Leng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "Master Leng, I appreciate your kindness, but...isn't it appropriate?"

"What's wrong with this." Leng Yuehan smiled, "I just want to be friends with Brother Leng, I have no other idea. What's more, Brother Leng saved Zhang Yu, just by virtue of this kindness, I can give a little something. It should be. Brother Leng, don't refuse."

   "Okay, then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

   "Brother Leng, if there is any difficulty in the future, feel free to come to me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

   "Well, as long as I'm in Mausoleum City, I'll inevitably have to trouble Master Leng."

   After chatting with Leng Yuehan about something painless and itchy, Leng Xuan got up and said goodbye. He has already figured out the purpose of Leng Yuehan's invitation to him this time, and it is nothing more than showing his favor. Now that Lin Hao has fled, his territory will soon be divided between Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan. Without his presence, a two-legged situation would have formed between Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan.

   But now, with his rise, there are still three major forces in the mausoleum city. The difference from before is that among these three major forces, there is only one supreme powerhouse.

   On the way back to his residence, an old man stopped Leng Xuan halfway and said, "Master Leng, I am entrusted by Master Feng, and I would like to invite Master Leng to talk about it. I wonder if Master Leng can give you a face?"

   "Feng Qingliu?" Leng Xuan was a little helpless. Yan Chengfeng's movements are fast, but Leng Yuehan and Feng Qingliu's eyes and ears are faster. This has just begun to take over the site, and they have moved. You don't need to think about it to know that Feng Qingliu's purpose of inviting him must be similar to Leng Yuehan's. Since he had responded to Leng Yuehan's request, it was impossible to refuse Feng Qingliu's invitation. After all, as soon as Lin Hao escaped, Feng Qingliu was the strongest force in the mausoleum city, so he had to give him some face.

   Came to Feng Qingliu's site, and as soon as he entered the lobby, Leng Xuan found that there were only two people in the hall, one was Feng Qingliu, and the other was Wu Tian. Leng Xuan was quite surprised, he didn't expect Wu Tian to be here too.

   Seeing Leng Xuan coming in, Wu Tian nodded to him without saying much. In contrast, Feng Qingliu is a little more enthusiastic.

   "Master Leng, please take a seat."

   "In front of Master Feng, the title 'Master' is not suitable. Master Feng directly calls me Leng Xuan."

   "Okay, then I'll call you Brother Leng. Brother Leng, please take a seat!"

   "I don't know what is the matter with Master Feng inviting me here?" Leng Xuan said straight to the point.

   "Brother Leng must have guessed it. Since Brother Leng wants to establish a foothold in Mausoleum City, we will see each other in the future. We invite Brother Leng to come here today, mainly because we want to make friends with Brother Leng."

Leng Xuan said with a smile: "I like to make friends the most, but I mainly make friends to make friends. If my heart doesn't match, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be a friend." Feng Qingliu smiled lightly and said, "I understand what Brother Leng means. , I'm just like you, as long as it's a friend I've identified, I'll definitely meet with heart. In addition, I've prepared some things, and I'll ask Brother Leng to accept it with a smile."

   This time, Leng Xuan was not polite and took all the orders.

   "Brother Leng, sit down slowly, I still have something to deal with, so I'll be busy first." After chatting for a while, Feng Qingliu got up and walked out of the lobby, leaving Leng Xuan and Wu Tian alone in the lobby. Before, Wu Tian had been silent, like a loyal listener.

   However, when Feng Qingliu left, Wu Tian slowly opened his mouth and said, "What happened that day?"

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