Li Yuan knocked on the chair, his brows filled with indifference.

He said quietly: “Is Shi Miaoyan still alive?”

Tong Lingyan spoke quickly: “Alive, and has reached the Great Consummation of the Nascent Soul. I just happened to enter the Dusk Palace some time ago to look for an opportunity to break through to become a god.”

Li Yuan was confused, feeling like he had heard of this place somewhere.

He soon remembered that when he and Donkey Changsheng were digging the tomb of Lingmu Sanren on the edge of the Human King’s Domain, they accidentally discovered a large tomb of Nascent Soul.

The name of that big tomb seems to be Mu Palace!

He said solemnly: “Is it the Dusk Palace on the edge of the Human King’s Domain?”

Tong Lingyan nodded. This matter had spread widely, and many powerful people knew about it.

However, this Dusk Palace is very dangerous. Not only are there various traps, but there are also puppet guards at the Nascent Soul level.

When it was first discovered, some Nascent Soul warriors tried to break in. As a result, two people were killed and one was injured.

Half a month ago, Shi Miaoyan joined forces with several Nascent Soul experts and entered the Dusk Palace.

After getting the answer he wanted, Li Yuan had no doubts anymore.

He said directly: “Tell me, how much is this information worth?”

However, Tong Lingyan didn’t dare to ask for a price, so he quickly smiled and said: “Senior, you’re too polite, these are just old things, no need to pay!”

Li Yuan shook his head and said calmly: “Tell me, I don’t like to owe others.”

His favors are not that easy to get.

Hearing this, Tong Lingyan also knew what Li Yuan meant.

He had no choice but to whisper: “Senior, if you must give it, then give me ten thousand spiritual stones.”

If it’s too much, it will obviously make people unhappy; if it’s too little, it means looking down on other people’s ancestors.

Ten thousand spiritual stones is not a lot, but it is definitely a lot.

Li Yuan nodded, waved his hand and took out ten thousand spiritual stones, then turned and left the hall.

The golden eagle spreads its wings, and its target is the Dusk Palace.

Mu Palace is dangerous, but Li Yuan is now standing at the pinnacle of the world, so he has no fear.

On the back of the golden eagle, Li Junzhu and Li Luo were still a little dizzy.

Who is the ancestor?

The woman who came in behind was obviously a Nascent Soul.

But even so, when facing the ancestor, he became cautious and did not dare to treat each other as equals.

Is it possible that the ancestor can still be the legendary ancestor who transformed into a god?

Aren’t characters like that only in legends?

The two of them were nervous and excited for a while, worrying about gains and losses, fearing that this was just a dream.

This time, the golden eagle seemed to feel the coldness on Li Yuan’s body. It flew to the limit and reached the edge of the human king’s domain in just one day.

The barren hills outside the Dusk Palace have long been split open, revealing the original appearance of the entrance to the Dusk Palace.

Some monks who did not dare to enter were entrenched nearby. Seeing the people on the golden eagle landing directly at the gate of Mu Palace, they immediately started talking.

“Someone is here again!”

“In one foundation building period, the others don’t look very powerful.”

“In the foundation building period, aren’t you here to die?”

“Ignorant people are fearless. They all know that there are great opportunities in the Dusk Palace, but great opportunities are often accompanied by huge risks. Even the Nascent Soul has fallen. Ordinary monks will get tired of living there.”

“That’s a bad statement. After all, there is Nascent Soul clearing the way ahead. If we are careful, we might be able to pick up some soup.”

“Then why don’t fellow Taoists go in?”

“Hey hey hey, there’s no need to say this explicitly!”


Li Yuan looked at the entrance of Mu Palace.

There had obviously been a fierce battle here.

The two puppets from back then have long since disappeared.

But if you can use Nascent Soul puppets as guards, it will definitely be more dangerous inside.

“Yuanzu, do we also want to go in?”

