After seeing Leng Xuan's performance just now, he was already jealous of Leng Xuan in his heart, and he didn't dare to fight against him again. In contrast, Wu Tian is much easier to deal with. Seeing that Shang Dong wanted to break through, Wu Tian snorted coldly, and immediately went up to him, blocking his way.

   At the same time, Leng Xuan pointed his toes, his body was like electricity, he quickly rushed behind Shang Dong, and stabbed his vital point with a sword.

   In the face of the two men's pincer attack, even if Shang Dong had four hands, he was still no match for Leng Xuan and Wu Tian. These two people, if you pull one out, you can fight him alone, not to mention the two of them together. Moreover, the current Leng Xuan is in a frenzy, and his strength is terrifying.

   "Boom!" With a loud noise, when Shang Dong turned around to deal with Leng Xuan's attack, Wu Tian took the opportunity to bully him and hit him on the back with a pair of fleshy palms.

   "Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spit out, and Shang Dong only felt a sharp pain attacking his whole body, and his movements suddenly slowed down. It was at this moment of effort that the sword in Leng Xuan's hand was easily sent into his body. Immediately, his wrist flicked, the sword light flashed, and blood splashed out.

After    two heavy blows, Shang Dong finally lost his resistance and collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

   "Brother Leng, you..." Although he was seriously injured, Shang Dong did not give up his hope of living, and wanted to convince Leng Xuan. Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, Leng Xuan's sword had already slashed through him, destroying his soul and body together.

   resolved Shang Dong, and Leng Xuan turned his attention to Wu Tian again, and the murderousness in his eyes did not diminish at all.

   Feeling this, Wu Tian, ​​who had relaxed a little, suddenly became vigilant and met Leng Xuan's gaze without saying a word. However, just as Leng Xuan was about to make his move, a strange and mysterious force suddenly appeared, like a transparent wall, between the two of them, blocking Leng Xuan. This sudden change made Wu Tian slightly surprised. However, before he could find out the reason, he felt his whole body light up and everything in front of him disappeared.

   After going through everything just now, the spacious stone room became calm again, leaving only Leng Xuan, the unconscious Zhang Yu, and the sarcophagus placed on the platform. When Wu Tian disappeared from his eyes, Leng Xuan turned around, holding a sword, and walked towards Zhang Yu not far away, his eyes still red.

   But at this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed out of mid-air. In that golden light, there seemed to be a person hiding, and only a silhouette could be seen vaguely, but the appearance could not be clearly seen. "Stop, Leng Xuan!"

   The other party's low voice came out, wanting to stop Leng Xuan's actions, but Leng Xuan only froze for a moment, just for a moment, as if he didn't hear his words, he still walked towards Zhang Yu. Seeing this, Jin Guangzhong snorted softly and spit out the word '呔'.

  Suddenly, Leng Xuan felt as if his mind had been struck by lightning, and his consciousness was in a trance. After a while, the crimson color in his eyes began to gradually recede, and he soon regained his previous clarity.

"woke up?"

Hearing the voice, Leng Xuan raised his head, looked at the mysterious man in the golden light, and said in amazement, "Is it you?" When the words fell, he turned his head to look around, and after discovering the dead Yuan Long and Monk Dong, his His face was full of surprise, "This... what happened? Who killed them."

   "Who else do you think?"

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan looked down at his right hand. On the sword in his hand, there are still bloodstains from the two of them.

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