Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9160: Wu Tian's Premonition 1

"You and I don't know Lin Hao's personality, and no one knows what kind of things he will do. I mentioned it to Feng Qingliu, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that this kind of thing couldn't happen. I have a hunch that it won't be long before, Big things will happen in Mausoleum City. Since you want to establish a foothold in Mausoleum City, prepare as soon as possible."

  Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, I have written down what you said."

  Feng Qingliu didn’t believe Wu Tian’s words, but he did. A supreme powerhouse with a high cultivation base said such words, and must not be ignored. The stronger the cultivation base is, the more dangerous it is to a certain extent. He had this kind of hunch before. Therefore, he believed that Wu Tian's hunch was not just casual talk.

When    returned to his residence, Yan Chengfeng also came back. After Luo Shuai left, Dongcheng District lost its backbone. Coupled with Leng Xuan's reputation, none of Luo Shuai's subordinates dared to disobey. So the handover went very smoothly. According to this progress, within a few days, they will be able to completely control Dongcheng District.

  The next day, after resting for a few days, Leng Xuan decided to go to the ghost cave to finish the affairs on Xiao Yan's side.

  Although Leng Xuan on behalf of Du Zhong won the battle for the ghost cave, so far, the right to use the ghost cave has not been handed over to Du Zhong. There have been too many things happening recently, and the distribution of the ghost caves has naturally been delayed. In front of the entrance of the ghost cave, there are still Feng Qingliu's men guarding. However, with Leng Xuan's current name, no one dared to stop him from entering the ghost cave.

   Came to the ghost cave again, Leng Xuan looked around, not knowing where to find Xiao Yan and Tong Yan. The other party only asked him to come to the ghost cave, but did not tell him the specific address. At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and there was a person behind Leng Xuan, it was Xiao Yan. "Miss Yan, we meet again." Seeing the other party, Leng Xuan reported a smile.

   "Why did you come?" Xiao Yan's tone was a little cold, she had been guarding the entrance for a few days in order to wait for Leng Xuan.

   "I'm sorry, something happened outside, so I wasted time." Leng Xuan said, "Is Miss Yan looking for me?"

   "I'm fine with you, it's my master who is looking for you, come with me."

   Not long after, Leng Xuan met Tong Yan in a secluded place in the ghost cave.

   "Senior." Leng Xuan cupped his hands and greeted him. Tong Yan nodded and said, "little brother, please take a seat."

   "Senior, I don't know why you are looking for this junior?" After a few polite words, Leng Xuan went straight to the topic.

   "You must have met that person before."

   "Who are you talking about?" Leng Xuan didn't react for a while, until he saw Tong Yan's eyes with deep meaning, and then he woke up. The person Tong Yan was talking about was the mysterious person, "Is it related to him, senior looking for me?"

"That's right." Tong Yan said, "Don't you always wonder why I was able to play for the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts at the same time? In fact, the reason is very simple, because the secret I hold is about that person. To a certain extent, I am His spokesperson, all his communication with the outside world is done through me. Of course, you are an exception. Over the years, you are the only person he has personally met. At that time, that person gave me a task to make I tried to get the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts to put aside their previous hatred and work together. It is a pity that the struggle between the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts has gone through tens of thousands of years, and it is not so easy to resolve.

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