"What's going on?" Leng Xuan didn't understand what he meant.

"I was with you that day, but, I don't know why, I suddenly fell into a coma. When I woke up, I was outside the haunted cave. You were the only one with me at that time, I think, you should know reason."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan suddenly understood. That day, the mysterious man appeared and sent Wu Tian away. With the mysterious man's cultivation, Wu Tian naturally wouldn't know what happened. However, this matter is related to the existence of the mysterious man, so he naturally won't say it.

   "You don't know, neither do I. When I woke up, I was already hundreds of miles away."

  Wu Tian stared at him, as if he wanted to judge whether he was telling the truth by his expression.

  Leng Xuan is someone who has seen the world, so it is not difficult for him to keep his face straight. Wu Tian looked at it for a while, but couldn't see any change, then changed the subject and asked, "Have you found the ghost weapon?"


   "After I was sent out, I went into the haunted cave again, trying to find that place, but it seemed to disappear."

   "You want to retrieve that sarcophagus?"

   Wu Tian nodded, "That's my master after all. I want to find out who built the tomb for my master. Unfortunately, the place disappeared and the only clue was cut off."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan chose to remain silent. He could never tell the other party that his master's soul was in his body. If so, it is estimated that the other party will look for him desperately.

   "You really want to establish a foothold in Mausoleum City?"

   "I have this idea." Leng Xuan said, "The King of Hell is looking for me everywhere, but here, there is no other place to go."

   "You can go to the ghost king. You are the enemy of the king of hell, and you are also a supreme powerhouse. Presumably the ghost king will welcome you to join."

   "We'll talk about this later." After a while, Leng Xuan seemed to think of something, and asked, "Do you know who is the first powerhouse in Mausoleum City?"

   "What do you ask this for?"

   "Just curious. I thought it was you, but then I thought it was wrong."

   "It's really not me." Wu Tiandao, "That person appeared in a martial arts tournament a hundred years ago. He is very strong, and he is definitely not weaker than me."

   "Do you know who he is?"

   "I don't know, the only thing for sure is that he is from Lin Hao."

   "Why so sure?"

   "When that man competed with Shang Dong, I kept watching in the dark. When he left, I kept following him secretly and saw him enter Lin Hao's mansion with my own eyes."

  Leng Xuan frowned and said, "If that person is Lin Hao's subordinate, why didn't Lin Hao send him to come forward? With that person there, even if Shang Dong and Yuan Long died, no one could affect his status."

"This is also what I don't understand. I believe you have heard that the Lin Hao they killed today was pretended to be someone else. The two look very similar. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to tell. I'm thinking. , If Lin Hao had this stand-in very early, would that stand-in do all the places where Lin Hao needed to come forward? Lin Hao is very cunning and is very conspiratorial. Others think that Lin Hao is finished, But I don't think much of it. I always feel like he still has something to back up, he just didn't use it."

   "His territory has already been divided up by Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan. What qualifications do you think he has to fight with them?"

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