Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 223 Second-level spiritual kitchen weapon

"The entire Demon Sect is empty? Are you talking about the Tianmen Sect? How is that possible?"

"That's right, I heard that there is likely to be a Nascent Soul True Lord in this demon sect. Who is so capable of sneaking into such a large sect? How can it be possible to just say no and disappear!"

After a moment of shock, many monks immediately began to question.

"I told you, I don't know whether it's true or not. I also heard this news from others."

The black-faced monk who spoke just now said helplessly.

Wang Hao on the side remained calm and secretly recorded the aura of the black-faced monk who spoke.

After this episode, the monks' mood of denouncing the sect also subsided, and the topic returned to some rumors.

"By the way, in a few days, it is said that the 'Baidan Meeting' will be held in Lingbi City. What do you think? Do you want to go there then?"

Someone suddenly said.

Wang Yan's expression changed slightly when he heard the word 'Baidan Society'.

This Hundred Pills Club is a small gathering organized by Foundation Establishment cultivators to focus on selling pills.

Like the Chongzifang City here, it has all emerged in the past ten years.

It is said that there are second-level alchemists who have taken refuge from other small countries. They are very skilled and can refine many high-quality elixirs in one go.

Even Wen Yong has mentioned it several times and seems to intend to cooperate with these alchemists.

However, the alchemist's status was respected, and there was no shortage of people like Wen Yong who came to seek cooperation, so there was not much progress and they could only purchase some ordinary elixirs for evaluation.

Fortunately for Wang Yan, he was not too interested in elixirs. Although taking the spirit chicken essence was a little slow, it was safer and had no erysipelas.

Coupled with some other cultivation resources, it is roughly enough.

"The Hundred Alchemy Club? Is it about to be held again? These alchemists are really good at refining alchemy. The last time was just over a month ago, right?"

Some monks couldn't help but be surprised.

But soon another monk shook his head:

"It's fast, but it also contains a lot of erysipelas. I'm not going to go there. I might as well go to Linglong Ghost Market to try my luck and buy some with less erysipelas."

"That's right, what are you going to do at the Baidan Conference? It's so expensive. I can't afford it anyway. The key is that there are a lot of erysipelas, and you have to spend a lot of time detoxifying them after eating them. It's better to just rely on your spiritual veins to practice."

"It's not that easy. Without the help of elixirs, just relying on dozens of us to guard a first-level spiritual vein, there is no hope of building a foundation in this life."

"Indeed, although there are erysipelas, monks from other sects also use these elixirs. Can we be better than them?"

"Brother Yu, let's go together when the time comes."

"Together together, there will be someone to take care of you on the road."

Pills are a cultivation resource that most monks cannot avoid. When this is mentioned, the teahouse suddenly becomes lively again.

But at this moment, the bearded monk sitting at a corner table couldn't help but said:

"Let me tell you, instead of buying so many spiritual stones to buy elixirs, you might as well buy the spiritual chicken essence refined by Master Shen!"

"There is no erysipelas, and it still contains essence and blood, which will be beneficial to future breakthroughs."

There was a sudden silence in the teahouse.

Immediately, most of the monks shook their heads in unison.

A monk with a steady face said helplessly:

"That thing is great, but you can't buy it! And I heard it's much more expensive than the elixir. We can hardly afford the elixir, let alone the essence of the spiritual chicken."

"I'm afraid it's just a foundation-building true cultivator, or those sect monks who are willing to use it."

"So, Master Shen is very famous, and the spirit chicken essence is also a good thing, but it really has nothing to do with us. We are just bugs that no one looks down on. How can we use such a treasure. "

These words immediately resonated with many monks.

When a monk saw 'Senior Zhao' sitting next to him with his head down and drinking tea, he immediately braved the courage and asked with a smile:

"Senior Zhao, have you ever used spirit chicken essence? How is the effect compared to elixirs?"

Seeing that all the eyes of the casual cultivators around him were focused on him, Wang Hao coughed dryly, and then a small smile appeared on his face:

"It's okay, haha, it's okay."

Although the answer was a bit vague, it still attracted the envious looks of many monks.

"Have Senior Zhao seen Master Shen? I heard that Master Shen is very mysterious."

Someone else asked curiously.

"I haven't seen this before either. This person is indeed mysterious."

Wang Hao laughed.

Wang Hao also felt strange about discussing himself with others, especially when he heard others praise him. He had never experienced this feeling before.

