Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 224 Bu Chan builds the foundation

"If Fellow Daoist Shen wants to return to Baiyunping, you might as well wait for me for two days, and we can take care of you together."

After refining the second-level spiritual kitchen utensils, the weapon refiner surnamed Li took the initiative.

After more than half a month of contact, Wang Hao and this weapon refiner had quite a rapport.

Perhaps it's because they are all monks who are obsessed with various arts, so there are not so many twists and turns and nothing to say.

Even though the two of them specialize in different directions, by analogy, Wang Yan has some superficial understanding of weapon refining, a major category of monk arts.

He also followed the weapon refiner surnamed Li and learned some skills in tempering spiritual materials and adjusting the composition and structure of spiritual materials.

Perhaps because the configuration of the treatment liquid in the spiritual kitchen had similar effects, Wang Yan mastered it quickly, and even the weapon refiner surnamed Li was quite impressed.

If Wang Yan had studied weapon refining at the beginning, his achievements would probably not be lower than what he is now.

Wang Hao just smiled calmly at this. The skill of spiritual cooking can be said to be the one that suits him best.

Not inferior to beast control at all.

If he really took up the art of weapon refining, it would be impossible for him to grow without a large amount of spiritual materials for him to practice.

It’s even less likely to get to where we are now.

Regarding the goodwill of the weapon refiner named Li, Wang Yan was a little anxious to go back, but considering that if the Lingchu magic weapon was used unhandily in the future, he might need to ask him to make adjustments, he was embarrassed to refuse.

"After that fellow Taoist has finished his work, call me."

Wang Ba said with a smile.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li locked himself in the room and carefully reviewed what he had obtained from this weapon refinement.

This is a habit that many weapon refiners have.

After all, spiritual materials are rare, and every opportunity to refine second-level magic weapons must be cherished.

Unlike an alchemist, there are relatively more kinds of elixirs and gold stones, and the error tolerance rate is also high.

It's not like a talisman master who can't do it again if his painting is useless.

Wang Ba didn't want to waste time, so he simply grabbed a second-order low-grade spirit chicken from the spirit beast bag and tried to make the essence of the second-order spirit chicken.

However, compared to the first-order spiritual chicken, the second-order spiritual chicken has obvious changes in both body shape and part of the body structure. For example, the strength of the chicken's beak and chicken feet has been increased so much that the previously configured treatment fluid cannot even lift it. to too great an effect.

Fortunately, Wang Hao has collected a lot of spiritual materials and elixirs in the past few years.

After thinking about it for a while, I successfully prepared a treatment solution suitable for the second-level spiritual chicken.

Quickly plucking the hair and dismembering the body...

After a lot of work.


The rich aroma of spiritual chicken essence, accompanied by a strange smell, wafted out of the pot.

Smelling this smell, Wang Yan frowned slightly.

When I opened it, I saw that the soul chicken essence at the bottom of the pot should have been frozen, but it was tinged with a turbid gray-black color.

"There are too many impurities. It seems that the treatment liquid needs to be prepared again... and the heat is not right."

Although he had never refined the second-level essence, he had accumulated so much experience that Wang Yan could detect the problem almost with his eyes closed.

The only thing that made him hesitate was that he vaguely noticed that in addition to the essence and blood that he was very familiar with, there seemed to be something more in the essence.

Wang Ba stretched out his index finger, dabbed a little and put it into his mouth.

His eyes couldn't help but light up.

"This... actually has some benefit to the power of the soul."

Strictly speaking, the soul chicken essence made from the first-level soul chicken can also improve the soul after being refined. At the beginning, Wang Yan relied on taking the soul chicken to condense the power of the Yin God. .

But the second-level spiritual chicken essence is different. In addition to the rich spiritual energy and essence blood, it actually forms a pure soul power alone.

It doesn't even need to be refined, as it will naturally replenish the soul when consumed.

After tasting it again, he had some new feelings about the essence produced by the second-order spiritual chicken.

"In addition, the quality of the spiritual energy is much higher than at the first level. It is estimated that even if it is used by monks in the later stages of foundation building, the effect will not be bad at all."

