Qingxiu Mountain.

The Shi family was full of joy.

Today is the day to celebrate the young master of the Shi family’s promotion to the Dan Dan.

He was promoted to Danjie in just a hundred years, and his qualifications were comparable to those of the ancestors of the Shi family back then.

Many major powers in the Human King Realm sent congratulations, which made the historian’s reputation unparalleled.

The head of the Shi family was very proud and his face was red.

There are many geniuses in the Shi family, and perhaps in a hundred or two hundred years, his son will also become a Nascent Soul.

By that time, the Shi family will have three Yuan Ying ancestors, who will be the largest force in the northern part of the human race.

As the head of the Shi family, he still knows something. There is a vaster world beyond the Nanshan area.

It’s a pity that it’s too dangerous there, and even my ancestor didn’t go there again after going there once.

At this moment, a seemingly ordinary golden eagle spread its wings and stopped above Shijia.

The crowd didn’t take the golden eagle seriously at all, and even planned to shoot it.

As for the few people on top of the golden eagle, no one takes them seriously. They are just building foundations and can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

If you dare to stop above the historian, this is disrespectful and disgusting.

But when someone saw the old woman on the golden eagle’s claws, their faces changed with fear, and they suspected that they were hallucinating.

Many guests quickly rubbed their eyes and looked at the old woman held by the golden eagle above.

Fear has spread in everyone’s hearts, causing trouble.

Li Yuan stepped off the back of the golden eagle, looked down at the people below, and spoke lightly, his voice spreading throughout the surrounding area.

“When the sun sets, the Shi family is exterminated!”

At the same time, Li Yuan pulled out eight hairs and turned them into avatars that flew thousands of miles away.

This time, he wants to exterminate the entire clan, regardless of good or evil, high or low.

Since we enjoy the benefits brought by historians, we must bear the consequences caused by historians.

As Li Yuan spoke, the situation in the nine heavens changed, and a depressing atmosphere enveloped the entire Shi family.

Countless monks looked at the sky above Shijia in horror. What kind of existence is this?

Could it be that the ancestor of Nascent Soul came here to seek revenge?

The powerful people of the Shi family were also frightened and angry at this time.

The ancestor was actually captured by the eagle.

What on earth is going on? Didn’t the ancestor go to the Dusk Palace?

Could it be that the ancestor had an accident and was taken advantage of by this monster?

Below, countless people are filled with fear.

At this moment, in the ancestral land of the Shi family, a young monk stepped into the sky.

“It’s the sixth generation ancestor!”

When the Shi family members saw this, they were immediately overjoyed.

The ancestors of the sixth generation are also Yuanying. Although they are not as good as the ancestors of the first generation, they are also monks in the late stage of Yuanying.

There is no need to resist this person, as long as the next generation of ancestors can be saved, it will be considered a success.

One is in the late stage of Nascent Soul and the other is in the Great Consummation of Yuanying. Who dares to destroy his historian at that time?

Li Yuan looked at the young man soaring towards the sky, his expression as calm as water.

Although it was not known before that this historian had another Nascent Soul, this could not change the outcome.

The young man looked wary, looked at Li Yuan and others, and said in a deep voice: “What does this fellow Taoist mean? Why does he threaten to destroy my historian family?”

He could sense that the golden eagle was just a monster in the late Nascent Soul stage and was no stronger than him.

The other two are only equivalent to foundation-building monks and can be ignored.

Only the young man in front of him was unfathomable and could not sense any trace of reality or reality.

This kind of feeling could not be felt even by his ancestor.

Li Yuan glanced at him and said calmly: “Do you know how the Shi family rose?”

The young man was stunned when he heard this. When he was born, the Shi family was already part of the Yuanying family, which was powerful in the royal domain.

Involuntarily, he looked at the ancestor Shi Miaoyan who was under the claws of the golden eagle.

The old Shi Miaoyan opened her eyes weakly, with some unwillingness and resentment in her eyes.

“He is Li Yuan, the elder brother of Li Hua, the ancestor of the Li family!”

“Li Yuan?”

“Martial Saint Li Yuan?”

