Feeling the change behind him, Yuan Long's face sank, he quickly regained his senses, and turned to Zhang Yu. Seeing this, Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he secretly said, "Chance!"

   Without thinking too much, he immediately moved his body, and the four swords condensed from light appeared instantly.

   "Broken!" With a loud shout, the four swords burst out in unison, bringing a splendid light, breaking through the layer of fire tornado and reaching the center. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leng Xuan followed closely, rushed in, and pointed his steel fist directly at Yuan Long's back.

  Yuan Long glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Leng Xuan approaching quickly, and was about to make a move. However, Zhang Yu who was in front of him also noticed Leng Xuan's appearance. He roared angrily, his speed suddenly accelerated, and he rushed in front of Yuan Long, his hands tightly trapping his body, preventing him from having a chance to turn around. "Go away!" Yuan Long shouted loudly, but Zhang Yu remained motionless, using all his strength to stick his body against his body, leaving him no time to take care of Leng Xuan behind him.

   Seeing this, Yuan Long raised his palm high and slapped it from top to bottom. Immediately, Zhang Yu's face turned pale, and blood spit out from his mouth. However, even so, he still did not let go of his hand, instead he tried harder.

   "Bang!" Another blow, the look in Zhang Yu's eyes quickly dissipated, obviously he couldn't hold on anymore.

   Seeing Zhang Yu's ashes, Leng Xuan's steel teeth clenched, speeding to the extreme, rushing behind Yuan Long and punching out. Suddenly, a loud 'bang' was heard, and the steel fist with strong force hit Yuan Long's back ruthlessly.

   "Pfft!" A mouthful of blood was spit out, and Yuan Long's body was immediately knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

   "Brother Zhang." After repelling Yuan Long, Leng Xuan quickly helped Zhang Yu and shouted his name.

   "Cold...cold..." Zhang Yu wriggled the corners of his lips, but he still couldn't say the words in his mouth. Seeing the unconscious Zhang Yu, Leng Xuan immediately took out an elixir, put it into his mouth, and put him on the ground.

   The battle is not over yet, he can't take care of Zhang Yu all the time. Standing up, he stared coldly at Yuan Long who was facing him, and walked towards him step by step. The latter wiped the blood on the corner of his lips, and met Leng Xuan's gaze, his aura skyrocketed wildly.

   "Go to hell!" With a loud shout, a fire dragon rose into the sky again, hovering above his head.

   Looking at the rushing fire dragon, Leng Xuan did not dodge or evade, standing quietly in the same place, his eyes full of indifference. When the fire dragon rushed forward, he suddenly raised his hand, condensed his steel fist, and slammed it out.

   "Bang!" In the loud noise of the sky, the fire dragon formed by the condensed flame exploded instantly and dissipated in the air.

   Seeing this scene, Yuan Long's expression couldn't help changing, and he asked in surprise, "How is it possible?" When he fought against Leng Xuan just now, the opponent's strength was not so strong. But in the blink of an eye, Leng Xuan's strength seemed to have been greatly improved.

   What he didn't know was that Leng Xuan made up his mind the moment Zhang Yu was seriously injured and unconscious. As the violent aura in the stone tablet poured into his body, his aura began to skyrocket. It's just a matter of seconds, that momentum has reached its peak.

   Feeling the powerful aura that far surpassed his own, Yuan Long's eyes finally had a trace of fluctuation.

   "The Heaven-Defying Sword Formation, open!" Leng Xuan squeezed the seal with both hands, and the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation instantly condensed and formed.

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