"The essence, energy, and blood are also more abundant."

"With such a small piece, the effect is estimated to be as good as one-fifth of a bottle of first-order spiritual chicken essence."

"It's a pity that I messed up this time."

Wang Yan looked at the essence in the pot with more than 60% impurities in it with some regret, and was reluctant to throw it away and fed it to the turtle.

At the same time, record these feelings one by one.

After reviewing and summarizing, Wang Yan made major changes to the treatment fluid.

The impurity content reaches 60%, indicating that the configuration of the treatment liquid is not a small problem.

He spent almost the next two days trying to refine the essence of the second-level spirit chicken.

He doesn't bring many second-level low-grade spiritual chickens. The main reason is that the second-order low-grade spiritual chickens basically rely on natural breeding, and the number never increases.

The second-order low-grade spiritual chickens were quickly used up.

However, he successfully increased the purity of the second-level spiritual chicken essence to about 70%.

Without much hesitation, he directly started trying with the second-order high-grade spirit chicken.

Thanks to Jia Fifteen's hard work, starting from the second-level high-quality chickens, his number of spiritual chickens increased dramatically.

Now, the number of second-level high-grade broiler chickens under his hands has reached an astonishing number of more than 3,000.

The number of top-quality spiritual chickens is much smaller, but there are still two to three hundred.

Compared with broiler chickens, the number of phantom chickens bred by Jia Shi5 is obviously much smaller.

There are about one hundred and forty second-level high-grade ones.

There are twelve second-level top-grade ones.

Looking at all the forces in the entire Yan Kingdom, I am afraid that only the four major sects have more foundation-building disciples than him.

But if you include the mountain-moving apes, psychic ghost loaches, green water turtles and the like under his hands, it's hard to say.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a third-level spiritual beast yet, it would be okay to count him directly as the fifth sect.

These are the reasons why he dares to establish a foothold in Baiyunping, and they are also where his real wealth currently lies.

"Well, the strength of the beak and claw tips of the second-order high-grade spiritual chicken is significantly improved compared to the second-order low-grade spirit chicken. As for the treatment liquid, I'm afraid we need to add some ingredients..."

"The essence, energy and blood condensed in the muscles are also more difficult to dissolve. The duration of the fire in the wood seems to be longer."

The summary of precautions quickly passed through my mind, and at the same time, I carefully processed the spirit chicken bit by bit, then put it into the pot and magic weapon, and started refining it again.

After more than three hours, even with Wang Yan's powerful magic power, he couldn't help but feel a little tired when he continued to use the wood fire.

The refining of the spiritual chicken essence is finally coming to an end.



With the release of a burst of heat, Wang Yan opened the pot and quickly cast a spell to cool down.

When you see the bottom of the pot, a crystal clear gelatinous essence with only a few gray and black impurities at the bottom is shaking slightly.

"The purity has reached 85%...it's not bad. If you practice more in the future, the purity should be improved."

Wang Hao nodded slightly.

“I don’t know how well this thing will be accepted.”

"It's a pity that no one can give feedback at the moment."

Was thinking about it.

The voice of the weapon refiner named Li came from outside the house:

"Fellow Taoist, I'm fine now. When will we set off?"

When Wang Bao heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

Isn’t this ready-made?

He immediately unlocked the door and quickly called in the weapon refiner named Li.

"Brother Li Dao, please come over and give me some advice. This is my newly refined spirit chicken essence."

"Fellow Daoist Shen is joking, I'm just a hammer wielder, how can I understand you spiritual chefs..."

Before the weapon refiner surnamed Li finished his humble words, he was stunned when he saw that there was only half a palm-sized gelatinous essence in the pot.

With his strong cultivation, he noticed the difference immediately.

"This...isn't this the same as before?"

The weapon refiner surnamed Li said in surprise.

Not caring about being polite at the moment, he quickly lifted up his sleeves and stretched out his index finger, wrapped it with magic power, smeared a small piece along the edge of the gelatinous essence, and couldn't wait to put it into his mouth.

In an instant, the face of the weapon refiner surnamed Li froze, his brows quickly furrowed, and he immediately showed a look of shock!