As a result, people like Wang Hao, who had experienced a lot of ups and downs, felt a little elated for a while, and their smiles became much brighter.

"If you put it this way, many people's guesses are probably correct. This Master Shen is most likely a Kun cultivator."

It was the same black-faced monk who suddenly said while touching his chin.

The smile on Wang Ba's face suddenly froze.

"Kun, Kunxiu?"

"Why do you say that?"

Someone had already asked the question in Wang Yan's mind first.

"Look at our famous masters in Yan State, which one doesn't often appear in public?"

"How can you be famous if you don't show up?"

The black-faced monk asked rhetorically.

Someone immediately retorted:

"Yes, apart from Master Shen, Master Xin who is good at talismans has never been exposed... Oh, by the way, I heard that Master Xin is Kun Xiu..."

"So! Master Shen, like Master Xin, is probably a Kun cultivator, so he doesn't like to appear in public. He is probably afraid of being entangled by some shameless monks."

The black-faced monk had a point.

Then he couldn't help but look forward to it:

"I don't know if Master Shen has a Taoist partner... If I can get married to Master Shen, I won't have to worry about it in this life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he shivered inexplicably for some reason.

I feel a chill on my back.

Looking back, he saw 'Senior Zhao' looking at him with a smile.

The black-faced monk immediately breathed a sigh of relief, laughed and said:

"Senior Zhao, you think so too, right?"


At the foot of a mountain col.

Looking at the black-faced monk in front of him, whose eyes were a little out of focus, Wang Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and a flash of red suddenly disappeared from the black-faced monk's eyes.

He originally wanted to politely ask this guy about the Tianmen Sect.

But then...he changed his mind.

The process seems a little rough.

However, he still successfully got the news he wanted to know.

"A few years ago, it was heard that Dachu monks went to Tianmen Sect to recruit monks to participate in the counterattack against the Kingdom of the Gods, but unexpectedly discovered that Tianmen Sect was suspected to have been destroyed nine years ago."

"Everything in the church has been swept away, and the station is also empty. But the strange thing is that there are no traces of fighting, and even the formations are functioning normally."

"...Nine years ago, exactly the year I left."

Wang Hao thought secretly.

He was once worried that people from the Tianmen Sect would come to hunt him down. However, while nervously observing and waiting, he unexpectedly discovered that no Tianmen Sect monks appeared here.

Now that I think about it, according to this rumor, something probably happened at that time.

Although he didn't know what happened after he left, he was still glad that he left in time.

"That said, there is no need to keep this second dantian forever."

Wang Ba couldn't help but look at his waist.

In order to prevent the Tianmen Sect from always retaining the spirit-sending lottery, neither he nor Bu Chan gave up the second Dantian.

But after thinking about it, Wang Yan still chose to keep it.

Anyway, the second dantian and the main dantian are independent of each other. Even if they are retained, they will not be any burden on him.

Sometimes, it can produce unexpected results.

After taking back the power of the Yin God, Wang Ba no longer hesitated, stepped on the flying magic weapon, and flew quickly towards Lingbi City.

He and Wen Yong had agreed on a time, but now that they had gone through a lot of trouble, it seemed a little rushed.

Fortunately, he arrived at the boundary monument before the appointed time.

I noticed Wang Ba's aura.

A layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the boundary monument, and then a portal quietly emerged.

Wang Ba didn't hesitate and strode in.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the originally empty hall was filled with all kinds of things.

The puppets were being counted one by one, and Wen Yong was among them. Seeing Wang Ba's arrival, he quickly put down a magic weapon in his hand and walked over with a smile.

"Young Daoist Shen Ankang, I just received news that the second-level weapon refiner will stay at the Zhenling Palace for a while. How about we go there directly?"

Wang Hao, who was about to speak, was a little surprised when he heard this:

"In Zhenling Palace?"

Wen Yong shook his head and said:

"Originally, the weapon refiner planned to come directly, but Zhenling Palace is supporting Dachu this time. On the Wei front line, it is said that three golden elixir masters have died. They are currently mourning. He was once treated by the monks from Zhenling Palace. Guidance, so I am also preparing to attend the ceremony."

Wang Hao nodded when he heard this.

He had heard this news before in Chongzifang City, and it suddenly dawned on him.

However, Wang Ba quickly hesitated and said: "That's where the sect is after all. Wouldn't it be inconvenient for us to go there as a casual cultivator?"

