Ao Dahai was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes widened.

What does it mean?

Li Yuan saw that he was hiding it secretly?

Or does he want it all?

Ao Dahai pretended to be evil and growled: “Fellow Taoist, please don’t bully others too much. Do you think you are really determined to take this seat?”

Li Yuan looked calm and said: “Since we have agreed to 90% of the agreement, my Taoist friend is using this thing to fool me. Do you think I am too stupid and naive?”

When Ao Dahai heard this, his face suddenly turned gloomy.

He growled: “Why are you fooling me? I’ve already given you 90%, what else do you want? If you continue to force me, I won’t make it easy for you even if I die!”

As he spoke, he directly raised a spiritual weapon and seemed to be ready to fight Li Yuan!

However, Li Yuan was not afraid at all and said with a smile: “Then you can try it and see if it makes me feel uncomfortable!”

Ao Dahai also knew that the other party would not let him go easily without a fight.

Do you really think that you will be easily bullied as soon as you break through to become a god?

His dragon bloodline is strong, has a long heritage, and is almost invincible at the same level.

Ao Dahai laughed: “Okay, just give it a try!”

Before he finished speaking, Ao Dahai took action boldly and turned into a blue dragon.

This move was all out. He wanted Li Yuan to know that he was not someone to be trifled with.

The power of the dragon is vast, and by controlling the spiritual weapon, the power of the spiritual weapon can be brought into full play.

The spiritual weapon in Ao Dahai’s hand is obviously extraordinary, and its power far exceeds that of ordinary spiritual weapons.

He opened his mouth and spat out what appeared to be a bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror erupted with immeasurable light, like a bright moon, and the moonlight fell on Li Yuan’s eight incarnations.

It seems that a majestic power has arrived to immobilize Li Yuan’s incarnation.

At the same time, Ao Dahai punched nine times in succession, shocking the world.

Li Yuan did not dare to be careless. The eight incarnations circulated the Purple Sun Sutra, as if eight purple suns were rising, forcibly breaking free from the shackles of the bronze mirror.

However, the battle between transformed gods changes rapidly.

The avatar who spoke before was targeted by Ao Dahai, and the nine fists fell, which shocked the avatar and caused him to bleed on the spot.

Ao Dahai felt happy when he saw this, feeling that he had hit his true body.

But the next moment, he was horrified.

Because the other incarnations have already erupted with unparalleled momentum.

There is an incarnation that uses Yunlan to cover the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

There is an incarnation that uses the Seven-turn Xuankong Fist, which is so powerful that it shocks the whole world.

There is an incarnation that utters the divine voice of Brahma and shakes the heaven and earth.

All kinds of power are earth-shattering.

Thousands of miles in radius, there is a dazzling scene.

Fake, it must be fake!

Ao Dahai didn’t believe it. How could someone cultivate so many clones?

But feeling the earth-shattering momentum, although he didn’t believe it, he still quickly put up his spiritual weapon for defense.

An ancient tree, a piece of tortoise shell, and a golden bowl.

None of them are ordinary spiritual weapons. They can be said to be layers of defense.


As the magical powers fell one after another, the remaining power shook, and the astonishing ripples spread thousands of miles.

This residual power is enough to kill countless Nascent Souls.

Ao Dahai’s body was shaken violently and he was bleeding continuously.

He was shocked, these seven clones were all real, and they had all cultivated to the state of becoming gods?

How can this be?

Facing seven incarnation attacks that were already stronger than him, Ao Dahai was seriously injured even though he had three powerful spiritual weapons to protect his body and he was still a dragon.

He retreated suddenly and said quickly: “Stop! Fellow Taoist, stop it quickly!”

Facing eight beings stronger than themselves, who can resist?

Ao Dahai didn’t want to die like this.

He originally had a desperate forbidden technique, but now was not the time to do anything desperate.

He hurriedly said: “Fellow Taoist, wait a minute, I am ashamed of myself. These are the remaining resources. Please accept my magical powers!”

As he spoke, Ao Dahai quickly spit out a large number of storage bags.

Li Yuan’s spiritual power was swept away. Counting the previous ones, there were 300 million spiritual stones alone.

Good guy, this Ao Dahai is simply crazy.

However, even if it is 300 million, it may not be all of Ao Dahai’s wealth.

Li Yuan said calmly: “It’s better to spit out all the storage bags, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to use my magical powers!”

Ao Dahai looked distressed and said quickly: “That’s all, it’s all harvested!”

But Li Yuan couldn’t believe it and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist, you should let go of the shield on your body and let me investigate for myself!”

“No way, do you think this is possible?”

Ao Dahai retorted, how could the shield be released?

Once you let go of the shield, all your hidden assets will be exposed.

However, Li Yuan was resolute and said quietly: “If fellow Taoist does not agree, then I will have to suppress you first and then search slowly!”

Seeing the eight magic elements approaching step by step, Ao Dahai stopped in Bengbu.

It’s simply too much to bully the dragon.

He really wants to makeUse that forbidden technique to fight this Fa Yuan.

But he just got promoted to the God of Transformation, and he worked hard to get so many resources, he really doesn’t want to die.

The reason why the forbidden technique is forbidden is that the cost is too high and it cannot be used casually.

“Fa Yuan, after I was promoted to the God of Transformation, I can already use the forbidden technique of the dragon clan – the Dragon God Curse, which can directly curse your soul, so don’t bully the dragon too much!”

“Dragon God Curse?”

Ao Dahai nodded and said coldly: “Yes, once the Dragon God Curse is used, even your main body will not be spared, so don’t make a mistake!”

Li Yuan frowned slightly, feeling that Ao Dahai didn’t seem to be fooling him.

But it’s not okay to just let Ao Dahai go.

Since it’s a forbidden technique, it must be costly.

“I think your forbidden technique is not so easy to perform, right?”

“Forbidden techniques naturally have a price. Once performed, I will hurt the enemy by one thousand and myself by eight hundred. Even if I kill you, I will never be able to reach the state of transformation, so I will not perform it.”

Ao Dahai spoke, but of course he would not tell Li Yuan that the Dragon God Curse needs to be guided by his own dragon soul. Once performed, he will almost certainly die.

Although Li Yuan did not know whether what Ao Dahai said was true or false, he was also alert and unwilling to take risks.

Looking at Ao Dahai, Li Yuan said faintly: “It is better to take out all of them. I will give in and split it 28.”

“No, 55!”

“28, I am not afraid to tell you that my real body has left Tianhuang and may have been promoted to a higher realm. Your forbidden technique may not work.”

“64, it cannot be too low, otherwise everyone will die.”

“73, fellow Taoist, don’t push it!”

Li Yuan threatened coldly. He did not believe that Ao Dahai would be willing to perform the forbidden technique.

Ao Dahai’s face turned pale, but he finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

70% is 70%, it’s better than using forbidden techniques or taking only 10%.

In the end, Ao Dahai released the shield in his body and vomited out all the storage bags in his stomach.

A full 1.3 billion spirit stones, which simply shocked Li Yuan.

He knew that Ao Dahai was ruthless, but he didn’t expect him to be so ruthless. He was afraid that he would take all the resources of Tianhuang in one wave.

Ao Dahai was also embarrassed by Li Yuan’s look, and said embarrassedly: “I learned this from you!”

Li Yuan sneered: “Bullshit, how can I be so ruthless?”

He went around in a circle that year and only took 120 million spirit stones, less than one tenth.

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