"Why, how can this place be good for the soul..."

"Fellow Daoist Shen, can I try it again? Don't worry, I bought this essence!"

After eating a small piece, the weapon refiner surnamed Li couldn't help but said eagerly.

Wang Hao was not stingy with the friends he recognized. He smiled and waved his hand and said:

"It's okay. You can try it again and it's okay to give it to you. However, the purity of this piece is not high and there are still some impurities. By the way, after eating it, you have to give me some useful suggestions."

"I try my best."

Hearing this, the weapon refiner surnamed Li didn't care about the impurities. He carefully wrapped the spirit chicken essence with magic power and drank it.

Immediately, regardless of the environment, he sat down cross-legged and started refining.

A full two hours.

It was getting dark outside. The weapon refiner surnamed Li finally opened his eyes.

Just such a piece of spiritual chicken essence will not cause any amazing changes to the weapon refiner named Li.

But after the weapon refiner surnamed Li thought about it for a while, his eyes could not help but show wonder:

"This essence of Fellow Daoist Shen, in terms of pure spiritual energy, is not inferior to the second-level top-quality 'Sanghuo Dan' that I once took."

"But more importantly, the essence of the essence is really full of energy and blood, which has great benefits for the vitality of the physical body and even the breakthrough of the realm. The effect is comparable to the extremely rare second-level high-grade 'Life and Creation' Dan'."

"The most important thing is the soul energy contained in it. This is a good thing!"

"I have been practicing so far, and when I was on the front line of Wei State, I captured something called 'Shenhua Dew', which can directly replenish the soul. Even if there is anything else, it is quite troublesome."

"The only pity is that the spiritual energy, essence, and soul contained in this piece are slightly less."

Listening to the detailed analysis of the weapon refiner surnamed Li, Wang Yan couldn't help but admire him.

Although he could also sense what was contained in it, it was really impossible for him to quantify and compare it with elixirs. After all, he had never taken elixirs.

However, the other party said that it contains less energy, which is normal. After all, in order to retain the most essential parts as much as possible, a lot of impurities must be removed. A second-level high-grade spiritual chicken is not small, but after removing the impurities, it is really not small. many.

Of course, this is also very simple for him. At worst, he can just add another one and refine it together.

One portion of the essence produced by two second-level high-grade spiritual chickens is enough.

"If it's still convenient, fellow Taoist, can you help me make two more servings?"

The weapon refiner surnamed Li said a little embarrassed.

Wang Ba did not refuse after hearing this. Anyway, he needed to continue practicing to improve his purity.

Start preparing the treatment solution immediately.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li also left the room very wisely.

By the time Wang Ba walked out of the house, it was already early the next morning.

He made some spirit chicken essence, but unfortunately the purity was hovering around 80%, and he didn't know the reason.

He took two copies and gave them to the weapon refiner named Li.

Wang Ba also confiscated the spirit stone from the weapon refiner surnamed Li, mainly because he had not thought about how to collect it, and he also wanted to deepen the relationship with the weapon refiner surnamed Li. If he needed to refine magic weapons or something in the future, he would also You can ask the other party to take action.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li is not the kind of person who is pretentious. After accepting the spirit stone, his attitude towards Wang Yan became closer and closer.

The two of them had finished the matters at hand, and immediately set off to fly to Baiyunping.

What made Wang Ba a little confused was that, flying away from the Zhenling Palace, he felt like he had missed something.

But after much deliberation, I didn't have any clue, so I had to give up.

On the way back, the two of them happened to encounter the half-year opening period of the second floor of Linglong Ghost Market.

Wang Ba and the weapon refiner surnamed Li naturally did not miss the reason, so they immediately entered it and took a look around each other.

Wang Yan took the opportunity to find the manager of the second floor, the old man in Jinyi.

In front of the old man in Jinyi, he deliberately did not change his original image with the power of Yin Shen.

"Fellow Daoist Shen is here."

The old man in Jinyi was not surprised to see Wang Yan.

In fact, Wang Yan comes here almost every year. Besides purchasing various resources, he also chats with the old man in Jinyi. Because he is from Tang Dynasty, the old man in Jinyi does not refuse.

