After   Leng Xuan explained to Wang Axe, he took Zhang Yu and his men directly to Leng Yuehan's station. After delivering Zhang Yu, he returned to Beicheng to meet with Du Zhong. When he came to the place where Du Zhong lived, Yan Chengfeng had already arrived and was waiting for his return. "Are you all right?" Seeing Leng Xuan coming in from outside the lobby, Yan Chengfeng immediately got up and greeted him.

   "Do you think I look like something is wrong?" Leng Xuan smiled. At this time, Du Zhong stepped forward a few steps, cupped his hands, and said with a smile, "Brother Leng, I am relieved to see you come back safely." After a pause, he couldn't help but ask: "By the way, Brother Leng, Why did you guys come back so soon, it's only been seven days, isn't there another seven days left?"

   "Everyone is almost dead, is it still a waste of time to stay there?"

   "Wang Axe just reported the situation to me, but he is very clear about the specific process. Brother Leng, what happened to you in the ghost cave, why did Shang Dong, Wu Ming, and Cao Zhi not come out?"

   "They are all dead." Speaking of this, Leng Xuan suddenly smiled and said: "Elder Du, starting from today, you can raise your eyebrows in Beicheng District, and you don't need to be afraid of Lin Hao and those people."

   "Really?" Du Zhong couldn't seem to believe his ears.

   "Since Leng Xuan said so, then it must be." Yan Chengfeng answered.

"In the next few days, Mausoleum City will definitely not be too calm, Mr. Du, you'd better call back all your staff to avoid unnecessary losses." After hearing Leng Xuan's words, Du Zhong suddenly realized something and nodded quickly. Said: "Yes, I know."

   Back to Mausoleum City, two days have passed in a blink of an eye. In the past two days, the mausoleum city was peaceful, just like before, as if nothing had happened. But Leng Xuan knew very well that this was just a brief silence before the storm. Before long, the mausoleum city will be completely chaotic. At that time, it must be a situation of blood flowing into rivers.

   "What did you say? Tell me again!" In a spacious lobby, Lin Hao suddenly stood up from his seat and yelled at his subordinates.

   "Sir... Sir, we have checked carefully and found no trace of Sir Shang and Sir Yuan."

   "It's impossible! Two good living people, have they disappeared?"

   "Perhaps...perhaps as Leng Xuan said, both adults have...already..." The subordinate swallowed secretly, looked at Lin Hao's cold eyes, and did not dare to continue.

   "They will never be in trouble." Lin Hao said coldly, "The two supreme powerhouses, who has the ability to kill them." After the words were finished, he suddenly asked: "Where is Qi Ge, has he summoned him?"

   "The interrogation has been going on for two consecutive days. He and the others reported the same situation. There is no problem."

   "Is it really like that?" Hearing this, Lin Hao frowned and muttered to himself.

   "Send the order down and get everyone ready to fight."

   The next day, early morning. Leng Xuan was still cultivating in the room when suddenly Yan Chengfeng's voice came from outside.

   opened the door, only to hear Yan Chengfeng smile: "Leng Xuan, are you interested in watching a play?"

   Not long after, they came to Leng Yuehan's territory. As soon as he arrived at the place, Leng Xuan saw that the street was deserted, and there was no one. And not far away, bursts of shouting and killing came over. At the moment, the two jumped up and came to the top of a towering building.

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