The old woman was extremely fast and arrived in front of everyone almost instantly.

Without saying a word, she directly grabbed several people with one palm, but did not kill them. She just wanted to grab them towards the terrifying figure behind her.

No matter how strong these people are, as long as they can block one or two, she can escape.

However, her plan was doomed to fail.

The golden eagle looked at the old woman with sarcasm in his eyes.

Li Yuan raised his hand, as if the sky were falling.

He was suppressed along with the mummy that was chasing him, unable to move at all.

The old woman was shocked, what kind of method is this?

The strength of this mummy has far surpassed that of Nascent Soul, and it was half-stepped into the divine transformation stage, but was suppressed by a palm.

The stage of transformation into gods is definitely a great monk in the stage of transformation into gods.

After she broke through to the Nascent Soul, she traveled through the endless desert and happened to see a transformed god take action.

That powerful sect, under that divine transformation, didn’t even have a chance to struggle.

That kind of divine power made her frightened, and she fled back to Nanshan District overnight.

She reacted very quickly and said quickly: “Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I am very grateful to you. As long as I have your instructions, I will never give up!”

After living for thousands of years, talking to people and talking to ghosts is the basic rule of survival.

Li Yuan looked at the frightened old woman and said quietly: “Are you the Shi Miaoyan, the ancestor of the Shi family?”

The old woman was surprised and said hesitantly: “It’s the junior. I wonder who you are, the senior?”

She thought quickly, but she couldn’t recognize who Li Yuan was.

Li Yuan looked indifferent, looked down at the surprised old woman, and said, “My name is Li Yuan.”

Li Yuan?

When the old woman heard this, she looked confused and couldn’t remember who it was for a moment.

However, a bad feeling arose in her heart.

Li Yuan explained to him directly: “I have a younger brother named Li Hua.”

As soon as these words came out, the old woman finally came to her senses and turned pale.

Li Hua, the Nascent Soul ancestor of the Li family back then.

But if this person was Li Hua’s brother, he must have been a Nascent Soul back then, so he couldn’t have known it.

Li Yuan, Li Hua’s brother!

Suddenly, the old woman finally remembered something.

It is rumored that not long after Li Hua was promoted to Yuanying, one of his brothers who practiced martial arts disappeared.

But after so many years, how could this person still be alive?

Did he also go to the Eastern World?

And judging from the strength of his attack just now, he might have already advanced to the stage of becoming a god.

Shi Miaoyan’s scalp went numb and she quickly argued: “It turns out that it was Old Ancestor Li. The younger generation is indeed to blame for what happened back then. That group of people took advantage of the younger generation’s absence to destroy the entire Li family. Although the younger generation also killed that group for Li My Taoist friends are seeking revenge, but I am indeed guilty, so please forgive me, senior.”

Li Yuan’s eyes were cold, looking at Shi Miaoyan who still wanted to quibble.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Do you think I look like a fool?”

As soon as these words came out, Shi Miaoyan’s face looked a little unnatural.

She couldn’t bear to wonder why the old accounts from eight hundred years ago could be uncovered.

Li Yuan looked indifferent and snorted: “If you want others to know nothing but yourself, did you ever think of this day when you destroyed the Li family?”

Shi Miaoyan was completely desperate. In front of such a person, any conspiracy and tricks were superfluous.

She begged: “Senior, it was me who had a bad heart back then. I am willing to let senior punish me. I also ask senior to give Shi Jia a way out.”

“A way out? Do you think it’s possible?”

As he spoke, Li Yuan looked at Jin Diao: “Watch her, I’ll hold you accountable if something goes wrong.”

The golden eagle was shaken and said quickly: “Master, don’t worry, as long as I am here, it will be difficult for her to die!”

In fact, Li Yuan has completely suppressed Shi Miaoyan, and no one can save her unless Huashen takes action.

Glancing at the mummy that was also suppressed, Li Yuan looked slightly sideways.

This mummy has long since fallen, lifeless.

But there is a special power in his body that supports him, like a corpse demon.

Li Yuan moved and soon reached the deepest part of Mu Palace.

There is nothing in the deepest part of the Dusk Palace, just a simple jade coffin.

The jade coffin had been opened, and Li Yuan saw that except for an ancient jade, there were no special treasures inside.

His mental strength fluctuated and he looked at the crystal white ancient jade.

In this ancient jade, there is actually a message from the owner of Mu Palace.

“If the senior can come here, he has obviously already participated in nature and is a supreme god. The junior admires him. However, this Dusk Palace is just the resting place of the junior. There are no inherited treasures. I would like to ask the senior to be generous so that the junior can sleep forever. here.

In addition, if you are free, seniors, you can go to Demon Yuan Longshou Peak, Yuzhou Yunxi Valley, and Wushengyu Beiyuan Mountain to look for some of the inheritance I left behind, which contains all the younger generation’s experience in practicing puppetry.

<Longshou Peak Mechanism Layout.JPG>, <Unxi Valley Mechanism Layout.JPG>, <Kitahara Mountain MechanismLayout.JPG>……”

Putting down the ancient jade, Li Yuan also had some understanding of the identity of the master of Mu Palace.

This person is called Puppet Immortal, and his puppet skills are earth-shattering. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of his intensive study of puppets that he only stayed at the peak of Nascent Soul.

The mummy outside is the remains of the Puppet Immortal. He has specially processed it and incorporated the power of the soul. Once the jade coffin is opened, it will be activated to kill all intruders.

Li Yuan shook his head, it was really his resting place, not his inheritance.

No matter how good his puppetry skills are, he will still be disturbed and have no peace after death.

But this has something to do with him. If he hadn’t accidentally caused the earth’s gas to leak back then, this place wouldn’t have been found so easily.

Returning to the third floor, Li Yuan looked at the corpse of the Puppet Immortal, raised his hand, and wiped out the power of the soul in his body.

Then he buried the body of the Puppet Immortal into the jade coffin again, leaving the power of his soul in the jade coffin, and finally erased the gap in the third layer.

After glancing at Shi Miaoyan, Li Yuan said calmly: “Let’s go to Qingxiu Mountain.”

Li Junzhu and others naturally had no objection. Jin Diao grabbed Shi Miaoyan and led everyone out of Mu Palace.

Outside, everyone’s eyes lit up when they saw Li Yuan and others coming out.

But coming out of Mu Palace so quickly, have you really found anything good?

Some people with sharp eyes saw Shi Miaoyan under the golden eagle’s claws, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

This…isn’t this the old lady Shi, the ancestor of the Shi family?

At this time, Shi Miaoyan was dying, like a captured dead mouse.

Could it be that the ancestor of the Shi family was captured by these people after being severely injured?

Do these young people not know the ancestors of the Shi family?

Some people hesitated whether to save the ancestor of the Shi family.

Some people were surprised and suspected that these young people were not simple.

While everyone was thinking, the golden eagle had already spread its wings and planned to leave this place.

Seeing this situation, someone finally lost his temper and stood up.

It was a female cultivator who was at the peak of her alchemy skills. She looked at the group of people and shouted, “Fellow Taoists, wait a minute. Is it possible to let Granny Shi go?”

However, Jin Diaoli ignored her and flapped his wings, and the next moment he had disappeared with everyone.

Until then, someone finally reacted and showed a shocked look.

That golden eagle is probably not a Nascent Soul-level monster.

They looked at the woman who had spoken before and quickly distanced themselves.

It is true that the ignorant are fearless. Fortunately, the golden eagle ignored this person, otherwise ten lives would not be enough to die.

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