After going back and forth, the two of them became familiar with each other.

However, without waiting for Wang Ba's reply, the old man in Jinyi took the initiative and said:

"Your senior brother Zhao has not come out of seclusion yet, but don't worry, if he comes out of seclusion, I will tell him as soon as possible and let him find you."

Wang Hao hesitated slightly when he heard the words, and then showed a smile:

"Haha, as you said last time, fellow Taoist Shang, it will take at least two or three years. There is no rush."

"I mainly want to ask if there are 'Jidu Xianzhi', 'Golden Feather Mysterious Grass', 'White Dragon Sulfur', 'Emerald Feather Bone', 'Thunder Fire Lin' and 'Third Level Spiritual Beast' here, fellow Taoist Shang" Neidan'..."

The old man in brocade clothes was named Shang Li, which Wang Ba only found out after he came several times.

The old man in brocade clothes, Shang Li, was slightly speechless when he heard the words, but then he thought about it seriously:

"If I remember correctly what you said, most of them are available on the third floor of the ghost market. However, you are not qualified to enter the third floor, so I can't break the rules."

Wang Ba was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then he was speechless when he heard the second half of the sentence.

But I still don’t want to give up:

"Then, what if it's a private transaction? I buy it from a fellow Taoist, and I give the fellow Taoist some more spiritual stones."

"This shouldn't be considered breaking the rules, right?"

These things are all bloodline breakthrough materials that can help Jia Fifteen advance to the third level. They are formulas that Wang Hao obtained after careful research for a long time.

As long as these things are collected, according to Wang Hao's estimation, it will be able to help Jia Fifteen successfully advance to the third level. With Jia Fifteen's physique, there should be a high possibility of successfully overcoming the disaster.

It's just that most of these things are sect monopoly or controlled resources. He tried many ways but failed to get them.

He was really at his wits end, and the second floor of the Ghost Market happened to be open, so he wondered if he could try his luck here.

But I didn’t expect that most of the third floor of Linglong Ghost Market had them.

But what Wang Yan didn't expect was that Shang Li glanced at him and couldn't help but laugh twice. There was no contempt in his tone, just a hint of ridicule and pride, and he rarely persuaded:

"Fellow Daoist Shen, you should think of another way. Mr. Shang attaches great importance to rules. You have been here so many times and you should know this."

"Ten thousand!"

Wang Hao quickly said: "For those spiritual materials I mentioned, in addition to the spiritual stones that should have been paid, I will give fellow Taoist an additional 10,000 spiritual stones!"


"...Um, brother Shen, the spiritual stone you are talking about, is it, is it low-grade or medium-grade?"

Shang Li coughed, asked in a low voice, and immediately explained with a guilty conscience:

"I don't want to, I just want to ask, ask."

Wang Hao was slightly startled, and then he was overjoyed:

"Of course he is a middle-grade one. How can a low-grade one be worthy of Brother Shang?"

When Shang Li heard this, he couldn't hide the joy on his face, but he immediately stopped the smile that he unconsciously showed, and his face suddenly became serious again.

He glanced around and immediately winked at Wang Yan.

Wang Ba immediately understood and followed Shang Li into a side hall next to the palace where the 'Baiwen Tower' was located and sat down in a side hall.

Immediately, a monk brought some spiritual tea to Wang Yan.

What surprised Wang Yan was that the aura of the spiritual tea reached the third level.

"It's from the top, so you're welcome."

Shang Li's originally serious face suddenly softened.

Wang Hao took a small sip and suddenly felt refreshed. There seemed to be many insights in his heart that he had never noticed in the past.

Especially regarding the spiritual chef, he vaguely grasped the reason why he was unable to achieve 100% purity when refining the second-level spiritual chicken essence.

He immediately did not dare to waste such an opportunity, smiled apologetically at Shang Li, and immediately became immersed in his thoughts.

Shang Li was not surprised and drank tea by himself.

a long time.

Wang Hao finally came to his senses and felt that his knowledge of spiritual chefs had improved a lot.

I also have a rough idea on how to solve the second-order essence purity problem.

