
When Wang Ba woke up from the bed, he did not touch Bu Chan's figure.

Just smelling the fragrance of grass and trees quietly became clear again.

My mood also became much happier.

Wang Hao stood up and looked through the window lattice, and sure enough he saw Bu Chan preparing food, waving away the popcorn that fell to grab the food from time to time.

‘Bo Li——’


The custard-yellow little guy landed angrily on the beam not far away, chirping as if he was cursing something.

"You keep scolding, you keep scolding."

Bu Chan glared at it angrily and amusedly.

Bo Li immediately turned away, as if he had discovered something. He tilted his head and looked around, then fluttered his wings slightly and appeared on top of the little monkey sitting cross-legged by the lake, meditating with his eyes closed.

‘Bo Li——’

The little guy nimbly pecked the silver hair on the little monkey's head, pulled it out hard, and then was startled by a flash of lightning that suddenly made him fly up.


When Wang Ba in the house saw this scene, he was suddenly startled, and immediately a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He flashed and appeared next to the little monkey.

The little monkey noticed Wang Ba's aura and immediately opened his eyes from the meditation with his eyes closed.


Wang Hao gently stroked the little monkey's head, and soon showed an unexpected look of joy:

"Good guy, you've really been promoted!"

The little monkey is naturally the Wu Ape King. Before it used the Demonic Ape Transformation, it was only a second-level high-grade monster. After using the Demonic Ape Transformation, it could compete with ordinary late-stage Foundation Establishment monks and even Perfection monks.

But now, the aura on his body has reached the second level.

Wang Yan was not too surprised.

Wu Yuan King is very spiritual. A long time ago, Wang Yan noticed that according to his own instinct, he slowly developed a set of practice methods that can actively absorb and refine spiritual energy.

Jia Fifteen seems to have learned from it.

Although this cultivation method is unimaginably rough in Wang Ba's opinion, there are not many bells and whistles in spiritual beast cultivation, and for Wu Yuan King, it may be the most suitable for him at the moment.

After more than ten years of daily meditation practice, Wu Yuan King finally broke through his own limits and took a small solid step forward.

It's just that Wang Yan has been away before, but he didn't notice when it completed the breakthrough.

Wang Ba was very happy with the promotion of King Wu Yuan.

As the most powerful spiritual beast under Wang Ba's command, King Wu Yuan played an extremely important role in Wang Ba's several important battles, so Wang Ba has always placed high hopes on King Wu Yuan.

"I would like to teach it some new spells if I have the chance..."

Wang Ba quickly formulated a training plan for King Wuyu.

The strength of a spiritual beast is not only related to its own physique, but also has a lot to do with the spells it masters.

For example, the power of the 'Landslide and Earth Split' that Wu Yuan King was born with is at most an ordinary second-level spell. However, with the help of this spell, it can quickly approach enemies in the sky by raising the height of mountain rocks.

After that, he relied on his strong body to engage in close combat with the opponent.

It can be said that it is a very important spell in tactics.

Including the 'Quicksand Technique' and 'Wood Spirit Vine Technique' that Wang Yan taught it before. The former has no effect on the foundation-building monks, but the latter can provide weapons to King Wuyu, making it easier for King Wuyu to display his own strength. .

That's the value of the spell.

Of course, at present, these three spells are actually gradually unable to keep up with the strength of Wu Yuan King.

Therefore, Wang Hao plans to take some time in the near future to give Wu Yuan King further training.

Thinking about it, the Wu Yuan King today should be able to master new spells more easily than when he was at the second level.

But this matter can only be left behind, he has more important things to do now.

"By the way, where is Jia Fifteen?"

Wang Hao said doubtfully.

Bu Chan, who was placing the breakfast dishes one by one, pointed to the distance when he heard this.

Only then did Wang Yan notice that a male spiritual chicken, which was obviously much thinner than the other spiritual chickens, was calmly sliding down from the body of a second-level top-quality female spiritual chicken.