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. After all, Zhenling Palace is the largest sect in the Yan Kingdom, and it behaves quite restrained. In addition, on such occasions, there must be many sects and loose cultivators going there. Let's be careful, and nothing will happen."

Wen Yong smiled and said: "Besides, I also have some friends in Zhenling Palace. If there is any news, they will probably tell you in advance."

Wang Ba thought for a moment and nodded.

Not only was Wen Yong always steady and trustworthy in his actions, but the main thing was that he didn't think there would be any problems just refining a magic weapon.

He nodded immediately.

"By the way, this time I collected another book called "The Sword Sutra of Heavenly Waterfall and Clouds". It is also a technique suitable for practicing the three spiritual roots of water, wood, and earth. Do you want to take a look at it?"

Wen Yong suddenly remembered something and snapped his fingers. A puppet took out a jade slip from a pile of jade slips and held it to Wang Ba with both hands.

Wang Hao glanced at it, then shook his head and refused:

"No need, the book "Three Phases of Creation" from last time will do."

Although the "Three Phases of Creation Kung Fu" is still not satisfactory to Wang Yan, it is already the most suitable technique he has come across so far.

Being able to continuously improve his physical body, although it is far from comparable to the physical training method, it is not bad, and it is similar to the "Renshui Four Royal Techniques". It can also accumulate a large amount of mana, but it is better than the "Renshui Four Royal Techniques". The speed is one to two percent faster.

It can also use the three spiritual roots to carry out growth and transformation, barely forming the effect of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots.

Of course, the effect is definitely not comparable to the real body of five virtues.

But for Wang Ba, before the golden elixir, it was enough for the time being.

It was after he changed this technique that he quickly made a breakthrough.

The two of them immediately prepared some gifts, spiritual materials, etc., and flew to the north of Yan State overnight.

Although Zhenling Palace is also in the north, Canglan City, which Wang Ba is relatively familiar with, belongs to the northwest, while Zhenling Palace is located in the northeast of Yan Kingdom.

After flying for two days and nights, and borrowing several teleportation arrays, we finally arrived at the boundary of Zhenling Palace smoothly.

The mountains here are gentle, and there are many vast plains, with cities sitting on them.

Zhenling Palace is surrounded by these cities and stands on the mountain peaks in the clouds, like a fairy palace.

But for some reason, not long after he entered the realm of Zhenling Palace, he felt a subtle feeling in his heart.

Trying to experience it again, it is difficult to capture that feeling.

After thinking about it, he just thought it was an illusion.

Not surprisingly, Wang Ba and Wen Yong soon found the second-level weapon refiner wandering around in a ghost market outside Zhenling Palace.

To Wang Yan's expectation, the other party turned out to be a late-stage foundation-building monk with a well-proportioned figure, a gentle temperament, and an aura that was not inferior to that of Wen Yong.

"I've met Fellow Daoist Li."

Wen Yong's smile was quite friendly, and he quickly became familiar with the weapon refiner surnamed Li.

After hearing that Wang Hao wanted to refine a second-level spiritual kitchen weapon, the weapon refiner named Li suddenly looked at Wang Hao in surprise:

"Fellow Taoist, could it be that Master Shenfu Shen is often mentioned by many monks recently?"

When Wang Ba saw this, he knew it would be difficult to hide it, so he nodded immediately.

However, Wang Yan was quite surprised that even the weapon refiner surnamed Li knew about his fame.

In his opinion, he just refined some spiritual food and should not be so famous at all.

For example, Bao Chao, who used to be stationed at Jiantao, did what he did, which was not much different from Bao Chao.

It's just that Bao Chao has been trapped in the Tianmen Sect before. Except for monks like him who do not follow the devil's path, he is not valued by the monks of the Tianmen Sect.

After that, he never came back during the battle against Incense Road.

On the contrary, in Yan State, most people follow the normal path of refining qi, and there is always a need for spiritual food.

It's just that the spirit chef inheritance here is not aimed at spirit beasts, but at spirit rice.

There are several spiritual chefs in Xuli Sect who are good at using spiritual rice as raw material to make spiritual food.

However, the produced spiritual rice essence is far less effective than the spiritual chicken essence. It is more of a supplement to the elixir rather than a replacement.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li did not know what Wang Ba was thinking, but he immediately said in surprise:

"It's just a coincidence! I'm just about to go find my fellow Taoist!"