"Thank you, Brother Shang."

Wang Yan said sincerely.

"Why are you so polite? This is the first time I drank this spiritual tea and it has such an effect... However, I can break the rules for you about what you just said, but I can only break part of this rule..."

Shang Li said seriously.

"Broken part of it?"

Wang Ba was a little confused when he heard this.

"If I were to resell one or two items, even if I was discovered, it would only be a passing incident. But if I were to resell more than one, then it would really be a violation of the rules. Once discovered, my life would not be easy."

Shang Li simply pointed it out:

"So, of those spiritual materials you mentioned, I can only buy you two at most. If you don't want to, just pretend we haven't talked about it. If you accept, we can talk about it again."

"Can I only buy two pieces?"

Wang Ba suddenly hesitated.

Ten thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, this is definitely a huge sum of money.

Even an ordinary Jindan Daoist might not be able to produce so much at once.

And for paying 10,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, you can only get two of the spiritual materials. This price is not small.

But on the other hand, for him at present, no matter how many spirit stones he has, it doesn't mean much.

The reason is simple. Many of the things he wants are simply not sold to him and there is no place to buy them.

So after just a slight hesitation, Wang Yan made a decision.

"Of course I do."

Upon hearing this, Shang Li immediately nodded with joy.

One hundred high-grade spiritual stones can be obtained by just changing hands. Even if he follows the rules, he will still be tempted.

Not to mention two things, the risk is extremely low.

He had no reason not to do it.

"But this time I have no choice but to come back next time the ghost market opens. If you need anything, you can tell me."

After confirming the transaction relationship, Shang Li became more harmonious.

Wang Ba couldn't help but marvel at the charm of the spirit stone.

Then he selected two spiritual materials that were extremely rare in the outside world, and then took the initiative to take out 5,000 yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones as a deposit.

"By the way, Master Tang...Tang Ji will be back soon. He asked me to tell you when I see you, remember to come when the ghost market opens."

Before Wang Ba left, Shang Li seemed to have thought of something and warned him.

Wang Hao was slightly startled when he heard about Tang Ji, and then he said slightly curiously:

"Where did fellow Taoist Tang go?"

He had asked before, but Shang Li was always vague.

This time Shang Li didn't hide it anymore, maybe because he felt there was no need to hide it.

"Chen State, a small country in the north, is separated from Yan State by Song State..."

"Chen Guo?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but be startled when he suddenly heard this familiar place.

"He...what is he doing there?"

"I don't know about that."

Shang Li said vaguely.

Wang Ba knew but couldn't ask anything. Even though he had some doubts in his heart, he still collected his thoughts.

He said goodbye to Shang Li immediately.

After meeting up with the weapon refiner named Li, the two of them traveled for two days and one night, borrowing several teleportation arrays in the process, and finally arrived at Baiyunping.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, I'm going to find a friend first, and then I'll come back to you to trouble you."

The weapon refiner surnamed Li raised his hand and said goodbye.

Wang Hao was also worried about Bu Chan's situation. After being polite, he didn't do much to persuade her to stay. He just left his transmission note and address, and the two of them separated.

However, he did not go back from outside in a big way. Instead, he used the teleportation talisman less than 200 miles away from the gathering place of casual cultivators and returned to the house that was filled with the faint fragrance of grass and trees.

But perhaps because the mistress of the house has been away for a long time, the aroma of the grass and trees seems to be weaker.

Even when Wang Daodang walked to the training room where Bu Chan was retreating, he noticed that the aura in it was still rising and rising, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After feeling the aura, Wang Yan simply stood guard at the door of the training room.

Five days later.

In the training room, there was a soft groan accompanied by a sudden surge of spiritual energy all around.


The door of the training room was pushed open from the inside.

‘Bo Li——’

A creamy yellow shadow had flown out from inside and landed on Wang Ba's shoulder.

Wang Ba couldn't help but look not far away.

In front of the door.

A woman with a high bun, a vermilion skirt, and a purple gauze blouse was also looking at him.

There were traces of joy and lovesickness in his eyes.

"Senior brother."

"Junior sister, congratulations on establishing the foundation."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

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