Looking up, I saw that Leng Yuehan's station had turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the two sides were fighting together, causing countless casualties. In all camps, Lin Hao and Leng Yuehan stood at each other's side, looking at the battlefield coldly.

  Leng Xuan was a little strange and asked, "Why did they kill them?"

"I received news that the worshiper Shang Dong invited by Lin Hao was secretly attacked by Wu Ming and died of serious injuries. Therefore, Lin Hao poured his anger on Leng Yuehan. Shang Dong is the most powerful force under Lin Hao. If he died, Lin Hao would definitely be unhappy. Moreover, this would have a great impact on Lin Hao's status in Mausoleum City."

  Leng Xuan smiled and said: "It's more than that. If only one Shang Dong died, Lin Hao wouldn't be like this. The reason why he was angry is because the two worshipers he invited all died."

   "Both are dead?" Yan Chengfeng was startled and said, "How did you know?"

   "Because I killed them all with my own hands." Having said this, Leng Xuan told some of the things that happened in the ghost cave. Of course, in this story, he did not mention the mysterious man or anything related to the mysterious man. They just told Yan Chengfeng that they mistakenly thought that there was a ghost in the ghost cave, which caused a series of things.

   "Is there really a ghost in the ghost cave?"

"How could it be so easy to find a ghost weapon?" Leng Xuan said, "Now that the two supreme powerhouses under Lin Hao are dead, his position in the mausoleum city is definitely not guaranteed, and Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan's camps are different from each other. There is a supreme powerhouse. With the current situation, once Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan know that Shang Dong and the others have been killed, they will never miss such a good opportunity. At that time, Lin Hao will definitely not end well."

   "If that's the case, then why did he come to trouble Leng Yuehan?" Yan Chengfeng asked in confusion, "He clearly knows that there is a supreme powerhouse in Leng Yuehan's camp, so isn't he courting death by doing this?"

"Zhang Yu is currently seriously injured and is still recovering, so he can't take action. Lin Hao must know this, so he took action. During Zhang Yu's recovery, if he can kill Leng Yuehan, then he will have one less competitor. There is still a chance to make a comeback. Moreover, once Leng Yuehan dies, Zhang Yu, who is the enshrined, may not avenge him, because there is no need to take risks..." Speaking of this, Leng Xuan's mind suddenly came up with a idea.

   "Yes." Lin Hao did this not because of anger, but in fact he kept calm. If he can kill Leng Yuehan, he can take the opportunity to win over Zhang Yu. As long as Zhang Yu becomes his worship, he will be able to fight against Feng Qingliu. Moreover, in this way, he can also keep his position. Only in this way can we explain why Lin Hao launched an attack on Leng Yuehan. As the leader of the largest force in Mausoleum City, Lin Hao is by no means an emotional person.

   "Do you think he can succeed?" Yan Chengfeng asked.

"Have you killed Leng Yuehan?" Leng Xuan looked at the battlefield not far away and said, "I can't tell. Lin Hao is the most powerful force in Mausoleum City, and he has a lot of capable people. Moreover, neither of the two forces is supremely strong now. With the overall strength alone, Lin Hao will definitely stabilize Leng Yuehan." Yan Chengfeng nodded and said, "Are you interested in making a move?"

"I have no hatred and no grudges with Lin Hao, and there is no entanglement of interests, so there is no need to get involved. However, I don't like Lin Hao very much. If there must be a winner between him and Leng Yuehan, I hope it is Leng Yuehan. ."

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