Wang Hao asked doubtfully: "Looking for Shen?"

"To be honest, of all my disciples, only one has spiritual roots. Unfortunately, his qualifications are average. I am afraid that there is no hope of building a foundation in this life..."

The weapon refiner surnamed Li sighed.

Immediately he became energetic and looked at Wang Yan with eyes full of expectation:

"However, the spirit chicken essence refined by fellow Taoists is said to be able to improve the physical body and even have the effect of breaking through bottlenecks. Several fellow Taoists have already recommended it to me."

"That's why I want to find Fellow Daoist Shen to purchase a batch of spiritual chicken essence."

"I see."

Wang Ba suddenly understood why the other party valued him so much.

The essence of the spiritual chicken does indeed improve the monk's ability to break through bottlenecks. This is mainly because the spiritual chicken used by Wang Yan itself is bred from the rare chicken breed.

In the past, it was recorded in Jiaohu Taoist's "Bi Tan" that taking a large amount of rare chickens was beneficial for monks to break through bottlenecks.

The spirit chicken essence is obtained by extracting a large amount of spirit chicken, so the effect is naturally more obvious.

Of course, this effect cannot be too exaggerated. At most, it only increases the possibility of breakthrough by 10 to 20%.

Even so, it is still valuable to most monks, not to mention that the improvement of mana itself is comparable to elixirs, and the key is that there is no erysipelas.

This is also the fundamental reason why Wang Yan has only one achievement so far, but he is dubbed the master.

With this demand, the transaction between the two became much easier. Wang Hao directly took out two bottles of spiritual chicken essence, while the weapon refiner surnamed Li took out the materials for the weapon and made it according to Wang Hao's requirements. Preparation of the device.

Compared with Wang Ba refining the spirit chicken essence, refining weapons is much more cumbersome.

Not only do you need to determine the appropriate spiritual fire based on the corresponding refining materials, but you also need to adjust the proportion of ingredients in the refining materials.

The most important thing is that the funeral ceremony in Zhenling Palace has also begun, and the weapon refiner surnamed Li has to suspend what he is doing and go to Zhenling Palace.

Neither Wang Ba nor Wen Yong went.

The funeral lasted for seven days.

When the weapon refiner surnamed Li came back, his face was complicated and he sighed:

"In the past, there was a seven-gold elixir in the Zhenling Palace, and Zhang Zhenjun was in charge. Looking at the Yan Kingdom, no one dared to take charge of it, but now it has withered overnight."

"With Zhenjun Zhang here, Zhenling Palace will be able to regain its strength in a short time."

When Wen Yong heard this, he said something similar to what Wang Yan had heard before.

However, after hearing Wen Yong's words, the weapon refiner surnamed Li hesitated, held up a insulation note, hesitated slightly, and said:

"I'm afraid Zhang Zhenjun is really in trouble this time. Zhang Zhenjun didn't even come out to host such a big scene..."

"What? Zhang Zhenjun didn't show up?"

Wen Yong suddenly looked shocked when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but become solemn.

Zhang Daobai is a banner of the Zhenling Palace, especially when the three Jindan masters fell in a battle, it is even more necessary for him to stand up and restore the prestige of the Zhenling Palace.

However, Zhang Daobai did not show up for such a grand funeral. The meaning of this would make any monk of Yan country feel frightened just thinking about it.

Once Zhang Daobai is really gone, the three major sects in the south may not be willing to be lonely...

"I'm afraid the Yan Kingdom is going to be in chaos!"

Wen Yong looked solemn and said worriedly.

This was the first time Wang Yan saw Wen Yong look like this.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li also nodded slightly when he heard this, obviously deeply agreeing with Wen Yong's words.

"Fellow Daoist Wen, why don't you go back first and make arrangements in advance. I'll wait for Friend Daoist Li to refine it before I go back on my own."

Wang Ba thought for a while and suggested.

Wen Yong looked hesitant.

The weapon refiner surnamed Li said: "After I successfully refine it, I can also accompany Fellow Daoist Shen for a trip. Fellow Daoist Wen can rest assured."

In the end, Wen Yong gritted his teeth and left.

Wang Yan and the weapon refiner surnamed Li rented a weapon refining room in the local market and started refining the Lingchu magic weapon.

Half a month later.

Wang Hao looked at the set of exquisite stove-like instruments in front of him and felt extremely satisfied.

"In this way, we can finally refine the second-level spiritual chicken into its essence!"

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