"Breaking the sky, splitting the sky, shaking the sky, reaching the sky, it's against the sky. Come out to me!"

   As his voice fell, a powerful and terrifying aura suddenly burst out. At the same time, at the top of this huge stone house, a strange black hole suddenly appeared. The black hole is slowly turning, and there are silver snakes galloping in it from time to time, very violent, and that terrifying momentum is coming from it.

   "Rush attack!" Facing the strange black hole and the unknown, Yuan Long did not dare to wait any longer, and immediately launched an offensive, hoping to solve Leng Xuan first before Leng Xuan summoned that terrifying thing.

   However, just as he was about to approach Leng Xuan, that powerful and terrifying aura suddenly burst out, forming a huge impact. Before he could approach, he was forced back a few steps by the impact. When he reacted and was about to launch the offensive again, he found that there was an extra sword in Leng Xuan's hand. The sword looks ordinary, but it has a quaint atmosphere. That kind of breath is very ancient, as if it came from the beginning of the world, which makes people feel awe in their hearts unconsciously.

   "Kill!" Leng Xuan spit out a word coldly, his figure suddenly flashed, and he disappeared in place very strangely.

   Yuan Long was startled and quickly looked up at the top of his head. At this moment, in midair, Leng Xuan held his sword in one hand and held it high in the air, sweeping the majestic momentum from top to bottom. Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light bloomed from the sword, and within ten meters, it was covered by the golden light, including Yuan Long. Feeling the madly skyrocketing power, Yuan Long's expression changed, panic flashed in his eyes, and he rushed out of the golden light.

   However, the moment he set off, the dazzling golden light suddenly pressed down with the force of the sky. As the golden light fell, Yuan Long, who had not yet escaped from the golden light, only felt a shock all over his body. It seemed that all the meridians in his body were disconnected, and severe pain hit his nerves from time to time. "Shang Dong!" Yuan Long shouted with a mouthful of blood, wanting to call for help to Shang Dong not far away. However, as soon as his voice fell, he felt a strong sense of crisis strike. He didn't even raise his head, he only felt a chill in his neck, and a warm blood spurted out of his throat and splashed onto the ground. Then he lost all consciousness.

   Before that, Shang Dong, who heard Yuan Long's shouting, turned his head, and before he could respond, he saw Leng Xuan holding a sharp sword and brutally cut off Yuan Long's head. This **** scene made his pupils shrink. On the other hand, Wu Tian's eyes flashed with admiration.

   killed Yuan Long, Leng Xuan turned his head, his eyes locked on Shang Dong. At this moment, his eyes were red, the hand holding the sword trembled slightly, and the violent aura on his body was extremely terrifying.

   Watching Leng Xuan walking towards him step by step, Shang Dong unconsciously stepped back, his expression had long since lost his calmness.

   "Want to go?" At this moment, a cold voice came, and Wu Tian had blocked his retreat.

"Brother Leng, it was a misunderstanding just now." Glancing at Wu Tian, ​​Shang Dong looked at Leng Xuan and squeezed out a smile, "Don't forget, we agreed to work together before." However, for his words, Leng Xuan seemed to have not heard it, and the murderous aura in his eyes became stronger and stronger. Feeling the murderous aura, Shang Dong gritted his teeth, turned and rushed towards Wu Tian behind him.

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