"No... I don't dare!" Several guards waved their hands quickly, "I don't know if it was Lord Leng who arrived. I'm so rude just now, please forgive me." Yan Chengfeng said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, and quickly call Luo Shuai out. see me."

   "That... two adults, Lord Luo is not in the mansion for the time being, he left two days ago."

   "Not here?" Yan Chengfeng said solemnly, "Where did he go?"

   "I don't know, he didn't explain it before he left." After a pause, a guard was afraid that the two of them wouldn't believe it, and hurriedly said: "If the two adults don't believe it, you can go in and search."

   "That guy escaped quite fast." Yan Chengfeng snorted coldly. That day, Leng Xuan led a large group of people out of the ghost cave, and it had already spread to the mausoleum city, and all the forces already knew Leng Xuan's name. Luo Shuai guessed that he was afraid of retribution, so he sneaked away.

   "Forget it, since he's gone, then we don't need to waste time here."

   "Just let him go?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Are we chasing out of the mausoleum city? Just leave, and besides, you are not at a loss. When he left, all such a large property is left behind, and no one inherits it. We can take his property and put it in the Be the master of one party in the mausoleum city."

Hearing what he said, Yan Chengfeng couldn't help but smile and said: "Actually, I think so too. All right, leave this matter to me, and I will handle it. It won't be long before this Dongcheng District is Our world is over."

  Leng Xuan found Du Zhong alone while Yan Chengfeng was busy returning to the territory. He still had a lot of doubts and wanted to ask Du Zhong to clarify.

   "Brother Leng, what's the matter? As long as I know, I must know everything."

   "Elder Du, I heard that Shang Dong is the second strongest in Mausoleum City, who is the first in Mausoleum City?"

"The first powerhouse?" Du Zhong said, "I don't know, no one has ever seen him. In my memory, he only appeared once. It was that time that confirmed his status as the first powerhouse. However, since Since then, he has never appeared again. Some people speculate that he may be a hidden powerhouse among the three major forces, or he may have happened to pass through the mausoleum city. In short, no one knows his true identity." Wen Yan, cold Xuan Dao: "You said he appeared once, when was that?"

Du Zhong recalled for a moment and said: "It should have been more than a hundred years ago, when a competition was held between the three major forces, and each party sent a supreme powerhouse. In that competition, Shang Dong won without suspense. However, just after he won, a masked man suddenly appeared on the field. As soon as the man appeared, he immediately launched an attack on Shang Dong. With only ten moves, Shang Dong was defeated. Because of this, Shang Dong was defeated. Dongcai was dubbed the second strongest in Mausoleum City."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, "That person never appeared again?"

   "No. After he defeated Shang Dong, he immediately disappeared, and he didn't stay any longer. No one knew his whereabouts." Du Zhong asked, "Brother Leng, why are you asking these questions?"

  Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just curious. Du Lao, you're busy first, I'll go back."

   Returning to the residence, Leng Xuan found that the house was empty. It is estimated that Yan Chengfeng called everyone to reclaim Luo Shuai's site.

   As long as they take over Luo Shuai's territory and successfully rule Dongcheng District, they will be able to have a place in Lingcheng in the future.

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