When the young man heard this, his expression suddenly changed?

He obviously knows Li Yuan’s identity better than Shi Miaoyan.

He has also been to the Eastern World, and also knows that there is a Martial Saint in Ziyang Mountain in Wuzhou, also named Li Yuan.

However, as far as he knew, this person had been cultivating in Ziyang Mountain since he was a child and had nothing to do with Li Yuan, the elder brother of Li Hua, the ancestor of the Li family.

Moreover, 800 years ago, Wu Sheng was forced to death by the demon Ya Ya. His soul was scattered and the time did not match up.

Li Yuan looked at the young man and said calmly: “It seems that you have heard of my name. It’s a pity that you are from the Shi family. Cherish your few lives.”

When the young man heard this, his face turned miserable, and his heart was completely despairing.

Not only is the Martial Saint not dead, but he is still alive to this day. He must have cultivated the martial arts soul.

In the face of such an existence, they wouldn’t even have a chance to struggle.

He used to be proud of being a member of the Shi family, but now, his heart is filled with despair.

“Senior, it was Shi Miaoyan who destroyed your Li family back then, and it had nothing to do with anyone else.Senior, you are so merciful, can’t you let them go? ”

The young man spoke, still holding on to his last glimmer of hope.

According to rumors, the senior Martial Saint was respected as a Martial Saint by the world because of his compassion and impartiality in spreading martial arts.

Li Yuan’s expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: “Since you have enjoyed the benefits brought by Shi Miaoyan, you must bear the consequences caused by Shi Miaoyan. They are innocent. Aren’t the countless members of the Li family innocent back then?”

The young man looked sad when he heard this, it’s karma.

He looked at Shi Miaoyan, feeling resentful for the first time.

Since you have already cultivated Nascent Soul, why do you have to take away the Li family’s inheritance?

“Retribution, retribution!”

The young man looked crazy and said no more.

He returned to the Shijia station and looked at the innocent tribesmen, crying and laughing.

“Sixth Patriarch?”

“Group six, what do you mean?”

“How about we rescue our ancestor first?”

A strong historian inquired and clearly felt that something was not right with the state of his six clans.

The young man ignored these tribesmen and just wandered around aimlessly.

Soon after, he even discovered that there was a special light curtain rising thousands of miles away, and even he could not leave.

Obviously, this was Li Yuan’s handiwork.

Shijia, this is going to annihilate the clan.

When some of the monks who came to congratulate Shijia saw this, fear spread in their hearts.

Thousands of miles around, everything is blocked by invisible forces.

Even the six generations of historians were frightened out of their minds after just a few words.

No matter how they join forces, they cannot escape from this place.

The mysterious young man above the Nine Heavens may have exceeded their imagination.

In one moment, life changes in all kinds of ways.

Some people were frightened and knelt down to beg for mercy: “Senior, have mercy on me, I am really not a monk of the Historian family.”

“This junior is just passing by and has nothing to do with the historian.”

“Senior, my grandfather is the Demon King of Tuoshan, a strong man at the peak of Nascent Soul. Please let me go.”


Within thousands of miles, there were constant calls for mercy.

Not only humans, but also some demons.

Especially the Shi family members were even more frightened at this time.

Some people have gone crazy in their hearts. They sacrificed their magic weapons and rushed towards Li Yuan in the sky, hoping to kill them all.

But before they even got close to Li Yuan, they exploded into a rain of blood.

Even the alchemy monks are not immune.

Li Yuan looked calm and just took out a drop of blood from Shi Miaoyan’s eyebrow.

In his hands, a stream of magical power spread, complex and mysterious, and finally formed into a strange blood-colored pattern.

This is a special secret technique that, once activated, can affect the surrounding people who are connected by blood to the person being performed the technique.

Li Yuan’s cultivation is enough to affect a radius of 100,000 miles.

However, this technique will damage the heaven and the earth, and the user will be counterattacked by the world. The stronger the deceased’s cultivation, the stronger the backlash will be on the user.

If he were a normal monk, his life would be shortened by hundreds of years if the Shi family was wiped out.

Unfortunately, for Li Yuan, longevity is just a number.

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