Then he walked with square steps towards a female spiritual chicken with its butt raised.

"He is a cruel person!"

Wang Ba also had to be in awe of this Lin Zhenxiu who took away Jia Shi.

This kind of thing has been repeated for ten years, and the whole chicken is extremely haggard, but it still rushes to the front line. This kind of heart for the Tao cannot be possessed by everyone.

Anyway, Wang Hao asked himself that he couldn't do this.

Especially the top-quality spiritual chickens that it has blessed now, one by one, almost all are its descendants...

To be honest, Wang Yan frowned and felt that he had gone too far.

This is against human ethics!

But compared to Wang Ba's self-reflection, Lin Xiwen, oh no, Jia Shiwu didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

Not only that, but even full of energy.

"Shouyuan has been more than 3,400 years old!"


"It's many times longer than my old age when I was in my prime!"

"Keep trying harder!"

"Although the current cultivation progress is a bit slow, but with so much longevity, it is enough for me to become the True Monarch of Nascent Soul!"

"It's a pity that the system has too many restrictions, and the offspring born to me are not counted as longevity. Otherwise, I would just have to concentrate on practicing."

At this time, when he noticed that Wang Hao was looking at him, Jia Shiwu was not afraid at all, and he sneered secretly in his heart.

"This devil bastard named Wang would have never imagined that all the spiritual veins and spiritual food he worked so hard to provide would be used as a wedding dress for me!"

"Gee, judging from his appearance, he must be worried about how to raise so many spiritual chickens... If you want to blame, it's your fault for provoking me in the first place!"

"You deserve this disaster!"

Thinking of this, it immediately jumped on the female spirit chicken, and its body naturally felt excited, followed by a feeling of dullness...

But in my heart, I felt an unparalleled sense of revenge.

"Devil bastard, wait until I return to my peak, haha..."

But soon, Jia Fifteen's sneer froze.

The whole chicken was lifted up uncontrollably.

"It's the devil!"

"here we go again!"

Seeing Wang Ba lifting him up, Jia Shiwu couldn't help but curse in his heart.

After struggling twice, it gave up.

With the spirit beast around its neck, it couldn't resist at all.

It could only hang its head helplessly, close its eyes in humiliation, and let Wang Hao conduct a humiliating inspection of its body.

"That's right! The spiritual power in the body has improved a lot. In other words, the 'Thunder Fire Lin' in the bloodline breakthrough material can be reduced appropriately..."

Wang Ba wiped his hands on Jia Shiwu, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Since Jia Fifteen himself is constantly improving his physical body through practice, Wang Hao will also check Jia Fifteen's body regularly to adjust the bloodline breakthrough formula in a timely manner.

This time it can be considered a very good news. If Lei Huolin's spiritual material is lowered, it can be replaced by other second-level spiritual materials.

In addition to the two items that Shang Li promised him, he only needs to find the remaining three spiritual materials.

In a good mood, he deliberately fed Jia Shi some second-level spirit insects bought with spirit stones as a supplement.

Jia Shiwu, who was full of humiliation and secretly motivating himself with "Three Hundred Years of Hedong and Hexi", saw these spirit insects with teeth and claws, and his eyes suddenly went straight.

No one cares about humiliation or humiliation, just take one bite, juices will overflow, spiritual energy will surge, and your mood will instantly become better.

"Let me see if I don't eat you up to the point of bankruptcy!"

Immediately, he pecked hard at the delicious second-order spiritual grain bran and second-order spiritual rice next to him, feeling extremely relieved.

far away.

In front of the house, on the wooden table.

"It seems that the monks' seizure of spiritual beasts still has a great impact on the monks..."

Bu Chan, who had always been secretly paying attention to the situation of Jia Fifteen, secretly sent a message to Wang Hao when he invited Wang Hao to join him for dinner.

