"Didn't you just say that his power is not as good as Lin Hao, so how could he possibly win."

  Leng Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Although I don't want to take action, it doesn't mean that others can't take action. You can send someone to help me spread the word."

   After a quarter of an hour, the battle between Lin Hao and Leng Yuehan became more and more intense, and both sides suffered casualties. In contrast, Leng Yuehan's losses were greater. At this moment, Lin Hao's men had already captured half of Leng Yuehan's station, and they were pressing forward step by step. If this trend continues, it won't be long before Leng Yuehan's men will be defeated.

   But at this moment, a large number of people suddenly flew from the mid-air of Mausoleum City. From the clothing point of view, they are all elegant people.

As soon as the    Breeze of Wind arrived, he immediately joined the battle. The target they attacked was Lin Hao's subordinates.

   Seeing this scene, Lin Hao's face turned gloomy immediately, and said angrily: "Feng Qingliu, get out of here!"

   As his voice fell, a middle-aged man slowly appeared in the air, and said in a flat tone, "You are looking for me?" It was none other than Feng Qingliu.

   "What do you want to do?" Lin Hao gritted his teeth, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

   "What do you think I'm doing?" Feng Qingliu's tone was calm, completely unmoved by Lin Hao's anger.

   "This is a fight between me and Leng Yuehan, it has nothing to do with you, immediately take your people and disappear from my eyes, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Before Lin Hao's cruel words were finished, Feng Qingliu immediately took over his words, "Lin Hao, over the years, Lingcheng has always been led by your power, and no one dared to touch you. But , this situation can finally be broken. Don't think I don't know, both Shang Dong and Yuan Long under your command are dead, what can you rely on now?"

   "You..." Lin Hao's expression changed, obviously not expecting Feng Qingliu to know about this. No one knew about the deaths of Shang Dong and Yuan Long, even among his cronies, although there was some speculation, no one was sure whether they were really dead.

   At this moment, being revealed by Feng Qingliu, Lin Hao was naturally surprised. While surprised, he felt a trace of something wrong. Since Feng Qingliu already knew that he had lost his support, he would never let him go easily. His original idea was similar to Leng Xuan's guess. As long as he killed Leng Yuehan and recruited Zhang Yu at a small price, he could continue to guarantee his status in Mausoleum City. But now, although Feng Qingliu revealed the truth, all plans were ruined. How could he not hate such a result.

   "It seems that Lin Hao will die today." On the roof not far away, Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng stood quietly, watching the situation on the field change. Hearing Yan Chengfeng's words, Leng Xuan smiled slightly. It was he who asked Yan Chengfeng to send someone to tell Feng Qingliu about the deaths of Shang Dong and Yuan Long. Because he knew very well in his heart that whether Feng Qingliu believed him or not, he would send someone to test it.

  If it is fake, he can withdraw his troops and let them fight. But if it is true, for him, it will be an excellent opportunity to eradicate Lin Hao. Therefore, as long as Feng Qingliu has a little mind, he will never miss such an opportunity.

   "Humph!" Lin Hao sneered and said, "Feng Qingliu, how do you know that my two worshipers are dead? Where did you hear the news, I don't even know it myself."

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