Li Junzhu spoke, obviously catching everyone’s comments.

“If you want to go in, follow me. If you don’t want to, just stay here.”

“Then I’d better follow you in!”

Li Junzhu said, if the ancestor is really the legendary god incarnation, this Mu Palace will naturally be nothing.

Although Li Luo didn’t want to take risks, his aunt had said so, so it was hard for him to object.

With the ancestor here, they thought there would be no danger.

Seeing the three people walking into the Mu Palace, everyone watching was also shocked.

There are really some people who are not afraid of death.

The dusk palace was empty and filled with dead silence.

Everyone moved forward slowly, and soon found countless puppet fragments in a huge square.

It can be seen that there are at least tens of thousands of puppets here, but unfortunately they have been destroyed.

There are also the remains of many monks, there are monsters and monsters, and the battle is fierce.

Li Yuandu was shocked. With so many puppets, there must be many Yuanying level puppets among them.

It seems that the owner of the Dusk Palace was a master at playing puppets during his lifetime.

There are so many puppets, not to mention whether they can be made, but the materials are not something that ordinary monks can collect.

In the square, there is a line of blood-red characters, which is shocking.

“The resting place, trespassing in this death!”Obviously, the master of the Dusk Palace was warning the intruders.

Unfortunately, his warning was obviously useless, and all the puppets were destroyed.

Li Yuan walked to the square, dispersed his mental energy, and quickly found the problem.

There is a secret passage in this square, hiding the entrance to the second floor.

This is a downward underground palace.

Entering the second floor, you are surrounded by black stagnant water.

There were mutilated remains everywhere in the water, both human and monster, which was shocking.

What several people saw the most was a kind of black beetle, so densely packed that it almost blended into the stagnant water.

“Soul-hungry insect, sealing spirit water!”

Li Yuan quickly thought of what this was in front of him.

Soul-eating insects can lure the souls of the living to leave the body, and the spirit-sealing water can prevent monks from functioning spiritually.

Such a terrible place is simply the worst of the worst.

Even a Nascent Soul cultivator would find it difficult to persist here for long.

Li Yuan’s martial arts energy is not spiritual power, but it is still affected and does not function smoothly.

However, it seems that only one Nascent Soul-level monster has fallen on this level.

Golden Eagle and Li Junzhu felt their scalps go numb as they watched the black beetles rushing around them.

This means that Li Yuan is protecting them, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to hold on for a breath.

The second floor is so dangerous. Isn’t the third floor even more dangerous?

However, Li Yuanyi was brave and easily led several people into the third layer of space.

As soon as I entered, there was a strange atmosphere.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed and he quickly protected everyone.

“Demon spirit!”

This third level was actually filled with demonic energy.

However, in the underground palace on the third floor, the remains of destroyed corpse demons can be seen everywhere.

I don’t know what method the tomb owner used to transport the corpse demon’s energy here.

It’s just that those who can come here are not weak.

It can be seen that this place has experienced a fierce battle before.

A Nascent Soul monk died, and his death was extremely miserable.

“Two Nascent Souls have died. They must have died recently.”

The golden eagle spoke, his eyes full of vigilance.

To it, this place didn’t look like a great opportunity at all, but rather like a real cemetery.

In the center of the third floor, there is a huge black coffin.

But the coffin had been opened and there was nothing inside.

This seems to be the deepest part of the Dusk Palace, and the person buried in the coffin should be the former owner of the Dusk Palace.

But it was obvious that the previous group had not stopped moving forward.

There is no way forward on the third floor, but the previous intruder still forced a gap.

These guys are also ruthless people. Not only did they realize that this is not the end of the Dusk Palace, but they actually dared to go deeper.

At this moment, a terrifying aura came from the depths of the gap.

An old woman dressed in white escaped from the gap, looking horrified and covered in blood.

And behind her was a mummy exuding a strong aura of death, with an aura that surpassed that of the Nascent Soul.

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