To deal with this kind of thing, Yan Chengfeng is very handy, and he can handle it by himself without his intervention. With nothing to do, Leng Xuan couldn't help thinking of Xiao Yan's words. The other party asked him to go to the ghost cave again when he had time, presumably because he had something to look for. In that case, you might as well take advantage of your free time to meet Xiao Yan and Tong Yan again. However, just as he was about to leave, he saw a young man approach him.

   "Master Leng." The young man cupped his hands and said respectfully, "I am entrusted by Master Leng, and I would like to invite Master Leng to have a chat."

   "Leng Yuehan is looking for me?" Leng Xuan thought about it, maybe Zhang Yu woke up from a coma. With this in mind, he did not refuse, and agreed. After the other party retreated, he took time to accompany Su Yurou, and then set off for Leng Yuehan's residence.

   Came to Leng Yuehan's site again. The bloodstains here have been cleaned up, and there are no traces of the battle.

   In front of the gate, Leng Yuehan, surrounded by several subordinates, stood with his hands behind his back, as if waiting for his arrival.

   "Master Leng." Leng Xuan stepped forward and greeted him.

   "Brother Leng, you're polite, please!" Leng Yuehan smiled slightly, made a gesture of 'please', and welcomed Leng Xuan in.

   Came to the lobby, and someone had already prepared the tea to deliver it. After the two of them were seated, Leng Xuan asked, "How is Big Brother Zhang?"

   "Brother Leng, don't worry, he is resting now, and it is estimated that he will wake up in half a month."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan suddenly realized that Leng Yuehan did not invite him here because of Zhang Yu.

"Brother Leng, although you came to Mausoleum City not long ago, the battle in the ghost cave is famous for the Mausoleum City, and no one knows it." Leng Yuehan said, "In addition, Zhang Yu was able to survive, thanks to your action. Help, life-saving grace, and gratitude cannot be expressed in one or two sentences, if the brothers in the cold weather are in need, they will definitely help in the next time, and will never break their promises."

   "Master Leng is very polite. Brother Zhang is my friend. Since we are friends, we should help each other."

   "Are you a friend?" Leng Yuehan's eyes lit up, and the smile on his face gradually brightened, "I heard that Brother Leng is representing Du Zhong this time, and there is an agreement with him."

  Leng Xuan nodded and said, "That's right. He gave me a chance. If I win, I will share the ghost cave with him."

"So, Brother Leng didn't join Du Zhong's forces." As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Leng Xuan to take over, he had already laughed: "Think about it, too, Brother Leng, a dignified and powerful man, can be a king on his own. Will condescend to be the offering of others."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan felt a little puzzled. He could guess the reason why Leng Yuehan invited him here. The other party may be trying to win over him and make him a worshiper. But Leng Yuehan's words just now seemed to contain other meanings, so he couldn't guess.

   After thinking for a while, he said bluntly, "I don't quite understand what Master Leng means."

"Brother Leng, your people are taking over Luo Shuai's territory. Since you are going to establish a foothold in Mausoleum City, I will naturally express it." As Leng Yuehan's voice fell, several men came over immediately and handed over the tray in their hands. In front of Leng Xuan.

   On the tray, there are several storage bottles. Don't think about it, Leng Xuan also knows what's inside. In order to form a force in Mausoleum City, there must be enough resources, and this is what they lack now.

   "Brother Leng, be careful, I hope you can laugh at it."

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