Wang Ba did not hide the fact that Jia Shi was taken away from Bu Chan.

After all, although Jia Fifteen is Wang Ba's current important help, there are also hidden dangers. Naturally, for safety reasons, she cannot hide it.

When he heard Bu Chan's message, Wang Hao also nodded slightly, very much in agreement with Bu Chan's words.

Bu Chan only came to this conclusion by observing Jia Fifteen's behavior, and he often used the power of the Yinshen to inquire deeply about Jia Fifteen and make dangerous assessments.

He was surprised to find that the Lin Zhenxiu in Jia Shiwu's body was not so much the remnant soul of a real Jindan person, but rather that it had been subtly assimilated into Lingji's body and became a golden elixir possessor. A brand new Jia Fifteen with real people's memories and some personalities.

It is accustomed to the taste of chicken feed, and once in a while it will find it delicious.

He is used to mating with the female spiritual chicken, and even immerses himself in it.

Its behavior bears the mark of Lin Zhenxiu, but it has gradually become closer to other spiritual chickens.

But it didn't know it, and it still felt that it was still the golden elixir master it once was.

Wang Yan didn't know whether it was the environment that changed its will or the physical condition of the spiritual chicken, but it was obvious that seizing the house was not without consequences.

But he didn't worry about it any more. Anyway, he just needed to make sure that Jia Fifteen was not in danger.

"Let's eat first. It's been a long time since I had the breakfast you made."

Wang Ba smiled.

Foundation-building monks eat wind and drink dew. As long as their spiritual energy is sufficient, their need for food is actually dispensable.

However, when the two of them were not practicing in seclusion, they always retained their eating habits like ordinary people.


When Bu Chan heard this, she didn't ask any more questions. She was convinced that her senior brother could solve these problems, and all she had to do was support him unconditionally.

Then he handed Wang Yan a pair of chopsticks.

On wooden table.

The porridge cooked with spiritual rice was paired with egg pancakes made from eggs laid by the second-grade top-quality spiritual chickens, rice cakes made with glutinous rice fermented by spiritual rice, and two plates of side dishes.

The sounds of eating porridge, eating side dishes, laughter from time to time, the chirping and flying sounds of popcorn...

After breakfast, Bu Chan got busy first.

Mainly still busy taking care of Qian Shenmu.

A skilled spiritual planter can shorten the growth time of spiritual plants through many means. Under Bu Chan's careful care, the maturity speed of the divine flower dew on the Thousand God Tree has increased by at least 20% in the past few years.

It originally took more than ten years to mature a batch, but now it only takes about ten years.

As a spiritual plant master, Bu Chan also benefited a lot from taking care of these second-level spiritual plants. In nine years, he entered the ninth level of Qi Refining and successfully established the foundation.

The same is true for Wang Ba. The continuous supply of Shenhua Dew allows him to not only maintain the brainwashing of Jia Shiwu, but also the power of the Yin God in the Lingtai Temple can continue to increase.

Wang Hao helped Bu Chan for a while, but was kicked out of the spiritual field by Bu Chan because of his clumsiness.

He was happy and at ease. After thinking about it, he didn't go to Wen Yong's place to see him after he came back. He simply packed up and left the gathering place for casual cultivators and rushed to the Shanli Singing Club near Lingbi City.

As expected, Wen Yong is here, taking stock of many treasures.

Seeing Wang Ba's arrival, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately, he carefully put away all the treasures and quickly took Wang Ba away from the vicinity of the Shanli Boundary Monument.

Although Wang Ba was puzzled, he still followed Wen Yong and walked a long way around.

Finally, at a place where Wang Ba didn't notice at all, Wen Yong made a secret gesture and lit up an extremely hidden formation.

Then he took Wang Hao and walked in.

Before Wang Hao could speak, Wen Yong said solemnly:

"Did Fellow Daoist Shen hear the news?"

"Those second-level alchemists from Baidan Society are all missing!"

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