuan incarnations deep in the mountains sensed Ao Dahai’s whereabouts, but did not show up.

Finally, Ao Dahai arrived at Ziyang Mountain.

As a former powerful god-forming force, it will naturally not be forgotten.

In the sky above Ziyang Gate, Ao Dahai looked unruly and said with a big smile: “I am the one who came here today to form a good relationship with all of you fellow Taoists!”

At Ziyang Gate, many of the Supreme Elders were alarmed, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Naturally, they had known for a long time that there was a madman from Tianhuang who was hunting around.

The strength of this bonding madman is terrifying. Even if Moya Temple uses the foundation of the God Transformation, it can be easily resolved.

Although it is rumored that the ancestor is still alive in Ziyang Mountain, he has not appeared for hundreds of years.

Even he, the headmaster, doesn’t know where the ancestor is!

There is a big trend on Tianxiu Peak, and no one can enter.

The headmaster of this generation of Ziyang Clan stood up bravely and said in a deep voice: “Senior, this is a little thought from our Ziyang Clan, please accept it, senior!”

As he spoke, he took out a storage bag, which contained not only spiritual stones but also resources.

Ao Dahai swept away his spiritual thoughts, shook his head immediately, and said in disgust: “It’s just a million spiritual stones, why are you sending a beggar?”

He has traveled to so many places and has an amazing wealth, so naturally he doesn’t like this.

“What does senior mean?”

“Let me go in and see if there is anything destined for you!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions froze.

If I let you in, we might have to empty out our Ziyang Gate?

Li Junzhu took a step forward and said in a deep voice: “Senior, my Ziyang Clan ancestor is still in the wilderness.”

Ao Dahai laughed and didn’t believe it at all.

Have any god-transformation monks been born in Ziyangmen in the past thousand years?

He smiled and said, “Then tell me, where is your ancestor?”

Li Junzhu’s tone was choked when he heard this. In fact, after his ancestor took her back to Ziyang Mountain, he disappeared. No one knows where he went?

In particular, the ancestor is very old, far more than two thousand years old. Even if he had not left Tianhuang, he would have passed away.

Faced with Ao Dahai’s gaze, Li Junzhu could only bite the bullet and speak: “Senior, don’t you know that the Qingxiu Mountain historians in Shannan were destroyed more than three hundred years ago, and it was my ancestor who took action.”

As soon as these words came out, Ao Dahai’s expression suddenly changed, and he was filled with shock and anger.

So Fa Yuan is the ancestor of the Ziyangs?

Who in Ziyangmen has become a god in the past thousand years?

Jiang Baiyu?

Xiang Mingde?

Or Shu Honglian?

No, that guy has always been in Qingxiu Mountain and has never come to Dongfang.

Could this woman be deceiving him?

No matter what, he has transformed into a god, how can he be scared away by a name?

When everyone saw this, they thought Ao Dahai was shocked.

But the next moment, Ao Dahai said with a ferocious smile on his face: “Don’t say that your ancestor is not here, even if you are here, you still have to give me a treasure!”

Regardless of whether Ziyangshan is the sect of that Fayuan, today he is bound to form a bond, and he will have to bleed heavily.

When everyone in Ziyang Mountain heard this, their hearts suddenly sank, but they did not scare this person.

Where did this person come from? He was so unscrupulous.

Li Junzhu’s heart sank. This man actually didn’t care whether his ancestor was still there. Do he really want to let him in?

The other Supreme Elders also looked ugly. Once they let this person in, they would be doomed!

But if there is resistance, can a mere large formation really stop a god-forming ancestor?

After everyone heard this, after some discussion, they could only decide to open the formation.

After all, facing a true god-incarnation, they would never be opponents. Instead, they would irritate the other party.

One of the top ten chambers of commerce was at loggerheads with the other party, resulting in heavy casualties.

Ao Dahai suddenly smiled when he saw the formation opening.

Yes, those who understand current affairs are heroes!

However, although you have activated the grand formation, I still cannot let you go easily!

If I don’t empty out your Ziyang Gate, my name, Ao Dahai, will be written backwards.

No matter whether that Fa Yuan is your ancestor or not, since you dare to use his name, you must be prepared to bear my wrath.

Compared to Mo Ya, Ao Dahai hated that Fa Yuan more, it was simply abominable!

He laughed loudly, and the aura on his body was vast, and the pressure filled the entire Ziyang Mountain.

However, at this moment, a sigh came from Tianxiu Peak.

Everyone in Ziyang Mountain was stunned when they heard this. Is that a forbidden area?

Over the years, Tianxiu Peak has already become Ziyang Mountain.Even Li Junzhu and others cannot enter the forbidden area.

Ao Dahai was stunned when he heard this. The voice seemed familiar.

But the next moment, he reacted and showed a look of disbelief.

Is this guy really the ancestor of Ziyang Mountain?

When did he come back?

Before Ao Dahai could think about it, a sword light came directly towards him.

This sword triggered the general trend of heaven and earth, like a sword from the sky, it was about to split everything in front of it.

Ao Dahai’s scalp was numb, he quickly raised his defensive weapon and punched out at the same time, nine punches of light continued in succession.

But even so, he was still blown hundreds of miles away, with blood spilling into the sky and serious injuries!

Damn it, it’s completely unstoppable!

Ao Dahai roared unwillingly, turned around and ran away!

I thought he would break through to become a god and claim to be the best in the world, but in the end, he suffered defeat one after another on this Fa Yuan.

In the blink of an eye, Ao Dahai had disappeared.

Everyone in Ziyang Clan looked shocked. The ancestor is still alive. The ancestor is in Tianxiu Peak?

They were overjoyed and thanked him quickly.

So, Ziyang Clan is still the largest force in the world?

Li Junzhu’s eyes were moist, Yuanzu was still alive, and he had been protecting them.

At the same time, Li Yuan’s voice sounded in Li Junzhu’s ears.

“Junzhu, come to Tianxiu Peak!”

When Li Junzhu heard this, he nodded quickly, told everyone, and then flew to Tianxiu Peak.

Soon, she easily stepped into Tianxiu Peak.

Looking at his ancestor who was almost exactly the same as he was more than three hundred years ago, Li Junzhu felt like it was yesterday.

Although she was pleasantly surprised, she couldn’t help but have some doubts in her heart.

The ancestor has probably lived for more than 2,700 years now, right?

Although there are some techniques, such as the Nirvana Zen Technique, that can slow down the passage of life span, it is impossible to make an old man who is more than 2,700 years old so young.

She didn’t feel the slightest sign of aging on Li Yuan.

Li Yuan seemed to see through Li Junzhu’s thoughts, and said with a smile: “Don’t you think it’s strange, why am I not dead yet? Am I immortal?”

When Li Junzhu heard this, he quickly said: “Junzhu doesn’t dare. It’s too late for Junzhu to be happy if Yuanzu is alive!”

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: “This is indeed strange. Not only you, but others will also be surprised. Why do I live so long?”

As he spoke, he looked at the cliff aside, his spiritual power surged, and he imprinted a skill on it.

“This is?”

Li Junzhu was confused and felt that he couldn’t understand it at all.

Li Yuan said in a deep voice: “This is what I got by chance. It is the Heavenly Level Skill “Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra”.”

Now that he has stood at the pinnacle of the Tianhuang Realm, he is naturally not afraid of others coveting this skill.

And he has always been alive, even if he has the Nirvana Zen Skill, it is difficult to explain.

It’s time to take advantage of this opportunity to pass on this skill.

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